EPC Resources

Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian

December 18th, 2024 | Newsletter

  • Welcome Visitors!

    We are excited to call your attention to, and encourage you, to visit our upgraded website! Go to www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org for all your questions. Cut and paste one of these sites in your browser, or if you can’t find your answers there, try the options below: janemherring@gmail.com – Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615-818-9727 or at this email about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized), to join the church or any other questions you might have. epcnashville@gmail.com - general EPC email can be sent to this site (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account).

    epcbusiness9770@gmail.com - If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with

    EPC’s finances or other business topics, email your question or request here.

    janemherring@gmail.com - Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin here.

    frhanchey@gmail.com - Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter here.

    frhanchey@gmail.com – Send questions about the outdoor gardens or children’s

    education/programming here.

    Inquirers of all ages:

    Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church

    (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

  • First reading - Micah 5:2-5a

    Psalm - Luke 1:46b-55 or Psalm 80:1-7

    Second reading - Hebrews 10:5-10

    Gospel - Luke 1:39-45, (46-55)

  • Litergical readers and schedule notes

    Date | Pulpit | Liturgist | Notes |

    12.22.24 | Herring | Darrell H.

    12.29.24 | Herring | Sandra H.

    1.5.25 | Herring | Jan R. | Communion

    1.12.25 | Herring | Ginia W.

    1.19.25 | Herring |

    1.26.25 | Herring | Barb H.


    Can this be your New Year’s Resolution?

    I will step out of my comfort zone and volunteer to be liturgist at least on one Sunday in 2025.

    Call or email Barb when you are ready at 615-473-3510 or epcbusiness9770@gmail.com

    •  Doug and Sue H Candle of Joy and lead the responsive reading to the congregation.

    •  Congregants were encouraged to bring their own nativity scene to share during next week’s worship.

    •  A congregational meeting was held and EPC members will next present 3 names (to be voted on?) as potential new elders of the 2025 session.

  • Scripture

    1 Peter 3:8

    Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble.

    Quotes about prayer:

    There is a place where you can touch the eyes of blinded men to instant, perfect sight; There is a placewhere you can say, “Arise” to dying captives, bound in chains of night; There is a place where you can reach the store of hoarded gold and free it for the Lord; There is a place — upon some distant shore — Where you can send the worker and the Word. Where is that secret place—do you ask, “Where?” O soul, it is the secret place of prayer! — Alfred Lord Tennyson

    Invitation to Prayer Group services:

    •   Prayer is the life blood of our relationship with God.

    •   Prayer is the mechanism by which we grow and mature as followers of Christ.

    •   Prayer is the place of solace in grief, celebration in joy and sharing without fear.

    •   Prayer is often solitary and there is great joy in that “alone time” with God.

    •   Prayer is also communal, building our relationships with each other and God simultaneously.

    •   Please come pray with us – 6:00 PM each Thursday night for an hour (or so).

     Submit your prayer requests to: EPCprayers97@gmail.com by 5:00 PM each Thursday

  • Joy Offering

    Only one Sunday left - Joy Offering so far this year - $246.69

    These funds provide assistance to current and retired church workers in their

    time of need and develops our future leaders at Presbyterian-related schools.

    This coming Sunday is the last day for giving to the 2024 Christmas Joy Offering.


    Thank you, EPC, for supporting our Oasis Ministry. A request has gone out for winter items, see list below.

    With winter fast approaching, our Outreach team is working hard to ensure that youth and young adults experiencing homelessness are able to stay safe and warm. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we have received plenty of coats and jackets. However, we are still in need of hand warmers, hats, gloves, blankets, and other weather-appropriate gear.

    Donations can be dropped off at Oasis Center Monday-Friday from 9 am-3 pm, or by emailing us to arrange another

    time. You can also view our Amazon wish lists here.

    Any donated items can be brought to EPC by Jan 12 and they will get delivered to the Oasis Center building.

    There is a collection box for donated items outside the children’s classroom door.

  • It’s Stewardship Season:

     Utmost THANKS from the Treasurer for your pledges. If you haven’t submitted yours yet, please email them to: Epcbusiness9770@gmail.com as soon as you can.

    Financial Support for Missions:

    Call it what you will, for a small church we are involved in many different local ministries, missions or outreach programs.
    Funding for these giving programs come from various places, one of these places is you!

    If you would like to donate additional funds for a specific program, checks can be made to the following ongoing missions of EPC.

    Community Garden
    Gateway to Higher Education Scholarship Crossroads Campus
    Maple Village
    Special Music Ministry events

    Please note on the memo line which mission your check is meant to support.

    Financial Support for EPC:

    If you are not able to attend worship service and still wish show your support for Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, you can contribute in the following ways:

    •   Online–send an electronic payment, your bank can help you set this up if you have questions.

    •   By Mail – our mailing address is EPC, 9770 Hwy 96, Nashville, TN 37221

    •   Through EPC’s website www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org Simply click on the “GIVE” button, then the “donate” button, to donate via PayPal or debit/credit card. This can be a one-time donation or can be set up as a monthly donation.

  •  Join us after worship service for fellowship, snacks and fresh cup of coffee!
     There is a sign-up sheet by the front door if you wish to help.

     Our Thanksgiving pot luck dinner is this Sunday after church service.
     The list to the right is a copy of the sign-up sheet for thanksgiving dinner, whatever else you want to bring will be just fine.

  • The Covid bug is back, the flu bug, the cold virus…. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the

    front entrance to use as desired. Be aware of your health and consider others in all you do. We urge

    everyone to remain vigilant in washing hands and wearing masks as you feel is appropriate.

  • Ongoing:

    • Communion every 1st Sunday

    • Building Improvement Committee every first Sunday (1/5)

    • Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (1/12)

    • Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (1/19)

    • Session Mtg every 3rd Monday after service (1/20)

  • December 19: Delivering Christmas cookies to Maple Village. See Ginia for details.

    December 24: Candlelight Christmas Eve Service of Lessons and Carols, 4:30pm.

    December 25: Christmas Morning Service, 8am

    Please remember to check the “Events”, “Missions” and “Stewardship” bulletin boards in the hallway for

    ongoing information about these areas of activity at EPC.

    Also, don’t forget about the file system in the hallway for each committee where you can make

    suggestions to be considered by session for changes and improvement.

  • *Dec 16 – Dec 21(for Sunday School Dec 22) Reading: Part 2, Chapters 1-6 (approx. 30 pages) Theme: Joy in Simplicity

    *Dec 23 – Dec 28 (for Sunday School Dec 29) Reading: Part 2, Chapters 7-12 (approx. 30 pages) Theme: Love Made Manifest

    Thursdays in December at 6 pm – We gather for contemplative silence, reading, and prayer every Thursday at 6pm by ZOOM. Link to come by email.

    The Advent Daily Devotional Readings were sent out by email on Nov. 29. Pastor Jane will print a copy for you, if you like.

  • In class last Sunday, we had the chance to finish up our Thankful Thanksgiving banner.

    It is hanging on the kid’s bulletin board; I encourage you to take a look at it.

    What are you most grateful for?


    At Emmanuel we offer a “kid’s message” during the early part of the worship service, followed by a “children’s church” in the kid’s classroom for those up to 10 years old or still in elementary school. The message is a short story that usually has some sort of lesson related to it and in children’s church we usually discuss the story in more depth and follow it with a craft or activity that helps the story (and the lesson!) sink in.

    Infant care is available for those under 3.

    We offer a “chat time ” in the classroom after service (11ish – noonish) for those over 10 who want some time to privately share what is on their mind.

    We have two adults with the children and their safety and education is our top priority.

  • Thanks to the Rosenbergs and the Beautification and Improvements Committee (formerly the committee known as Building and Grounds), we have a wonderful new focal point to our front garden.

    The wrought iron artwork mirrors the circular stained glass window in the front of the church. These circles, and the circle on the cross that hangs at the front of our sanctuary, bear the ancient Christian symbology of "no end and no beginning," reminding us of the eternal nature of God's love.

    Also, though you can’t see them well in this picture, thank you to Richard and Diana for the beautiful entranceway to the sanctuary.

  • Class of 2024

    Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission

    John Denton, Building and Grounds

    Class of 2025

    Greg Burlison, Personnel

    John Sevier, Director of Music

    Class of 2026

    Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure

    Jan Russell

Read More
Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian

December 11th, 2024 | Newsletter

  • *It’s Stewardship Season

    Stewardship: November 10th – November 24th

    Tithing is an act of GRATITUDE.

    There is one thing that is consistently expressed by people who have a contented and confident relationship with their financial situation. Surprisingly, it is not how much money they have, It is a grateful heart. When they focus on sharing their treasure, their time and their talents, they take the focus off of themselves and instead begin to focus outwardly on others. This shift in focus cultivates a grateful heart and illuminates the blessings they have in their lives. When they chose to live a joyful generous life, then, and only then, can they really thrive. Don’t wait until you have enough – start now! God blesses this obedience and discipline with a grateful heart; with a world that will get larger rather than smaller.

    Welcome Visitors!

    We are excited to call your attention to, and encourage you, to visit our upgraded website! Go to www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org for all your questions. Cut and paste one of these sites in your browser. If you can’t find your answers there, try the options below:

    janemherring@gmail.com – Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615- 818-9727 or at her email about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized), to join

    the church or for answers to any other questions you might have.

    epcnashville@gmail.com - General EPC email can be sent to this site (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account).

    epcbusiness9770@gmail.com - If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances or other business topics, email your question or request here.

    janemherring@gmail.com - Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin here.
    frhanchey@gmail.com - Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter here.

    frhanchey@gmail.com – Send questions about the outdoor gardens or children’s education/programming here.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

  • First reading -- Zephaniah 3:14-20

    Psalm -- Isaiah 12:2-6

    Second reading -- Philippians 4:4-7

    Gospel -- Luke 3:7-18

  • Litergical readers and schedule notes

    Date | Pulpit | Liturgist | Notes |

    12.15.24 | Herring | Karen R.

    12.22.24 | Herring | Darrell H.

    12.29.24 | Herring | Sandra H.

    1.5.25 | Herring | | Communion

    1.12.25 | Herring |

    1.19.25 | Herring |

    1.26.25 | Herring | Barb H.

    Thank you to those of you who serve as liturgists. If you wish to volunteer as liturgist, send an email to epcbusiness9770@gmail.com or call 615-473-3510.

  • Invitation to Prayer Group services:

    •   Prayer is the life blood of our relationship with God.

    •   Prayer is the mechanism by which we grow and mature as followers of Christ.

    •   Prayer is the place of solace in grief, celebration in joy and sharing without fear.

    •   Prayer is often solitary and there is great joy in that “alone time” with God.

    •   Prayer is also communal, building our relationships with each other and God simultaneously.

    •   Please come pray with us – 6:00 PM each Thursday night for an hour (or so).

     Submit your prayer requests to: EPCprayers97@gmail.com by 5:00 PM each Thursday Scripture:

    2 Thessalonians 3:5

    May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ.

    Quotes about prayer:

    I have lived to thank God that not all my prayers have been answered. ~~ Jean Ingelow Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers. ~~ Garth Brooks

  • Joy Offering

    The Joy Offering will be collected from December 1 - December 22. The Joy offering collected to date for 2024 -- $125.00

    These funds provide assistance to current and retired church workers in their time of need and develops our future leaders at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color.



