Give To Emmanuel

Emmanuel makes a profound difference through a variety of programs and ministries that are only possible because of generous acts of giving. If you are a part of the Emmanuel community, we encourage you to give regularly. It is only through your partnership that we are able to change the world together. Thank you. 

Below is a button that takes you to a PayPal page where you can make a secure donation online. Before you click it, take a few minutes to read the F.A.Q. list below it. We want to share a little more about our beliefs regarding money, debt and where you should consider giving.

Note: Emmanuel is a 501(c)(3) organization and registered in good standing with the state of Tennessee. We send out year end receipts for tax purposes.


Giving FAQs

Should I give?

If you're carrying lots of credit card debt, don't add to it by giving to Emmanuel. If you are struggling to manage your finances, we can connect you to someone who can help you gain a Scriptural perspective on your finances.

Emmanuel does not offer tax advice. However, if you need legal help with your debt, we may be able to assist you in finding legal advice.

How do I give online?

Click the Donate button above, it will take you to a PayPal page. If you don't have an account, click the appropriate payment icons, or create an account and set up your contribution.

Can I test this by giving one time?

Yes. You can test-drive "online giving" by simply giving one time.

How can I keep a record of the amount I have contributed?

PayPal will generate an email with the details of your giving each time you use it. Emmanuel keeps records as well and we will send year-end statements directly to you each year.

Can I use my debit card or credit card?

Yes, we accept these cards specifically.

(Visa, Master Card, American Express, and Discover)

Can I use an electronic check?

Yes. Giving by electronic check allows you to pay using a checking account with a routing and account number found on the bottom of your personal checks.

Will I pay a fee for this online service?

No, but there is a small fee charged to Emmanuel for each transaction (currently 2.2% processing fee + $0.30).

Who do I talk to if I have more financial questions about the church?

Use the CONTACT US form, and we will be glad to answer any other questions you may have. Like we mentioned above, we're more concerned about you finding a place in God's Kingdom than your money.