Where Is The Good News In Hard Passages?

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We have some very difficult texts this week. The psalm listed is enough like the songs of praise we sing each week, looking up to God who delivers, but the passages from 2 Samuel and Mark deal with heartbreak, jealously, and even death. In our Old Testament passage, we see King David dancing before the Ark of the Covenant. A lesser-known player in this drama is Michal: she watches her husband David with hate and heartbreak from a nearby view. In Mark 6:14-29 we read the terrible story of John the Baptist being imprisoned and beheaded by King Herod.

Where is the good news in these hard passages? It can be hard to find this good news, unless we are able to see in ourselves some of the same behaviors or motivations we see in King David and King Herod. Let us open the word together this Sunday and see what God may be saying to us in our lives now.

See you Sunday!




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