    Thank you for kicking off the holidays season by shopping and cooking for our community meal last week! Your time was a huge gift and helped our staff focus on other needs for young people. Your donations also helped us spend our dollars on items they might need this winter.

    Thank you! If you are interested in volunteering to help with meals in future, we’d love your support.

    We serve lunch in our Outreach Center, and volunteers are the only reason we are able to serve about 100 meals per week. The calendar with dates and more info as well as our most needed items for winter are also found at www.oasiscenter.org.

    If you are interested in other ways to get involved, please visit our volunteer page, sign up for our newsletter at bottom, or email me.

    I hope you have a wonderful, restful and warm holiday season! Felisha C. Baquera
    Community and Corporate Relations Manager

    Oasis Center
    1704 Charlotte Ave STE 200 Nashville, TN 37203-9960 oasiscenter.org
    Direct Dial: 615.983.6887 Main office: 615.327.4455 Fax: 615.329.1444

  • It’s Stewardship Season:

     Utmost THANKS from the Treasurer for your pledges. If you haven’t submitted yours yet, please email them to: Epcbusiness9770@gmail.com as soon as you can.

    Financial Support for Missions:

    Call it what you will, for a small church we are involved in many different local ministries, missions or outreach programs.
    Funding for these giving programs come from various places, one of these places is you!

    If you would like to donate additional funds for a specific program, checks can be made to the following ongoing missions of EPC.

    Community Garden
    Gateway to Higher Education Scholarship Crossroads Campus
    Maple Village
    Special Music Ministry events

    Please note on the memo line which mission your check is meant to support.

    Financial Support for EPC:

    If you are not able to attend worship service and still wish show your support for Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, you can contribute in the following ways:

    •   Online–send an electronic payment, your bank can help you set this up if you have questions.

    •   By Mail – our mailing address is EPC, 9770 Hwy 96, Nashville, TN 37221

    •   Through EPC’s website www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org Simply click on the “GIVE” button, then the “donate” button, to donate via PayPal or debit/credit card. This can be a one-time donation or can be set up as a monthly donation.

  •  Join us after worship service for fellowship, snacks and fresh cup of coffee!
     There is a sign-up sheet by the front door if you wish to help.

     Our Thanksgiving pot luck dinner is this Sunday after church service.
     The list to the right is a copy of the sign-up sheet for thanksgiving dinner, whatever else you want to bring will be just fine.

  • The Covid bug is back. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the front entrance to use as desired. Be aware of your health and consider others in all you do.

    Share the Love, Show your Support! Now taking pre-orders for EPC T-shirts! Details below. Offering Gildan Heavy Cotton Unisex t-shirts

    5.3 oz./yd2 (US) 8.8 oz./L yd (CA), 100% cotton

    •   Innovation you can feel. Made with 100% U.S. cotton and the latest breakthrough in soft cotton technology, the Gildan® Heavy Cotton family has been remastered for improved printability, quality and comfort you can see and feel.

    •   Classic fit

    •   Rib collar

    •   Taped neck and shoulders for comfort and durability

    •   Tear away label

    •   Proud member of the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol

  • December 8 – Congregational Meeting after worship to elect ENC 2024

    December 5 – Advent Outing! 100th Anniversary of Downtown Pres Waffle Shop!

    Leave EPC at 10am. Talk to Ginia for details.

    SUNDAY MORNINGS AT 9AM – Thoughts in Solitude by Thomas Merton

    Sunday Dec 1: Introduction to Thomas Merton by Pastor Jane

    *Dec 2 – Dec 7 (for Sunday School Dec 8) Reading: Part 1, Chapters 1-6 (approx. 30 pages) Theme: Hope and Waiting in Silence

    *Dec 9 – Dec 14 (for Sunday School Dec 15) Reading: Part 1, Chapters 7-12 (approx. 30 pages) Theme: Peace in the Wilderness

    *Dec 16 – Dec 21(for Sunday School Dec 22) Reading: Part 2, Chapters 1-6 (approx. 30 pages) Theme: Joy in Simplicity

    *Dec 23 – Dec 28 (for Sunday School Dec 29) Reading: Part 2, Chapters 7-12 (approx. 30 pages) Theme: Love Made Manifest

    Thursdays in December – We gather for contemplative silence, reading, and prayer every Thursday at 6pm by ZOOM. Link to come by email.

    Saturday, December 14 – 10am to 2pm - Advent Workshop with Victor Judge on the    life and work of Thomas Merton. RSVP for lunch, please. janemherring@gmail.com

    The Advent Daily Devotional Readings will be sent out by email on Nov. 29. Pastor Jane will print a copy for you, if you like.

    Blue Christmas Service of Hope and Healing is December 11th  at 6pm – As much as Christmas is a time of joy, it is also a difficult time. Sorrows and Losses are part of this season of togetherness too. Come, let us present out needs to the Lord together.

    Candlelight Christmas Eve Service of Lessons and Carols, December 24th at 4:30pm – Come hear the sacred story of old and sing the songs of joy and thanks. Go into the Holy Night ahead with candlelight, prayer, and song.

    Christmas Morning Service, December 25 at 8am – Let us gather around the manger for a simple Service of Communion.          Hot cinnamon rolls, coffee, and tea serve.

  • Starting December 1:
    Sundays in December at 9 AM (not 9:15 as previously stated) in the adult classroom –

    Thoughts in Solitude by Thomas Merton. The reading schedule for December is below. Sunday Dec 1: Introduction to Thomas Merton by Pastor Jane

    Sunday Dec 8: *Dec 2 – Dec 7 (for Sunday School) Reading: Part 1, Chapters 1-6 (approx. 30 pages) Theme: Hope and Waiting in Silence

    Sunday Dec 15: Dec 9 – Dec 14 (for Sunday School) Reading: Part 1, Chapters 7-12 (approx. 30 pages) Theme: Peace in the Wilderness

    Sunday Dec 22: *Dec 16 – Dec 21 (for Sunday School) Reading: Part 2, Chapters 1-6 (approx. 30 pages) Theme: Joy in Simplicity

    Sunday Dec 29: *Dec 23 – Dec 28 (for Sunday School) Reading: Part 2, Chapters 7-12 (approx. 30 pages) Theme: Love Made Manifest

    Thursdays in December at 6 pm – We gather for contemplative silence, reading, and prayer every Thursday at 6pm by ZOOM to practice “being alone with God together.”

    •   Prayer time will last 20 minutes and will include short readings, short prayers, and short periods of silence (6:05 to 6:25).

    •   Zoom will open at 5:50 and prayer will begin promptly at 6:05.

    •   Feel free to sign on at any time between 5:50 and 6:45, but plan to have your microphone

      OFF from 6:05 to 6:25.

    •   The prayer time will not be interactive, but you are welcome to stay on the Zoom meeting

      after the 20 minutes of prayer for conversation and visiting.

    •   Copy/Paste this web address to Join Zoom Meeting

    •   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88575599276?pwd=Zf8uQMdSnES8StJzq53LIWvDwLGRua.1

    •   Or Use the Meeting ID: 885 7559 9276 and Passcode: 787818

    Saturday, December 14 from 10am to 2pm - Advent Workshop with Victor Judge on the life and work of Thomas Merton. RSVP for lunch, please. janemherring@gmail.com

    The Advent Daily Devotional Readings were sent out by email on Nov. 29. Pastor Jane will print a copy for you, if you like.

    Advent starts December 1.

    •   There will be a reading schedule for the book Thoughts in Solitude by Thomas Merton.

    •   There will be an Advent Workshop with Victor Judge on the life and work of Thomas Merton on Saturday, December 14 from 10am – 2pm.

    •   RSVP to Jane for lunch janemherring@gmail.com if you plan to attend.

    •   Meetings and discussion will be in the adult classroom on Sundays in December at 9:10am

      And there’s this...

      You are invited! Join in the fun and celebrate the Centennial Waffle Shop at Downtown Pres. Date and time: Thursday, December 5 · 11am - 2pm CST

      Cost: $17.85 in advance and $20.00 at the door. Tickets can be purchased by pasting the following site in your browser. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/waffle-shop-centennial-tickets- 1063374073479?utm_experiment=test_share_listing&aff=ebdsshios

    Location: Downtown Presbyterian Church 154 Rep. John Lewis Way North Nashville, TN 37219 Refund Policy: Refunds up to 7 days before event Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.
    Each Waffle Shop Ticket will include:

    •   a waffle breakfast! Enjoy waffles, grits, a choice of Hattie B's (hot or mild) chicken, Puckett's country bacon, or turkey hash made from the original Waffle Shop recipe, and your choice of Frothy Monkey coffee or spiced tea.

    •   a guided tour of The Downtown Presbyterian Church's historic Egyptian Revival sanctuary

    •   an organ recital and Christmas carol singalong

    •   the opportunity to shop at the church’s holiday gift shop! Selections include homemade baked goods, handmade crafts, and more!

    •   a chance to bid on wonderful items at the Silent Auction including hotel stays, gift cards to downtown shops and restaurants, original artwork, much more!

      FREE parking will be available in LOT B of Nissan Stadium. Please enter the parking lot from Interstate Drive as your ingress. Attendants at the entrances on that side will assist with parking directions. There will be an Old Town Trolley that will shuttle Waffle Shop attendees to and from the church. A sign will be in the lot indicating the shuttle pick-up spot.


      Most importantly, each ticket is a contribution to DPC's Fish & Loaves ministry! This outreach ministry assists those in our local Nashville community who need food and essentials. All proceeds from this fundraiser will go directly to the Fish and Loaves ministry at The Downtown Presbyterian Church.

    Thank you to this year's sponsors:

    Hattie B’s Hot Chicken

    Frothy Monkey
    The Contributor

    Old Town Trolley
    Sir Speedy Music City

    Ugly Bagel

    Puckett’s Grocery Truist Bank
    Goo Goo Cluster


    •   Communion every 1st Sunday

    •   Building Improvement Committee every first Sunday (1/1)

    •   Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (12/8)

    •   Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am


    •   Session Mtg every 3rd Monday after service (12/16)


    YOUTH SIZES $11.00 each

    2-4 (YXS) 6-8 (YS) 10-12 (YM) 14-16 (YL)

    •   November 24th – ongoing submission of pledge cards for 2025, never too late!

    •   December 5: Waffle Shop Centennial Celebration at Downtown Pres. 11am - 2pm

    •   December 8: Congregational meeting after service to elect elder nominating committee

    •   December 11: Blue Christmas service of hope and healing, 6 pm

    •   December 14: Advent Workshop with Victor Judge, 10-2 pm. RSVP to Jane for lunch.

    •   December 15: Deadline for prepaid T-shirt orders.

    •   December 24: Candlelight Christmas Eve Service of Lessons and Carols, 4:30pm.

    •   December 25: Christmas Morning Service, 8am

    *The bulletin boards are continuously being changed. Don’t forget to check them out for updates and ongoing activities.

  • 9am Sunday School.

    • *During service last week we had a special presentation for the youth who went to Montreat last summer.

