Zoom Worship Gathering
You can follow this link to read all the passages for this Sunday’s lectionary readings.
In the giving of the ten commandments and in the coming of Christ Jesus, we see God reaching out to us to renew again and again the covenant relationship to humanity, a relationship that is just that – a relationship rather than a transaction.
What do we do when our own best efforts let us down?
What do we do when the short-sightedness or meanness of others cause pain and suffering in our lives, or the lives of those we love?
What do we do when unexplained difficulty or tragedy strikes?
The answer to these questions makes us who we are. When the answer to these questions includes a first step of asking God for guidance, we are in relationship to the eternal, to God.
These themes of promise and relationship will be lifted up this coming Sunday, the third Sunday of Lent. This week is also Communion Sunday, and we will convene LIVE by Zoom.
It will be wonderful to be together again, to remember the promises and partake at the table of our relationship to God.
See you Sunday!
Rev. Jane Herring
Emmanuel Presbyterian Church
*One Day I Wrote Back *- Upper Room Books
https://bookstore.upperroom.org/Products/K1376/one-day-i-wrote-back.aspx JaneHerring.com https://janeherring.com/