EPC Resources
Lent Calendar
Ash Wednesday: February 22nd at 6pm
We will gather in the sanctuary for the imposition of ashes, prayer, music, and reading of the Holy Word.
Sunday Worship in Lent: 9:45am (Feb 26-March 26)
Sunday mornings in Lent will look a little different this year: your worship committee has designed a slightly new order to create a more quiet, contemplative service for the five Sundays of the Lenten season.
Contemplative music will begin at 9:45am.
Announcements will begin at 9:50am.
Worship begins at 10:00am.
Daily Lenten Devotional: The church-wide daily reading for Lent is…
Wondrous Encounters: Scripture for Lent by Richard Rohr is the church-wide daily reading for Lent. We have a few copies at the church, donated by an anonymous angel. I think there are a few left. Otherwise, they are available for purchase at Amazon.
Sunday School in Lent: 9:00am (Feb 26-March 26)
Read the weekly selections in Wondrous Encounters and join us for Sunday School at 9am in Pastor Jane’s office. There will be plenty of chairs, and coffee too.
We will read and discuss the Sunday selection and discuss any lingering thoughts or questions from the previous week’s reading.
Wednesdays in Lent: 6:00pm –(approximately) 7pm Lectio Divina and Simple Supper
(March 1,8,15,22,29)
We will gather at 6pm each Wednesday of March for a brief practice of Lectio Divina.
Lectio Divina is a traditional practice of scriptural reading followed by meditation and prayer. The practice is meant to promote communion with God, the ability to listen and open to God’s promptings for you through scripture. In this way, Lectio Divina approaches scripture not so much a text to be studied but a living word to be listened to with an open heart.
At 6:30 we will gather at the table for a simple Lenten meal, usually soup and bread or beans and rice.
Holy Week Services
Maundy Thursday: April 6th
We will have our traditional Supper of the Lamb. Details will be forthcoming. Mark your calendar for this special event when we break bread together and remember that last supper we celebrate in our holy communion.
Good Friday observance will be April 7th: more details to come.
The Lenten season ends with Holy Saturday (or Quiet Saturday) as we anticipate the celebration of our risen Lord on Easter Sunday. A joyous day it will be.
Advent Events
December 4: Communion Sunday
December 4: Oasis Bag assembly during service
December 11: Worship Committee meeting, 11:15
December 11: Claire Cope piano recital in sanctuary at 2pm
December 11: Christmas festive fellowship after church 11:30
December 21: Blue Christmas Service of Hope and Healing, 6pm
December 24: Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, 4pm
December 25: Christmas is on Sunday this year. We will have a brief service of readings, communion, and music beginning at the usual 10:00 hour. Hot cinnamon rolls and spiced tea will be served.
News & Announcements September-October 2022
Worship Committee Mtg (every 2nd Sunday)
Session Meeting (every 3rd Monday)
Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg (every 3rd Sunday)
EPC Prayer night Wednesdays at 6 pm
You Are Invited! To a House Warming for Sue Stanton on September 25th from 2 to 4. We are so happy to have Sue in our EPC circle of friends and family, let’s warm Sue’s house with our presence and good wishes! Sue lives just a few minutes from the church.
Blessing of the Animals and Service of Worship will be held at our regular worship hour, 10am, Sunday, October 2, 2022
A Communion of Saints Service of Worship will be held at our regular worship hour, 10am, October 30, 2022 in recognition of All Saints’ Day.
Adult Book Study: September 11 - October 16 after fellowship each Sunday (around 11:15). We will read and discuss I*nspired: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again *by Rachel Held Evans
Bring a snack to share please, in case folks are pre-lunch peckish.
Feel free to join by zoom if you cannot make it in person:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81782588075?pwd=Wi80enRsQXh1Z0pnMGxDNExwa2duQT09 Meeting ID: 817 8258 8075. Passcode: 300702
24/7:EPC Prayer Labyrinth is open.
*Labyrinth prayer prompt:* Lord Jesus, what do I need to be honest with you with myself about today? Amen.
EPC will host the Middle Tennessee Presbytery Small Church Youth Gathering on October 30th. Please let Jane know if you can help! We need hands and feet for hosting our youth.
Inquirers of all ages: Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church. 615-818-9727. janemherring@gmail.com
Welcome Visitors! Please feel free to reach out to Pastor Jane on her cell (call/text) 615-818-9727 or email at janemherring@gmail.com