      • * Pictures from their week at camp were lovingly placed into book form.

        * Teddy, Jefferson and Annalease received their own copy, as did Scott and Barb.

        One copy has also been placed in the EPC library. Well done. Thank you.

  • Thanks to the Rosenbergs and the Beautification and Improvements Committee (formerly the committee known as Building and Grounds), we have a wonderful new focal point to our front garden.

    The wrought iron artwork mirrors the circular stained glass window in the front of the church. These circles, and the circle on the cross that hangs at the front of our sanctuary, bear the ancient Christian symbology of "no end and no beginning," reminding us of the eternal nature of God's love.

    Also, though you can’t see them well in this picture, thank you to Richard and Diana for the beautiful entranceway to the sanctuary.

  • Class of 2024

    Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission

    John Denton, Building and Grounds

    Class of 2025

    Greg Burlison, Personnel

    John Sevier, Director of Music

    Class of 2026

    Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure

    Jan Russell

Read More
Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian

December 4th, 2024 | Newsletter

  • *It’s Stewardship Season

    Stewardship: November 10th – November 24th

    Tithing is an act of GRATITUDE.

    There is one thing that is consistently expressed by people who have a contented and confident relationship with their financial situation. Surprisingly, it is not how much money they have, It is a grateful heart. When they focus on sharing their treasure, their time and their talents, they take the focus off of themselves and instead begin to focus outwardly on others. This shift in focus cultivates a grateful heart and illuminates the blessings they have in their lives. When they chose to live a joyful generous life, then, and only then, can they really thrive. Don’t wait until you have enough – start now! God blesses this obedience and discipline with a grateful heart; with a world that will get larger rather than smaller.

    Welcome Visitors!

    We are excited to call your attention to, and encourage you, to visit our upgraded website! Go to www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org for all your questions. Cut and paste one of these sites in your browser. If you can’t find your answers there, try the options below:

    janemherring@gmail.com – Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615- 818-9727 or at her email about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized), to join

    the church or for answers to any other questions you might have.

    epcnashville@gmail.com - General EPC email can be sent to this site (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account).

    epcbusiness9770@gmail.com - If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances or other business topics, email your question or request here.

    janemherring@gmail.com - Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin here.
    frhanchey@gmail.com - Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter here.

    frhanchey@gmail.com – Send questions about the outdoor gardens or children’s education/programming here.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.


    First reading

    Baruch 5:1-9


    Malachi 3:1-4


    Luke 1:68-79


    Luke 3:1-6

    Second reading

    Philippians 1:3-11

  • Litergical readers and schedule notes

    Date | Pulpit | Liturgist | Notes |

    12.08.24 | Herring | Terry D.

    12.15.24 | Herring | Karen R.

    12.22.24 | Herring | Darrell H.

    12.29.24 | Herring | Sandra H.

    1.5.25 | Herring | | Communion

    1.12.25 | Herring |

    1.19.25 | Herring |

    1.26.25 | Herring | Barb H.

    Thank you to those of you who serve as liturgists. If you wish to volunteer as liturgist, send an email to epcbusiness9770@gmail.com or call 615-473-3510.

  • Invitation to Prayer Group services:

    •   Prayer is the life blood of our relationship with God.

    •   Prayer is the mechanism by which we grow and mature as followers of Christ.

    •   Prayer is the place of solace in grief, celebration in joy and sharing without fear.

    •   Prayer is often solitary and there is great joy in that “alone time” with God.

    •   Prayer is also communal, building our relationships with each other and God simultaneously.

    •   Please come pray with us – 6:00 PM each Thursday night for an hour (or so).

    •   Submit your prayer requests to: EPCprayers97@gmail.com by 5:00 PM each Thursday


    2 Thessalonians 1:11-12

    With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith. We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Quotes about prayer:

    Men may spurn our appeals, reject our message, oppose our arguments, despise our persons, but they are helpless against our prayers. — J. Sidlow Baxter

  • Joy Offering

    The Joy Offering will be collected from December 1 - December 22.

    By supporting the Christmas Joy Offering, you honor God's gift of Jesus Christ.

    These funds provide assistance to current and retired church workers in their time of need and develops our future leaders at Presbyterian- related schools and colleges equipping communities of color.

  • It’s Stewardship Season:

     Utmost THANKS from the Treasurer for your pledges. If you haven’t submitted yours yet, please email them to: Epcbusiness9770@gmail.com as soon as you can.

    Financial Support for Missions:

    Call it what you will, for a small church we are involved in many different local ministries, missions or outreach programs.
    Funding for these giving programs come from various places, one of these places is you!

    If you would like to donate additional funds for a specific program, checks can be made to the following ongoing missions of EPC.

    Community Garden
    Gateway to Higher Education Scholarship Crossroads Campus
    Maple Village
    Special Music Ministry events

    Please note on the memo line which mission your check is meant to support.

    Financial Support for EPC:

    If you are not able to attend worship service and still wish show your support for Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, you can contribute in the following ways:

    •   Online–send an electronic payment, your bank can help you set this up if you have questions.

    •   By Mail – our mailing address is EPC, 9770 Hwy 96, Nashville, TN 37221

    •   Through EPC’s website www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org Simply click on the “GIVE” button, then the “donate” button, to donate via PayPal or debit/credit card. This can be a one-time donation or can be set up as a monthly donation.

  •  Join us after worship service for fellowship, snacks and fresh cup of coffee!
     There is a sign-up sheet by the front door if you wish to help.

     Our Thanksgiving pot luck dinner is this Sunday after church service.
     The list to the right is a copy of the sign-up sheet for thanksgiving dinner, whatever else you want to bring will be just fine.

  • The Covid bug is back. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the front entrance to use as desired. Be aware of your health and consider others in all you do.

    Share the Love, Show your Support! Now taking pre-orders for EPC T-shirts! Details below. Offering Gildan Heavy Cotton Unisex t-shirts

    5.3 oz./yd2 (US) 8.8 oz./L yd (CA), 100% cotton

    •   Innovation you can feel. Made with 100% U.S. cotton and the latest breakthrough in soft cotton technology, the Gildan® Heavy Cotton family has been remastered for improved printability, quality and comfort you can see and feel.

    •   Classic fit

    •   Rib collar

    •   Taped neck and shoulders for comfort and durability

    •   Tear away label

    •   Proud member of the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol

  • December 8 – Congregational Meeting after worship to elect ENC 2024

    December 5 – Advent Outing! 100th Anniversary of Downtown Pres Waffle Shop!

    Leave EPC at 10am. Talk to Ginia for details.

    SUNDAY MORNINGS AT 9AM – Thoughts in Solitude by Thomas Merton

    Sunday Dec 1: Introduction to Thomas Merton by Pastor Jane

    *Dec 2 – Dec 7 (for Sunday School Dec 8) Reading: Part 1, Chapters 1-6 (approx. 30 pages) Theme: Hope and Waiting in Silence

    *Dec 9 – Dec 14 (for Sunday School Dec 15) Reading: Part 1, Chapters 7-12 (approx. 30 pages) Theme: Peace in the Wilderness

    *Dec 16 – Dec 21(for Sunday School Dec 22) Reading: Part 2, Chapters 1-6 (approx. 30 pages) Theme: Joy in Simplicity

    *Dec 23 – Dec 28 (for Sunday School Dec 29) Reading: Part 2, Chapters 7-12 (approx. 30 pages) Theme: Love Made Manifest

    Thursdays in December – We gather for contemplative silence, reading, and prayer every Thursday at 6pm by ZOOM. Link to come by email.

    Saturday, December 14 – 10am to 2pm - Advent Workshop with Victor Judge on the    life and work of Thomas Merton. RSVP for lunch, please. janemherring@gmail.com

    The Advent Daily Devotional Readings will be sent out by email on Nov. 29. Pastor Jane will print a copy for you, if you like.

    Blue Christmas Service of Hope and Healing is December 11th  at 6pm – As much as Christmas is a time of joy, it is also a difficult time. Sorrows and Losses are part of this season of togetherness too. Come, let us present out needs to the Lord together.

    Candlelight Christmas Eve Service of Lessons and Carols, December 24th at 4:30pm – Come hear the sacred story of old and sing the songs of joy and thanks. Go into the Holy Night ahead with candlelight, prayer, and song.

    Christmas Morning Service, December 25 at 8am – Let us gather around the manger for a simple Service of Communion.          Hot cinnamon rolls, coffee, and tea serve.

  • Starting December 1:
    Sundays in December at 9 AM (not 9:15 as previously stated) in the adult classroom –

    Thoughts in Solitude by Thomas Merton. The reading schedule for December is below. Sunday Dec 1: Introduction to Thomas Merton by Pastor Jane

    Sunday Dec 8: *Dec 2 – Dec 7 (for Sunday School) Reading: Part 1, Chapters 1-6 (approx. 30 pages) Theme: Hope and Waiting in Silence

    Sunday Dec 15: Dec 9 – Dec 14 (for Sunday School) Reading: Part 1, Chapters 7-12 (approx. 30 pages) Theme: Peace in the Wilderness

    Sunday Dec 22: *Dec 16 – Dec 21 (for Sunday School) Reading: Part 2, Chapters 1-6 (approx. 30 pages) Theme: Joy in Simplicity

    Sunday Dec 29: *Dec 23 – Dec 28 (for Sunday School) Reading: Part 2, Chapters 7-12 (approx. 30 pages) Theme: Love Made Manifest

    Thursdays in December at 6 pm – We gather for contemplative silence, reading, and prayer every Thursday at 6pm by ZOOM to practice “being alone with God together.”

    •   Prayer time will last 20 minutes and will include short readings, short prayers, and short periods of silence (6:05 to 6:25).

    •   Zoom will open at 5:50 and prayer will begin promptly at 6:05.

    •   Feel free to sign on at any time between 5:50 and 6:45, but plan to have your microphone

      OFF from 6:05 to 6:25.

    •   The prayer time will not be interactive, but you are welcome to stay on the Zoom meeting

      after the 20 minutes of prayer for conversation and visiting.

    •   Copy/Paste this web address to Join Zoom Meeting

    •   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88575599276?pwd=Zf8uQMdSnES8StJzq53LIWvDwLGRua.1

    •   Or Use the Meeting ID: 885 7559 9276 and Passcode: 787818

    Saturday, December 14 from 10am to 2pm - Advent Workshop with Victor Judge on the life and work of Thomas Merton. RSVP for lunch, please. janemherring@gmail.com

    The Advent Daily Devotional Readings were sent out by email on Nov. 29. Pastor Jane will print a copy for you, if you like.

    Advent starts December 1.

    •   There will be a reading schedule for the book Thoughts in Solitude by Thomas Merton.

    •   There will be an Advent Workshop with Victor Judge on the life and work of Thomas Merton on Saturday, December 14 from 10am – 2pm.

    •   RSVP to Jane for lunch janemherring@gmail.com if you plan to attend.

    •   Meetings and discussion will be in the adult classroom on Sundays in December at 9:10am

      And there’s this...

