Regularly Scheduled Events
On Sundays
Service of Worship for the Lords Day 10 AM to 11 AM
Youth Time 11 AM to noon
Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Worship Committee is every second Sunday at 11:00am
Regularly Scheduled Meeting of EPC Session is Every Third Monday of the Month at 6:30pm
On Wednesdays
EPC Prayer night Wednesdays at 6 pm
Special Events
Sunday Advent Discussions
We will gather for brief discussions each Sunday morning in December in the adult classroom.
Prayer Night
We gather every Thursday night for contemplative silence and prayer. These meetings are held on Zoom.
Sunday Advent Discussions
We will gather for brief discussions each Sunday morning in December in the adult classroom.
Prayer Night
We gather every Thursday night for contemplative silence and prayer. These meetings are held on Zoom.
Sunday Advent Discussions
We will gather for brief discussions each Sunday morning in December in the adult classroom.
Advent Workshop
Advent Workshop with Victor Judge on the life and work of Thomas Merton. RSVP to janemherring@gmail.com for lunch, please.
Prayer Night
We gather every Thursday night for contemplative silence and prayer. These meetings are held on Zoom.
Sunday Advent Discussions
We will gather for brief discussions each Sunday morning in December in the adult classroom.
Prayer Night
We gather every Thursday night for contemplative silence and prayer. These meetings are held on Zoom.
Sunday Advent Discussions
We will gather for brief discussions each Sunday morning in December in the adult classroom.
Cookies and Art Day + Hanging of the Greens
All EPC kids are invited to stay after church to bake cookies, and everyone is invited to stay and enjoy the artwork of our very own John Denton. Parents could go do a little Christmas shopping. We’ll bake and sample cookies, sing Christmas carols, and prepare a maple village cookie delivery.
Tea Party
Come in your fancy clothes and spring bonnet or show up in your work clothes – just come on and join in the High Tea fun!
RSVP as soon as you can so we know how many delightful treats and goody bags to prepare. Text or call 615-627-6928 to say you’re in for tea time!
Our special guest speaker is Lib Caldwell. In addition to being a world-class professor, theologian, and author, she is wonderfully warm and creative. Lib will encourage us to dream together with God about “What Fills Our Cups When Difficult Times Go on Too Long.”
Special Guest: Dr. Lib Caldwell
Free Tax Prep by Vita United Way At EPC Nashville
Free tax prep hosted at Emmanuel Presbyterian by Vita United Way Wednesdays 1-6 through April 10 call 615- 206-7580
By appointment only
Free Tax Prep by Vita United Way At EPC Nashville
Free tax prep hosted at Emmanuel Presbyterian by Vita United Way Wednesdays 1-6 through April 10 call 615- 206-7580
By appointment only
Lectio Devina
Every Wednesday in Lent: Lectio Divina 6-6:30
Simple Lenten Shared Meal @ 6:40 – please contact Jane to sign up to bring one of the Lenten meals for sharing.
What is Lectio Divina? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lectio_Divina
Free Tax Prep by Vita United Way At EPC Nashville
Free tax prep hosted at Emmanuel Presbyterian by Vita United Way Wednesdays 1-6 through April 10 call 615- 206-7580
By appointment only
Lectio Devina
Every Wednesday in Lent: Lectio Divina 6-6:30
Simple Lenten Shared Meal @ 6:40 – please contact Jane to sign up to bring one of the Lenten meals for sharing.
What is Lectio Divina? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lectio_Divina
Free Tax Prep by Vita United Way At EPC Nashville
Free tax prep hosted at Emmanuel Presbyterian by Vita United Way Wednesdays 1-6 through April 10 call 615- 206-7580
By appointment only
Lectio Devina
Every Wednesday in Lent: Lectio Divina 6-6:30
Simple Lenten Shared Meal @ 6:40 – please contact Jane to sign up to bring one of the Lenten meals for sharing.
What is Lectio Divina? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lectio_Divina
Free Tax Prep by Vita United Way At EPC Nashville
Free tax prep hosted at Emmanuel Presbyterian by Vita United Way Wednesdays 1-6 through April 10 call 615- 206-7580
By appointment only
Lectio Devina
Every Wednesday in Lent: Lectio Divina 6-6:30
Simple Lenten Shared Meal @ 6:40 – please contact Jane to sign up to bring one of the Lenten meals for sharing.
What is Lectio Divina? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lectio_Divina
Free Tax Prep by Vita United Way At EPC Nashville
Free tax prep hosted at Emmanuel Presbyterian by Vita United Way Wednesdays 1-6 through April 10 call 615- 206-7580
By appointment only
Lectio Devina
Every Wednesday in Lent: Lectio Divina 6-6:30
Simple Lenten Shared Meal @ 6:40 – please contact Jane to sign up to bring one of the Lenten meals for sharing.
What is Lectio Divina? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lectio_Divina