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Sunday Service

Online Services will continued to be offered.

Email Jane to RSVP a spot for in-person services.

In-person will be held Sundays 10 am to 10:20 candle lighting contemplative Advent service in sanctuary for 8 or fewer persons (6 ft apart, masks, touch-free) with invitation to stand apart under the pavilion afterward, departing at 11.

Congregants are screened at the front door at 9:50 by John Sevier and seated. Service starts at 10. Extra masks available at door. Hand sanitizer, wipes, and Kleenex at door.

 Jane will serve as liturgist/officiant or will secure someone to serve as such for the service.

          Opening Prayer and Scripture Readings.

           Invitation to Light Candles in Prayer

           Short Message on Advent theme of the day.

           Music (recorded or live, tba)

           Closing Prayer

John invites congregants to exit in order out the back hallway.

John and Norris will secure a process (and helpers, if needed) to disinfect surfaces and put away (wiped down) chairs after congregants have departed at 11. 

Additional supplies will need to be purchased for this process:

Masks, disinfecting wipes, mirco-ban air spray, boxes of kleenex, gloves.

December 19

Grief Share

December 23

Prayer Group