      You are invited! Join in the fun and celebrate the Centennial Waffle Shop at Downtown Pres. Date and time: Thursday, December 5 · 11am - 2pm CST

      Cost: $17.85 in advance and $20.00 at the door. Tickets can be purchased by pasting the following site in your browser. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/waffle-shop-centennial-tickets- 1063374073479?utm_experiment=test_share_listing&aff=ebdsshios

    Location: Downtown Presbyterian Church 154 Rep. John Lewis Way North Nashville, TN 37219 Refund Policy: Refunds up to 7 days before event Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.
    Each Waffle Shop Ticket will include:

    •   a waffle breakfast! Enjoy waffles, grits, a choice of Hattie B's (hot or mild) chicken, Puckett's country bacon, or turkey hash made from the original Waffle Shop recipe, and your choice of Frothy Monkey coffee or spiced tea.

    •   a guided tour of The Downtown Presbyterian Church's historic Egyptian Revival sanctuary

    •   an organ recital and Christmas carol singalong

    •   the opportunity to shop at the church’s holiday gift shop! Selections include homemade baked goods, handmade crafts, and more!

    •   a chance to bid on wonderful items at the Silent Auction including hotel stays, gift cards to downtown shops and restaurants, original artwork, much more!

      FREE parking will be available in LOT B of Nissan Stadium. Please enter the parking lot from Interstate Drive as your ingress. Attendants at the entrances on that side will assist with parking directions. There will be an Old Town Trolley that will shuttle Waffle Shop attendees to and from the church. A sign will be in the lot indicating the shuttle pick-up spot.


      Most importantly, each ticket is a contribution to DPC's Fish & Loaves ministry! This outreach ministry assists those in our local Nashville community who need food and essentials. All proceeds from this fundraiser will go directly to the Fish and Loaves ministry at The Downtown Presbyterian Church.

    Thank you to this year's sponsors:

    Hattie B’s Hot Chicken

    Frothy Monkey
    The Contributor

    Old Town Trolley
    Sir Speedy Music City

    Ugly Bagel

    Puckett’s Grocery Truist Bank
    Goo Goo Cluster


    •   Communion every 1st Sunday

    •   Building Improvement Committee every first Sunday (1/1)

    •   Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (12/8)

    •   Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am


    •   Session Mtg every 3rd Monday after service (12/16)


    YOUTH SIZES $11.00 each

    2-4 (YXS) 6-8 (YS) 10-12 (YM) 14-16 (YL)

    •   November 24th – ongoing submission of pledge cards for 2025, never too late!

    •   December 5: Waffle Shop Centennial Celebration at Downtown Pres. 11am - 2pm

    •   December 8: Congregational meeting after service to elect elder nominating committee

    •   December 11: Blue Christmas service of hope and healing, 6 pm

    •   December 14: Advent Workshop with Victor Judge, 10-2 pm. RSVP to Jane for lunch.

    •   December 15: Deadline for prepaid T-shirt orders.

    •   December 24: Candlelight Christmas Eve Service of Lessons and Carols, 4:30pm.

    •   December 25: Christmas Morning Service, 8am

    *The bulletin boards are continuously being changed. Don’t forget to check them out for updates and ongoing activities.

  • 9am Sunday School.

    • *During service last week we had a special presentation for the youth who went to Montreat last summer.

      • * Pictures from their week at camp were lovingly placed into book form.

        * Teddy, Jefferson and Annalease received their own copy, as did Scott and Barb.

        One copy has also been placed in the EPC library. Well done. Thank you.

  • Building Improvement Committee:

    •   A HUGE thank you goes out to John and Marilyn Lord for their assistance with the sanctuary floor upkeep. It was sorely needed and it looks spectacular!

    •   Thank you also to those who helped with “Hanging of the greens”. We have our tree up, lit and decorated, windows and doors with Christmas accents and a nice manger scene set up in the back.

  • Class of 2024

    Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission

    John Denton, Building and Grounds

    Class of 2025

    Greg Burlison, Personnel

    John Sevier, Director of Music

    Class of 2026

    Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure

    Jan Russell

Read More
Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian

November 20th, 2024 | Newsletter

  • *It’s Stewardship Season

    Stewardship: November 10th – November 24th

    Tithing is an act of GRATITUDE.

    There is one thing that is consistently expressed by people who have a contented and confident relationship with their financial situation. Surprisingly, it is not how much money they have, It is a grateful heart. When they focus on sharing their treasure, their time and their talents, they take the focus off of themselves and instead begin to focus outwardly on others. This shift in focus cultivates a grateful heart and illuminates the blessings they have in their lives. When they chose to live a joyful generous life, then, and only then, can they really thrive. Don’t wait until you have enough – start now! God blesses this obedience and discipline with a grateful heart; with a world that will get larger rather than smaller.

    Welcome Visitors!

    We are excited to call your attention to, and encourage you, to visit our upgraded website! Go to www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org for all your questions. Cut and paste one of these sites in your browser. If you can’t find your answers there, try the options below:

    janemherring@gmail.com – Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615- 818-9727 or at her email about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized), to join

    the church or for answers to any other questions you might have.

    epcnashville@gmail.com - General EPC email can be sent to this site (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account).

    epcbusiness9770@gmail.com - If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances or other business topics, email your question or request here.

    janemherring@gmail.com - Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin here.
    frhanchey@gmail.com - Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter here.

    frhanchey@gmail.com – Send questions about the outdoor gardens or children’s education/programming here.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

  • REIGN OF CHRIST - PROPER 29 (34) NOV 24, 2024

    First reading and Psalm

    2 Samuel 23:1-7 Psalm 132:1-12, (13- 18)

    Alternate First reading and Psalm

    Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14 Psalm 93

    Second reading

    Revelation 1:4b-8


    John 18:33-37

  • Litergical readers and schedule notes

    Date | Pulpit | Liturgist | Notes |

    11.24.24 | Herring | Sandra/Darrell H.

    12.01.24 | Herring | Diana B.

    12.08.24 | Herring | Terry D.

    12.15.24 | Herring | Karen R.

    12.22.24 | Herring | Darrell H.

    12.29.24 | Herring | Sandra H.

    Thank you to those of you who serve as liturgists. If you wish to volunteer as liturgist, send an email to epcbusiness9770@gmail.com or call 615-473-3510.

  • Scripture:

    Col. 1:19-22

    For God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ and by him God reconciled everything to himself. He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of his blood on the cross. This includes you who were once so far away from God. You were his enemies separated from him by your evil thoughts and actions yet now he has brought you back as his friends. He has done this through his death on the cross in his own human body. As a result, he has brought you into the very presence of God, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single fault.

    Quotes about prayer:

    Worship and intercession must go together; the one is impossible without the other. Intercession means that we rouse ourselves up to get the mind of Christ about the one for whom we pray. — Oswald Chambers

    Invitation to Prayer Group services

    Prayer is a gift from God, like life itself.
    We meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:00 pm -ish We have both individual and group conversations with our Creator.
    We focus on the prayers of our congregation and our community.
    *We also include prayers for the world and the nation. You are welcome any or all Wednesdays; we enjoy visitors.
    Please join us!

    Submit your prayer requests to: EPCprayers97@gmail.com by 5:00 PM each Thursday

  • Oasis:

    •   If you see pans of mashed potatoes in the kitchen Sunday, please don’t eat them!

    •   Oasis is having a thanksgiving dinner for approximately 50 Oasis teens and staff and mission committee offered to bring the potatoes.

    •   Thank you to the ladies on the mission/fellowship committee who volunteered to cook.

  • A Message From Our Treasurer:

    Dear Friends,

    First, I would like to say THANK YOU to each and every person who gives of their resources in support of EPC. We could not maintain these facilities, have a Pastor to lead our worship, or conduct the many missions that we do without your resources (time, talent and treasure).

    Second, I must confess that I almost dropped the ball on conducting a stewardship season this year and only realized the lapse when I started working on the 2025 budget and had no pledges upon which to begin my work. As a result of my tardiness, we have a very short stewardship season this year. So, I am sending out these electronic pledge cards today, plus pledge cards were in the sanctuary today, and will be available again for the next two Sundays during service.

    The deadline for submitting the pledge forms is Sunday, November 24th (they can be submitted by taking a picture of the completed form and emailing it to: epcbusiness9770@gmail.com) or printed and brought to service next Sunday).

    Please pray about your decisions – take stock of and give thanks for the many blessings that God has given you, then ask for God’s guidance on how to support your community.

    The decisions you make are between you and God.

    There are four Special Offerings through the Presbytery and General Assembly each year (One Great Hour of Sharing; Pentecost; Peace and Global Witness; and the Joy

    offering). These special offerings are meant to be additional offerings and there is no need to include them in your pledge should you decide to submit one.

    This is the one time each year that the supporters of EPC collectively and directly give guidance to the session as to the resources that will be available to support, maintain and build our church and to support, maintain and build the church universal through the Presbytery and General Assembly.

    WeliveasachurchbythegraceofGod. Someyearsourfinancialstatuslooksmuch worse to begin the year and turns out great, with money left over for the future. Some years look good at the beginning, and we end up with a daunting deficit. Right now, we have a daunting deficit scenario.

    We have had generous donors who helped us found and sustain Emmanuel for many years who have passed away, leaving beautiful gifts (our facilities and extra land). We have had all of you giving of your time, talent and treasure, and we get unexpected gifts from friends and community partners that boost us and help us continue as Emmanuel Presbyterian.

    Please give as you are able as we continue to be a church family, learning and growing together. Your tithes and offerings are between you and God. If you have any questions about how our budget is formed, what our expenses are, or how your tithes and offerings are stewarded, please contact our treasurer any time (call 615-473-3510 or email your questions to: epcbusiness9770@gmail.com.

    Any ideas or initiatives for fund raising or grant applications you could lead or help us begin are also welcome.

    Grace to you, and peace, in Jesus Christ, our Lord.


    In gratitude for all of God’s blessings, in response to God’s Grace and Love, and for the building and maintaining of Christ’s church, I/we offer my/our pledge of time, talent, and resources in support of EPC for 2025.

    Commitment Sunday is November 24, 2024.


    I/we pledge an average of _________ hours per month in support of the ministries of EPC; or

    I/we are willing to perform __________________________________ in service to God through EPC. (list service(s) to be performed)

    I/we pledge general financial support to EPC as indicated below: (please check only one)

    ____$_________ per week ____$ _________ per month ____ $_________ per year

    Print Name: ___________________________ Signature: ______________________________ Print Name: ___________________________ Signature: ______________________________ Date: ___/_____/______

    *Please note: all pledges & donations are confidential, meaning that specific information related to the identity of donors & the amount of their donations are known only to the Treasurer. Pastor & session members do not have access to donor information unless prior permission is granted by the donor.

  •  Join us after worship service for fellowship, snacks and fresh cup of coffee!
     There is a sign-up sheet by the front door if you wish to help.

     Our Thanksgiving pot luck dinner is this Sunday after church service.
     The list to the right is a copy of the sign-up sheet for thanksgiving dinner, whatever else you want to bring will be just fine.

  • The Covid bug is back. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the front entrance to use as desired. Be aware of your health and consider others in all you do.

