Jesus Heals A Blind Man
What are we to do with this week’s gospel lesson of Jesus healing the blind man?
I am not always sure what the gospel healings mean to me or to contemporary Christians.
We each have a life cycle: being born, living, and one day passing on into the next life. This same life cycle applied to the people Jesus healed, even to Lazarus who was raised from death.
So what do healings mean? How are we to understand them?
Should we take the healing stories as metaphors for spiritual renewal. I do.
Should we regard them as mythological language that speaks to deep truths about the human condition and our ever-evolving relationship to what we call the divine? I do.
Should we dare to believe that God’s miraculous healings still take place, that Christians can and should pray for wholeness and healing for themselves and for each other? I do.
All these questions arise for me when I read the accounts of healings, and for this I am grateful. Within my own heart, and amongst fellow believers, these questions lead to rich discussion and heartfelt prayer. God uses our intellectual questions as well as the current situations in our lives to speak to our faith lives through the Living Word. This too is a miracle in my mind.
Take a look at all the lectionary readings for Sunday here, including the gospel reading:
See you Sunday!