    Share the Love, Show your Support! Now taking pre-orders for EPC T-shirts! Details below. Offering Gildan Heavy Cotton Unisex t-shirts

    5.3 oz./yd2 (US) 8.8 oz./L yd (CA), 100% cotton

    •   Innovation you can feel. Made with 100% U.S. cotton and the latest breakthrough in soft cotton technology, the Gildan® Heavy Cotton family has been remastered for improved printability, quality and comfort you can see and feel.

    •   Classic fit

    •   Rib collar

    •   Taped neck and shoulders for comfort and durability

    •   Tear away label

    •   Proud member of the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol

  •   Please remember to check the “Events”, “Missions” and “Stewardship” bulletin boards in the hallway for ongoing information about these areas of activity at EPC.

      The kids board, underneath the “Missions” section, shares the kids’ lessons with you. It’s sometime messy but that’s what kids do -- Enjoy it!

    This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-


    •   Communion every 1st Sunday

    •   Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (10/13)

    •   Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (10/20)

    •   Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (10/31)

    •   2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug Hookers meet

      10am–2pm. Upcoming:

    •   October 6: Blessing of the Animals (outside service) and Feast of St Francis of Assisi

    •   October 27: Deliver books and puzzles to Maple Village

    •   October12th and 19th 9am – 12 noon -- Spit and Shine Building and Grounds Clean up days ( see


    •   November 3: Feast of All Saints and Communion of All Saints

    •   November 17: Thanksgiving pot luck dinner, bring sides.

    •   November 30: Christmas Cookie Bake and activities. Details to come

    •   November 30: Hanging of the Greens

    •   December 1: First day of Advent, Sunday and Wednesday events. Details to come.

  • Advent is coming...

    Advent starts December 1.

    •   There will be a reading schedule for the book Thoughts in Solitude by Thomas Merton.

    •   There will be an Advent Workshop with Victor Judge on the life and work of Thomas Merton on Saturday, December 14 from 10am – 2pm.

    •   RSVP to Jane for lunch janemherring@gmail.com if you plan to attend.

    •   Meetings and discussion will be in the adult classroom on Sundays in December at 9:10am

      And there’s this...

      You are invited! Join in the fun and celebrate the Centennial Waffle Shop at Downtown Pres. Date and time: Thursday, December 5 · 11am - 2pm CST

      Cost: $17.85 in advance and $20.00 at the door. Tickets can be purchased by pasting the following site in your browser. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/waffle-shop-centennial-tickets- 1063374073479?utm_experiment=test_share_listing&aff=ebdsshios

    Location: Downtown Presbyterian Church 154 Rep. John Lewis Way North Nashville, TN 37219 Refund Policy: Refunds up to 7 days before event Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.
    Each Waffle Shop Ticket will include:

    •   a waffle breakfast! Enjoy waffles, grits, a choice of Hattie B's (hot or mild) chicken, Puckett's country bacon, or turkey hash made from the original Waffle Shop recipe, and your choice of Frothy Monkey coffee or spiced tea.

    •   a guided tour of The Downtown Presbyterian Church's historic Egyptian Revival sanctuary

    •   an organ recital and Christmas carol singalong

    •   the opportunity to shop at the church’s holiday gift shop! Selections include homemade baked goods, handmade crafts, and more!

    •   a chance to bid on wonderful items at the Silent Auction including hotel stays, gift cards to downtown shops and restaurants, original artwork, much more!

      FREE parking will be available in LOT B of Nissan Stadium. Please enter the parking lot from Interstate Drive as your ingress. Attendants at the entrances on that side will assist with parking directions. There will be an Old Town Trolley that will shuttle Waffle Shop attendees to and from the church. A sign will be in the lot indicating the shuttle pick-up spot.


      Most importantly, each ticket is a contribution to DPC's Fish & Loaves ministry! This outreach ministry assists those in our local Nashville community who need food and essentials. All proceeds from this fundraiser will go directly to the Fish and Loaves ministry at The Downtown Presbyterian Church.

    Thank you to this year's sponsors:

    Hattie B’s Hot Chicken

    Frothy Monkey
    The Contributor

    Old Town Trolley
    Sir Speedy Music City

    Ugly Bagel

    Puckett’s Grocery Truist Bank
    Goo Goo Cluster

    *The bulletin boards are continuously being changed. Don’t forget to check them out for updates and ongoing activities.


    •   Communion every 1st Sunday

    •   Building Improvement Committee every first Sunday (12/1)

    •   Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (12/8)

    •   Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am


    •   Session Mtg every 3rd Monday after service (12/16)


    •   November 24th – Deadline for submission of pledge cards for 2025

    •   November 30: Hanging of the Greens, View John Denton’s art and fellowship

    •   December 1: First day of Advent, Sunday and Thursday events. Details in fellowship section, more to come.

    •   December 5: Waffle Shop Centennial Celebration at Downtown Pres. 11am - 2pm

    •   December 14: Advent Workshop with Victor Judge 10-2 pm. RSVP to Jane for lunch.

    •   December 15: Deadline for prepaid T-shirt orders.

    •   Please remember to check the “Events”, “Missions” and “Stewardship” bulletin boards in the hallway for ongoing information about these areas of activity at EPC.

    •   Also, don’t forget about the file system in the hallway for each committee where you can make suggestions to be considered by session for change and improvement.

  • Coming up soon, take part in conversation about uniting the Bodies of Christ:

    As a follow up to a previous meeting, there will be a conversation with Adam Buzard, who is part of the Operation Andrew Group. This will be hosted by the 2nd Presbyterian Church on April 18th from 9-11 am. as he works to fulfill the mission of uniting the bodies of Christ as they partner with local churches. 2nd Pres is located at 3511 Belmont Blvd and the conversation will center around “The State of Nashville”. It is open to anyone (pastors, elders, church volunteers) interested in knowing what others think of our church. The event is this scheduled for tomorrow.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NaCoMe Camp Opportunity:

    Reach out to Jane if you have questions about this. It is coming up soon. I’m sorry I don’t have any more details at this time.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

    • *During service last week we had a special presentation for the youth who went to Montreat last summer.

      • * Pictures from their week at camp were lovingly placed into book form.

        * Teddy, Jefferson and Annalease received their own copy, as did Scott and Barb.

        One copy has also been placed in the EPC library. Well done. Thank you.

  • Garden in Progress.

  • Class of 2024

    Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission

    John Denton, Building and Grounds

    Class of 2025

    Greg Burlison, Personnel

    John Sevier, Director of Music

    Class of 2026

    Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure

    Jan Russell

Read More
Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian

November 13th, 2024 | Newsletter

  • *It’s Stewardship Season

    Stewardship: November 10th – November 24th

    Tithing is an act of GRATITUDE.

    There is one thing that is consistently expressed by people who have a contented and confident relationship with their financial situation. Surprisingly, it is not how much money they have, It is a grateful heart. When they focus on sharing their treasure, their time and their talents, they take the focus off of themselves and instead begin to focus outwardly on others. This shift in focus cultivates a grateful heart and illuminates the blessings they have in their lives. When they chose to live a joyful generous life, then, and only then, can they really thrive. Don’t wait until you have enough – start now! God blesses this obedience and discipline with a grateful heart; with a world that will get larger rather than smaller.

    Welcome Visitors!

    We are excited to call your attention to, and encourage you, to visit our upgraded website! Go to www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org for all your questions. Cut and paste one of these sites in your browser. If you can’t find your answers there, try the options below:

    janemherring@gmail.com – Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615- 818-9727 or at her email about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized), to join

    the church or for answers to any other questions you might have.

    epcnashville@gmail.com - General EPC email can be sent to this site (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account).

    epcbusiness9770@gmail.com - If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances or other business topics, email your question or request here.

    janemherring@gmail.com - Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin here.
    frhanchey@gmail.com - Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter here.

    frhanchey@gmail.com – Send questions about the outdoor gardens or children’s education/programming here.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

  • PROPER 28 (33) NOV 17, 2024

    First reading

    1 Samuel 1:4-20 and 1 Samuel 2:1-10

    Alternate First reading and Psalm

    Daniel 12:1-3 and Psalm 16

    Second reading

    Hebrews 10:11-14, (15-18), 19-25


    Mark 13:1-8

  • Litergical readers and schedule notes

    Date | Pulpit | Liturgist | Notes |

    11.17.24 | Herring | Marilyn

    11.24.24 | Herring | Sandra/Darrell H.

    12.01.24 | Herring | Diana B.

    12.08.24 | Herring | Terry D.

    12.15.24 | Herring | Karen R.

    12.22.24 | Herring | Darrell H.

    12.29.24 | Herring | Sandra H.

    Thank you to those of you who serve as liturgists. If you wish to volunteer as liturgist, send an email to epcbusiness9770@gmail.com or call 615-473-3510.

  • Romans 5:10

    For since we were restored to friendship with God by the death of his Son while we were still his enemies, we will certainly be delivered from eternal punishment by his life.

    Quotes about prayer:

    Prayer should not be regarded as a duty which must be performed, but rather as a privilege to be enjoyed, a rare delight that is always revealing some new beauty. - E.M. Bounds

    Invitation to Prayer Group services:

    •   Prayer is the life blood of our relationship with God.

    •   Prayer is the mechanism by which we grow and mature as

      followers of Christ.

    •   Prayer is the place of solace in grief, celebration in joy and

      sharing without fear.

    •   Prayer is often solitary and there is great joy in that “alone

      time” with God.

    •   Prayer is also communal, building our relationships with

      each other and God simultaneously.

    Please come pray with us – 6:00 PM each Thursday night for an hour (or so).

    Submit your prayer requests to: EPCprayers97@gmail.com by 5:00 PM each Thursday

  • Maple Village:


    •   The new date for our pie

      donations is Nov. 17th

    •   We will deliver pies to Maple Village after our Thanksgiving gathering.

    •   Please bring an extra pie with your Thanksgiving side dish.


    •   Oasis is having a thanksgiving dinner for approximately 50 Oasis teens and staff.

    •   EPC’s mission committee stepped right up when the request for help came out.

    •   Our committee members will be making a mess of mashed potatoes for them and will

      bring the food in non-returnable dishes to the church on Sunday, November 24th.

    •   Thank you to the ladies on the mission/fellowship committee who volunteered to help.

  • A Message From Our Treasurer:

    Dear Friends,

    First, I would like to say THANK YOU to each and every person who gives of their resources in support of EPC. We could not maintain these facilities, have a Pastor to lead our worship, or conduct the many missions that we do without your resources (time, talent and treasure).

    Second, I must confess that I almost dropped the ball on conducting a stewardship season this year and only realized the lapse when I started working on the 2025 budget and had no pledges upon which to begin my work. As a result of my tardiness, we have a very short stewardship season this year. So, I am sending out these electronic pledge cards today, plus pledge cards were in the sanctuary today, and will be available again for the next two Sundays during service.

    The deadline for submitting the pledge forms is Sunday, November 24th (they can be submitted by taking a picture of the completed form and emailing it to: epcbusiness9770@gmail.com) or printed and brought to service next Sunday).

    Please pray about your decisions – take stock of and give thanks for the many blessings that God has given you, then ask for God’s guidance on how to support your community.

    The decisions you make are between you and God.

    There are four Special Offerings through the Presbytery and General Assembly each year (One Great Hour of Sharing; Pentecost; Peace and Global Witness; and the Joy

    offering). These special offerings are meant to be additional offerings and there is no need to include them in your pledge should you decide to submit one.

    This is the one time each year that the supporters of EPC collectively and directly give guidance to the session as to the resources that will be available to support, maintain and build our church and to support, maintain and build the church universal through the Presbytery and General Assembly.

    WeliveasachurchbythegraceofGod. Someyearsourfinancialstatuslooksmuch worse to begin the year and turns out great, with money left over for the future. Some years look good at the beginning, and we end up with a daunting deficit. Right now, we have a daunting deficit scenario.

    We have had generous donors who helped us found and sustain Emmanuel for many years who have passed away, leaving beautiful gifts (our facilities and extra land). We have had all of you giving of your time, talent and treasure, and we get unexpected gifts from friends and community partners that boost us and help us continue as Emmanuel Presbyterian.

    Please give as you are able as we continue to be a church family, learning and growing together. Your tithes and offerings are between you and God. If you have any questions about how our budget is formed, what our expenses are, or how your tithes and offerings are stewarded, please contact our treasurer any time (call 615-473-3510 or email your questions to: epcbusiness9770@gmail.com.

    Any ideas or initiatives for fund raising or grant applications you could lead or help us begin are also welcome.

    Grace to you, and peace, in Jesus Christ, our Lord.


    In gratitude for all of God’s blessings, in response to God’s Grace and Love, and for the building and maintaining of Christ’s church, I/we offer my/our pledge of time, talent, and resources in support of EPC for 2025.

    Commitment Sunday is November 24, 2024.


    I/we pledge an average of _________ hours per month in support of the ministries of EPC; or

    I/we are willing to perform __________________________________ in service to God through EPC. (list service(s) to be performed)

    I/we pledge general financial support to EPC as indicated below: (please check only one)

    ____$_________ per week ____$ _________ per month ____ $_________ per year

    Print Name: ___________________________ Signature: ______________________________ Print Name: ___________________________ Signature: ______________________________ Date: ___/_____/______

    *Please note: all pledges & donations are confidential, meaning that specific information related to the identity of donors & the amount of their donations are known only to the Treasurer. Pastor & session members do not have access to donor information unless prior permission is granted by the donor.

  •  Join us after worship service for fellowship, snacks and fresh cup of coffee!
     There is a sign-up sheet by the front door if you wish to help.

     Our Thanksgiving pot luck dinner is this Sunday after church service.
     The list to the right is a copy of the sign-up sheet for thanksgiving dinner, whatever else you want to bring will be just fine.

  • The Covid bug is back. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the front entrance to use as desired. Be aware of your health and consider others in all you do.

    Share the Love, Show your Support! Now taking pre-orders for EPC T-shirts! Details below. Offering Gildan Heavy Cotton Unisex t-shirts

    5.3 oz./yd2 (US) 8.8 oz./L yd (CA), 100% cotton

    •   Innovation you can feel. Made with 100% U.S. cotton and the latest breakthrough in soft cotton technology, the Gildan® Heavy Cotton family has been remastered for improved printability, quality and comfort you can see and feel.

    •   Classic fit

    •   Rib collar

    •   Taped neck and shoulders for comfort and durability

    •   Tear away label

    •   Proud member of the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol

  •   Please remember to check the “Events”, “Missions” and “Stewardship” bulletin boards in the hallway for ongoing information about these areas of activity at EPC.

      The kids board, underneath the “Missions” section, shares the kids’ lessons with you. It’s sometime messy but that’s what kids do -- Enjoy it!

    This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-


    •   Communion every 1st Sunday

    •   Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (10/13)

    •   Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (10/20)

    •   Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (10/31)

    •   2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug Hookers meet

      10am–2pm. Upcoming:

    •   October 6: Blessing of the Animals (outside service) and Feast of St Francis of Assisi

    •   October 27: Deliver books and puzzles to Maple Village

    •   October12th and 19th 9am – 12 noon -- Spit and Shine Building and Grounds Clean up days ( see


    •   November 3: Feast of All Saints and Communion of All Saints

    •   November 17: Thanksgiving pot luck dinner, bring sides.

    •   November 30: Christmas Cookie Bake and activities. Details to come

    •   November 30: Hanging of the Greens

    •   December 1: First day of Advent, Sunday and Wednesday events. Details to come.

  • Advent is coming...

    Advent starts December 1.

    •   There will be a reading schedule for the book Thoughts in Solitude by Thomas Merton.

    •   There will be an Advent Workshop with Victor Judge on the life and work of Thomas Merton on Saturday, December 14 from 10am – 2pm.

    •   RSVP to Jane for lunch janemherring@gmail.com if you plan to attend.

    •   Meetings and discussion will be in the adult classroom on Sundays in December at 9:10am

      And there’s this...

      You are invited! Join in the fun and celebrate the Centennial Waffle Shop at Downtown Pres. Date and time: Thursday, December 5 · 11am - 2pm CST

      Cost: $17.85 in advance and $20.00 at the door. Tickets can be purchased by pasting the following site in your browser. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/waffle-shop-centennial-tickets- 1063374073479?utm_experiment=test_share_listing&aff=ebdsshios

    Location: Downtown Presbyterian Church 154 Rep. John Lewis Way North Nashville, TN 37219 Refund Policy: Refunds up to 7 days before event Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.
    Each Waffle Shop Ticket will include:

    •   a waffle breakfast! Enjoy waffles, grits, a choice of Hattie B's (hot or mild) chicken, Puckett's country bacon, or turkey hash made from the original Waffle Shop recipe, and your choice of Frothy Monkey coffee or spiced tea.

    •   a guided tour of The Downtown Presbyterian Church's historic Egyptian Revival sanctuary

    •   an organ recital and Christmas carol singalong

    •   the opportunity to shop at the church’s holiday gift shop! Selections include homemade baked goods, handmade crafts, and more!

    •   a chance to bid on wonderful items at the Silent Auction including hotel stays, gift cards to downtown shops and restaurants, original artwork, much more!

      FREE parking will be available in LOT B of Nissan Stadium. Please enter the parking lot from Interstate Drive as your ingress. Attendants at the entrances on that side will assist with parking directions. There will be an Old Town Trolley that will shuttle Waffle Shop attendees to and from the church. A sign will be in the lot indicating the shuttle pick-up spot.


      Most importantly, each ticket is a contribution to DPC's Fish & Loaves ministry! This outreach ministry assists those in our local Nashville community who need food and essentials. All proceeds from this fundraiser will go directly to the Fish and Loaves ministry at The Downtown Presbyterian Church.

    Thank you to this year's sponsors:

    Hattie B’s Hot Chicken

    Frothy Monkey
    The Contributor

    Old Town Trolley
    Sir Speedy Music City

    Ugly Bagel

    Puckett’s Grocery Truist Bank
    Goo Goo Cluster

    *The bulletin boards are continuously being changed. Don’t forget to check them out for updates and ongoing activities.


     Communion every 1st Sunday

      Building Improvement Committee every first Sunday (12/1)

      Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (12/8)

      Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (12/15)

     Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (11/18) after service
     2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug Hookers meet 10 am – 2 pm.


      November 17: Thanksgiving pot luck dinner, bring sides and an extra pie!

      November 24th – Deadline for submission of pledge cards for 2025

      November 30: Hanging of the Greens, View John Denton’s art and fellowship

      December 1: First day of Advent, Sunday and Thursday Wednesday events. Details in fellowship section, more to come.

      December 5: Waffle Shop Centennial Celebration at Downtown Pres. 11am - 2pm

      December 14: Advent Workshop with Victor Judge 10-2 pm. RSVP to Jane for lunch.

      December 15: Deadline for prepaid T-shirt orders.

  • Coming up soon, take part in conversation about uniting the Bodies of Christ:

    As a follow up to a previous meeting, there will be a conversation with Adam Buzard, who is part of the Operation Andrew Group. This will be hosted by the 2nd Presbyterian Church on April 18th from 9-11 am. as he works to fulfill the mission of uniting the bodies of Christ as they partner with local churches. 2nd Pres is located at 3511 Belmont Blvd and the conversation will center around “The State of Nashville”. It is open to anyone (pastors, elders, church volunteers) interested in knowing what others think of our church. The event is this scheduled for tomorrow.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NaCoMe Camp Opportunity:

    Reach out to Jane if you have questions about this. It is coming up soon. I’m sorry I don’t have any more details at this time.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

    • *During service last week we had a special presentation for the youth who went to Montreat last summer.

      • * Pictures from their week at camp were lovingly placed into book form.

        * Teddy, Jefferson and Annalease received their own copy, as did Scott and Barb.

        One copy has also been placed in the EPC library. Well done. Thank you.

  • Garden in Progress.

  • Class of 2024

    Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission

    John Denton, Building and Grounds

    Class of 2025

    Greg Burlison, Personnel

    John Sevier, Director of Music

    Class of 2026

    Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure

    Jan Russell

Read More
Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian

November 6th, 2024 | Newsletter

  • This Sunday is Communion Sunday.
    This Sunday we celebrate All Saints Day.
    This Sunday we share in the Communion of All Saints.
    And this Sunday we welcome Dave Safford as our newest member of Emmanuel Presbyterian.!!

    Welcome Visitors!

    We are excited to call your attention to, and encourage you, to visit our upgraded website! Go to www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org for all your questions. Cut and paste one of these sites in your browser. If you can’t find your answers there, try the options below:

    janemherring@gmail.com – Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615- 818-9727 or at her email about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized), to join

    the church or for answers to any other questions you might have.

    epcnashville@gmail.com - General EPC email can be sent to this site (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account).

    epcbusiness9770@gmail.com - If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances or other business topics, email your question or request here.

    janemherring@gmail.com - Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin here.
    frhanchey@gmail.com - Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter here.

    frhanchey@gmail.com – Send questions about the outdoor gardens or children’s education/programming here.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

  • PROPER 27 (32) NOV 10, 2024

    First reading and Psalm
    Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17 Psalm 127

    Alternate First reading and Psalm
    1 Kings 17:8-16 Psalm 146

    Second reading
    Hebrews 9:24-28

    Mark 12:38-44

  • Litergical readers and schedule notes

    Date | Pulpit | Liturgist | Notes |

    11.10.24 | Herring | Barbara H.

    11.17.24 | Herring | Marilyn

    11.24.24 | Herring | Sandra/Darrell H.

    12.01.24 | Herring | Diana B.

    12.08.24 | Herring | Terry D.

    12.15.24 | Herring | Karen R.

    12.22.24 | Herring | Darrell H.

    12.29.24 | Herring | Sandra H.

    Thank you to those of you who serve as liturgists. If you wish to volunteer as liturgist, send an email to epcbusiness9770@gmail.com or call 615-473-3510.

  • Matt 5:44-48

    Jesus said “But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and on the unjust, too. If you love only those who love you, what good is that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your

    friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.”

    Invitation to Prayer Group:

    •   There is Joy to be had! Where two or more gather in Christ's name He has promised to be present.

    •   Please pray with us - 6:00 PM each Thursday for an hour (or so) to worship Christ by following His example of love and relationship.

    •   Please join us in the sanctuary this Thursday evening at 6:00 PM for an hour or so of communing with God, each other and all the saints that have come before us.

    •   Please join us in prayer that 2024 is a year of renewed faith, hope and a deepening and widening of the relationship we each have with Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

    It is our fervent prayer that this ministry is as much of a blessing to the rest of our EPC family and the community, as it is to us.

    Yours in Christ,

    EPC prayer group

  • Maple Village:

    •   Barb has handled the delivery of books and puzzles to Maple Village.

    •   Due to the limited space in the activity room, she will provide books throughout the next

      few months so as to not overwhelm them with too many all at once.

    •   Thank you for supporting this mission with your donations.

  • Financial Support for Missions:

    Call it what you will, for a small church we are involved in many different local ministries, missions or outreach programs.

    Funding for these giving programs come from various places, one of these places is you!

    If you would like to donate additional funds for a specific program, checks can be made to the following ongoing missions of EPC.

    Community Garden

    Gateway to Higher Education Scholarship Crossroads Campus

    Maple Village

    Special Music Ministry events


    Please note on the memo line which mission your check is meant to support.

    Financial Support for EPC:

    If you are not able to attend worship service and still wish show your support for Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, you can contribute in the following ways:

    Online–send an electronic payment, your bank can help you set this up if you have questions.

    By Mail – our mailing address is EPC, 9770 Hwy 96, Nashville, TN 37221

    Through EPC’s website www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org Simply click on the “GIVE” button, then the “donate” button, to donate via PayPal or debit/credit card. This can be a one-time donation or can be set up as a monthly donation.

    •  Join us for fellowship, snacks and fresh cup of coffee!
       There is a sign-up sheet by the front door if you wish to help.

  • The Covid bug is back. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the front entrance to use as desired. Be aware of your health and consider others in all you do.

    Share the Love, Show your Support! Now taking pre-orders for EPC T-shirts! Details below. Offering Gildan Heavy Cotton Unisex t-shirts

    5.3 oz./yd2 (US) 8.8 oz./L yd (CA), 100% cotton

    •   Innovation you can feel. Made with 100% U.S. cotton and the latest breakthrough in soft cotton technology, the Gildan® Heavy Cotton family has been remastered for improved printability, quality and comfort you can see and feel.

    •   Classic fit

    •   Rib collar

    •   Taped neck and shoulders for comfort and durability

    •   Tear away label

    •   Proud member of the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol

  •   Please remember to check the “Events”, “Missions” and “Stewardship” bulletin boards in the hallway for ongoing information about these areas of activity at EPC.

      The kids board, underneath the “Missions” section, shares the kids’ lessons with you. It’s sometime messy but that’s what kids do -- Enjoy it!

    This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-


    •   Communion every 1st Sunday

    •   Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (10/13)

    •   Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (10/20)

    •   Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (10/31)

    •   2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug Hookers meet

      10am–2pm. Upcoming:

    •   October 6: Blessing of the Animals (outside service) and Feast of St Francis of Assisi

    •   October 27: Deliver books and puzzles to Maple Village

    •   October12th and 19th 9am – 12 noon -- Spit and Shine Building and Grounds Clean up days ( see


    •   November 3: Feast of All Saints and Communion of All Saints

    •   November 17: Thanksgiving pot luck dinner, bring sides.

    •   November 30: Christmas Cookie Bake and activities. Details to come

    •   November 30: Hanging of the Greens

    •   December 1: First day of Advent, Sunday and Wednesday events. Details to come.

  • Ongoing:

    •   Communion every 1st Sunday

    •   Building Improvement Committee every first Sunday (12/1)

    •   Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (11/10)

    •   Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (11/17) CHANGED TO 2ND

      SUNDAY IN NOVEMBER (11/10) This Sunday.

    •   Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (11/18) after service

    •   2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug Hookers meet 10 am – 2 pm.


    •   November 17: Thanksgiving pot luck dinner, bring sides.

    •   November 30: Christmas Cookie Bake and activities. Details to come

    •   November 30: Hanging of the Greens

    •   December 1: First day of Advent, Sunday and Wednesday events. Details to come.

  • Coming up soon, take part in conversation about uniting the Bodies of Christ:

    As a follow up to a previous meeting, there will be a conversation with Adam Buzard, who is part of the Operation Andrew Group. This will be hosted by the 2nd Presbyterian Church on April 18th from 9-11 am. as he works to fulfill the mission of uniting the bodies of Christ as they partner with local churches. 2nd Pres is located at 3511 Belmont Blvd and the conversation will center around “The State of Nashville”. It is open to anyone (pastors, elders, church volunteers) interested in knowing what others think of our church. The event is this scheduled for tomorrow.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NaCoMe Camp Opportunity:

    Reach out to Jane if you have questions about this. It is coming up soon. I’m sorry I don’t have any more details at this time.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

    • *During service last week we had a special presentation for the youth who went to Montreat last summer.

      • * Pictures from their week at camp were lovingly placed into book form.

        * Teddy, Jefferson and Annalease received their own copy, as did Scott and Barb.

        One copy has also been placed in the EPC library. Well done. Thank you.

  • Garden in Progress.

  • Class of 2024

    Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission

    John Denton, Building and Grounds

    Class of 2025

    Greg Burlison, Personnel

    John Sevier, Director of Music

    Class of 2026

    Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure

    Jan Russell

Read More
Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian

October 30th, 2024 | Newsletter

  • This Sunday is Communion Sunday.
    This Sunday we celebrate All Saints Day.
    This Sunday we share in the Communion of All Saints.
    And this Sunday we welcome Dave Safford as our newest member of Emmanuel Presbyterian.!!

    Welcome Visitors!

    We are excited to call your attention to, and encourage you, to visit our upgraded website! Go to www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org for all your questions. Cut and paste one of these sites in your browser. If you can’t find your answers there, try the options below:

    janemherring@gmail.com – Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615- 818-9727 or at her email about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized), to join

    the church or for answers to any other questions you might have.

    epcnashville@gmail.com - General EPC email can be sent to this site (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account).

    epcbusiness9770@gmail.com - If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances or other business topics, email your question or request here.

    janemherring@gmail.com - Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin here.
    frhanchey@gmail.com - Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter here.

    frhanchey@gmail.com – Send questions about the outdoor gardens or children’s education/programming here.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

  • Readings For The Week


    First reading and Psalm

    Wisdom of Solomon 3:1-9

    Psalm 24 or Isaiah 25:6-9

    Second reading

    Revelation 21:1-6a

    John 11:32-44

  • Litergical readers and schedule notes

    Date | Pulpit | Liturgist | Notes |

    11.3.24 | Herring | Ginia W. | Communion

    11.10.24 | Herring | Barbara H.

    11.17.24 | Herring |

    11.24.24 | Herring | Sandra/Darrell H.

    12.01.24 | Herring | Diana B.

    12.08.24 | Herring |

    12.15.24 | Herring | Karen R.

    12.22.24 | Herring | Darrell H.

    12.29.24 | Herring | Sandra H.

    Thank you to those of you who serve as liturgists. If you wish to volunteer as liturgist, send an email to epcbusiness9770@gmail.com or call 615-473-3510.

  • Romans 8:28

    God promises to make something good out of the storms that bring devastation to your life.

    Invitation to Prayer Group:

    •   There is Joy to be had! Where two or more gather in Christ's name He has promised to be present.

    •   Please pray with us - 6:00 PM each Thursday for an hour (or so) to worship Christ by

    following His example of love and relationship.

    •   Please join us in the sanctuary this Thursday evening at 6:00 PM for an hour or so of

      communing with God, each other and all the saints that have come before us.

    •   Please join us in prayer that 2024 is a year of renewed faith, hope and a deepening and

      widening of the relationship we each have with Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

    It is our fervent prayer that this ministry is as much of a blessing to the rest of our EPC family and the community, as it is to us.

    Yours in Christ, EPC prayer group

    Quotes about prayer:

    Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts. – Mother Teresa

  • Maple Village:

    •   Barb has handled the delivery of books and puzzles to Maple Village.

    •   Due to the limited space in the activity room, she will provide books throughout the next

      few months so as to not overwhelm them with too many all at once.

    •   Thank you for supporting this mission with your donations.

  • Financial Support for Missions:

    Call it what you will, for a small church we are involved in many different local ministries, missions or outreach programs.

    Funding for these giving programs come from various places, one of these places is you!

    If you would like to donate additional funds for a specific program, checks can be made to the following ongoing missions of EPC.

    Community Garden

    Gateway to Higher Education Scholarship Crossroads Campus

    Maple Village

    Special Music Ministry events


    Please note on the memo line which mission your check is meant to support.

    Financial Support for EPC:

    If you are not able to attend worship service and still wish show your support for Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, you can contribute in the following ways:

    Online–send an electronic payment, your bank can help you set this up if you have questions.

    By Mail – our mailing address is EPC, 9770 Hwy 96, Nashville, TN 37221

    Through EPC’s website www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org Simply click on the “GIVE” button, then the “donate” button, to donate via PayPal or debit/credit card. This can be a one-time donation or can be set up as a monthly donation.

    • Join us for fellowship, snacks and fresh cup of coffee!

    • There is a sign-up sheet by the front door if you wish to help.

  • The Covid bug is back. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the front entrance to use as desired. Be aware of your health and consider others in all you do.

    Next month is Pastor Appreciation Month.... Just sayin!

  •   Please remember to check the “Events”, “Missions” and “Stewardship” bulletin boards in the hallway for ongoing information about these areas of activity at EPC.

      The kids board, underneath the “Missions” section, shares the kids’ lessons with you. It’s sometime messy but that’s what kids do -- Enjoy it!

    This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-


    •   Communion every 1st Sunday

    •   Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (10/13)

    •   Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (10/20)

    •   Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (10/31)

    •   2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug Hookers meet

      10am–2pm. Upcoming:

    •   October 6: Blessing of the Animals (outside service) and Feast of St Francis of Assisi

    •   October 27: Deliver books and puzzles to Maple Village

    •   October12th and 19th 9am – 12 noon -- Spit and Shine Building and Grounds Clean up days ( see


    •   November 3: Feast of All Saints and Communion of All Saints

    •   November 17: Thanksgiving pot luck dinner, bring sides.

    •   November 30: Christmas Cookie Bake and activities. Details to come

    •   November 30: Hanging of the Greens

    •   December 1: First day of Advent, Sunday and Wednesday events. Details to come.

  • Ongoing:

    •   Communion every 1st Sunday

    •   Building Improvement Committee every first Sunday (11/3)

    •   Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (11/10)

    •   Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (11/17) CHANGED TO 2ND SUNDAY IN NOVEMBER (11/10)

    •   Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (11/18) after service

    •   2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug Hookers meet 10 am – 2 pm.


    •   October 27: Deliver books and puzzles to Maple Village

    •   November 3; Daylight Savings time ends, turn clocks BACK one hour

    •   November 3: Feast of All Saints and Communion of All Saints

    •   November 17: Thanksgiving pot luck dinner, bring sides.

    •   November 30: Christmas Cookie Bake and activities. Details to come

    •   November 30: Hanging of the Greens

    •   December 1: First day of Advent, Sunday and Wednesday events. Details to come.

  • Coming up soon, take part in conversation about uniting the Bodies of Christ:

    As a follow up to a previous meeting, there will be a conversation with Adam Buzard, who is part of the Operation Andrew Group. This will be hosted by the 2nd Presbyterian Church on April 18th from 9-11 am. as he works to fulfill the mission of uniting the bodies of Christ as they partner with local churches. 2nd Pres is located at 3511 Belmont Blvd and the conversation will center around “The State of Nashville”. It is open to anyone (pastors, elders, church volunteers) interested in knowing what others think of our church. The event is this scheduled for tomorrow.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NaCoMe Camp Opportunity:

    Reach out to Jane if you have questions about this. It is coming up soon. I’m sorry I don’t have any more details at this time.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

    • *During service last week we had a special presentation for the youth who went to Montreat last summer.

      • * Pictures from their week at camp were lovingly placed into book form.

        * Teddy, Jefferson and Annalease received their own copy, as did Scott and Barb.

        One copy has also been placed in the EPC library. Well done. Thank you.

  • Garden in Progress.

  • Class of 2024

    Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission

    John Denton, Building and Grounds

    Class of 2025

    Greg Burlison, Personnel

    John Sevier, Director of Music

    Class of 2026

    Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure

    Jan Russell

Read More
Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian

October 23rd, 2024 | Newsletter

  • Welcome Visitors!

    We are excited to call your attention to, and encourage you, to visit our upgraded website! Go to www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org for all your questions. Cut and paste one of these sites in your browser. If you can’t find your answers there, try the options below:

    janemherring@gmail.com – Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615- 818-9727 or at her email about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized), to join

    the church or for answers to any other questions you might have.

    epcnashville@gmail.com - General EPC email can be sent to this site (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account).

    epcbusiness9770@gmail.com - If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances or other business topics, email your question or request here.

    janemherring@gmail.com - Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin here.
    frhanchey@gmail.com - Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter here.

    frhanchey@gmail.com – Send questions about the outdoor gardens or children’s education/programming here.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

  • Worship: Readings For The Week

    PROPER 25 (30) OCT 27, 2024

    First reading and Psalm

    Job 42:1-6, 10-17

    Psalm 34:1- 8, (19-22)

    Alternate First reading and Psalm

    Jeremiah 31:7-9

    Psalm 126

    Second reading

    Hebrews 7:23-28


    Mark 10:46-52

  • Litergical readers and schedule notes

    Date | Pulpit | Liturgist | Notes |

    10.27.24 | Herring | Jan R.

    11.3.24 | Herring | Ginia W. | Communion

    11.10.24 | Herring | Barbara H.

    11.17.24 | Herring |

    11.24.24 | Herring | Sandra/Darrell H.

    12.01.24 | Herring | Diana B.

    12.08.24 | Herring |

    12.15.24 | Herring | Karen R.

    12.22.24 | Herring | Darrell H.

    12.29.24 | Herring | Sandra H.

    Thank you to those of you who serve as liturgists. If you wish to volunteer as liturgist, send an email to epcbusiness9770@gmail.com or call 615-473-3510.

  • Prayer and Praise:

    Romans 8:28

    God promises to make something good out of the storms that bring devastation to your life.

    Invitation to Prayer Group:

     

    Have you ever had a relationship strained to the point where you didn’t speak to a loved one?

    The GIFT of prayer is a miracle in itself – a direct relationship with our Creator, infused with LOVE.

    •   Give yourself permission to take one moment each day to nurture that relationship.

    •   If you wish to experience what prayer group is like – please join us any Thursday evening from 6:00 – 7:00 pm(ish) when we gather as a small group to talk to God, lift our

      community prayers and experience the PEACE of God’s presence - together.

    This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

    Wednesday night Prayer Group is now meeting on Thursdays from 6- 7pm. All are invited. Please join us.

    Quotes about prayer:

    Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts. – Mother Teresa

  • Peace and Global Witness:

    •   Thank You to all for the Peace and Global Witness gifts.

    •   Total given this year was $385.00

    •   $96.25 (25%) will be given to the Nashville Peacekeepers nonprofit organization. More

      about this group in next week’s newsletter.

    •   $288.75 will be sent to the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee.

    Maple Village:

    •   We are collecting gently used books and (especially) jigsaw puzzles for Maple Village.

    •   All book genres and all puzzle sizes are accepted.

    •   There is a tote outside the children’s classroom for your contributions.

    •   We will make a delivery on the last Sunday of October, the 27th.

  • Financial Support for Missions:

    Call it what you will, for a small church we are involved in many different local ministries, missions or outreach programs.

    Funding for these giving programs come from various places, one of these places is you!

    If you would like to donate additional funds for a specific program, checks can be made to the following ongoing missions of EPC.

    Community Garden

    Gateway to Higher Education Scholarship Crossroads Campus

    Maple Village

    Special Music Ministry events


    Please note on the memo line which mission your check is meant to support.

    Financial Support for EPC:

    If you are not able to attend worship service and still wish show your support for Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, you can contribute in the following ways:

    Online–send an electronic payment, your bank can help you set this up if you have questions.

    By Mail – our mailing address is EPC, 9770 Hwy 96, Nashville, TN 37221

    Through EPC’s website www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org Simply click on the “GIVE” button, then the “donate” button, to donate via PayPal or debit/credit card. This can be a one-time donation or can be set up as a monthly donation.

    • Join us for fellowship, snacks and fresh cup of coffee!

    • There is a sign-up sheet by the front door if you wish to help.

  • The Covid bug is back. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the front entrance to use as desired. Be aware of your health and consider others in all you do.

    Next month is Pastor Appreciation Month.... Just sayin!

  •   Please remember to check the “Events”, “Missions” and “Stewardship” bulletin boards in the hallway for ongoing information about these areas of activity at EPC.

      The kids board, underneath the “Missions” section, shares the kids’ lessons with you. It’s sometime messy but that’s what kids do -- Enjoy it!

    This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-


    •   Communion every 1st Sunday

    •   Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (10/13)

    •   Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (10/20)

    •   Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (10/31)

    •   2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug Hookers meet

      10am–2pm. Upcoming:

    •   October 6: Blessing of the Animals (outside service) and Feast of St Francis of Assisi

    •   October 27: Deliver books and puzzles to Maple Village

    •   October12th and 19th 9am – 12 noon -- Spit and Shine Building and Grounds Clean up days ( see


    •   November 3: Feast of All Saints and Communion of All Saints

    •   November 17: Thanksgiving pot luck dinner, bring sides.

    •   November 30: Christmas Cookie Bake and activities. Details to come

    •   November 30: Hanging of the Greens

    •   December 1: First day of Advent, Sunday and Wednesday events. Details to come.

  • Ongoing:

    •   Communion every 1st Sunday

    •   Building Improvement Committee every first Sunday (11/3)

    •   Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (11/10)

    •   Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am


    •   Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (11/18) after service

    •   2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug Hookers meet 10 am – 2 pm.


    •   October 27: Deliver books and puzzles to Maple Village

    •   November 3; Daylight Savings time ends

    •   November 3: Feast of All Saints and Communion of All Saints

    •   November 17: Thanksgiving pot luck dinner, bring sides.

    •   November 30: Christmas Cookie Bake and activities. Details to come

    •   November 30: Hanging of the Greens

    •   December 1: First day of Advent, Sunday and Wednesday events. Details to come.

  • Coming up soon, take part in conversation about uniting the Bodies of Christ:

    As a follow up to a previous meeting, there will be a conversation with Adam Buzard, who is part of the Operation Andrew Group. This will be hosted by the 2nd Presbyterian Church on April 18th from 9-11 am. as he works to fulfill the mission of uniting the bodies of Christ as they partner with local churches. 2nd Pres is located at 3511 Belmont Blvd and the conversation will center around “The State of Nashville”. It is open to anyone (pastors, elders, church volunteers) interested in knowing what others think of our church. The event is this scheduled for tomorrow.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NaCoMe Camp Opportunity:

    Reach out to Jane if you have questions about this. It is coming up soon. I’m sorry I don’t have any more details at this time.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

    • *During service last week we had a special presentation for the youth who went to Montreat last summer.

      • * Pictures from their week at camp were lovingly placed into book form.

        * Teddy, Jefferson and Annalease received their own copy, as did Scott and Barb.

        One copy has also been placed in the EPC library. Well done. Thank you.

  • Garden in Progress.

  • Class of 2024

    Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission

    John Denton, Building and Grounds

    Class of 2025

    Greg Burlison, Personnel

    John Sevier, Director of Music

    Class of 2026

    Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure

    Jan Russell

Read More
Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian

October 16th, 2024 | Newsletter

  • Welcome Visitors!

    We are excited to call your attention to, and encourage you, to visit our upgraded website! Go to www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org for all your questions. Cut and paste one of these sites in your browser. If you can’t find your answers there, try the options below:

    janemherring@gmail.com – Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615- 818-9727 or at her email about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized), to join

    the church or for answers to any other questions you might have.

    epcnashville@gmail.com - General EPC email can be sent to this site (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account).

    epcbusiness9770@gmail.com - If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances or other business topics, email your question or request here.

    janemherring@gmail.com - Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin here.
    frhanchey@gmail.com - Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter here.

    frhanchey@gmail.com – Send questions about the outdoor gardens or children’s education/programming here.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

  • Readings For The Week

    PROPER 24 (29) OCT 20,2024

    First reading and Psalm

    Job 38:1-7, (34-41) Psalm 104:1- 9, 24, 35c
    Alternate First reading and Psalm

    Isaiah 53:4-12 Psalm 91:9-16

    Second reading

    Hebrews 5:1-10


    Mark 10:35-45

  • Litergical readers and schedule notes

    Date | Pulpit | Liturgist | Notes |

    10.20.24 | Herring | Darrell H.

    10.27.24 | Herring | Jan R.

    11.3.24 | Herring | Ginia W. | Communion

    11.10.24 | Herring | Barbara H.

    11.17.24 | Herring |

    11.24.24 | Herring | Sandra/Darrell H.

    12.01.24 | Herring | Diana B.

    Thank you to those of you who serve as liturgists. If you wish to volunteer as liturgist, send an email to epcbusiness9770@gmail.com or call 615-473-3510.

  • Psalm 149:4

    For the Lord takes delight in His people; He crowns the humble with salvation.

    Quotes about prayer:

    Any concern too small to be turned into a prayer is too small to be made into a burden. - Corrie Ten Boom

    Invitation to Prayer Group:

    Have you ever had a relationship strained to the point where you didn’t speak to a loved one? The GIFT of prayer is a miracle in itself – a direct relationship with our Creator, infused with LOVE. Give yourself permission to take one moment each day to nurture that relationship.

    If you wish to experience what prayer group is like – please join us any Thursday evening from 6:00 – 7:00 pm(ish) when we gather as a small group to talk to God, lift our community prayers and experience the PEACE of God’s presence - together.

    Wednesday night Prayer Group is now meeting on Thursdays from 6-7pm. All are invited. Please join us.

  • Peace and Global Witness:

    •   Thank you everyone for your Peace and Global Witness gifts.

    •   The fellowship/mission committee meeting is this Sunday morning and we will

      determine what group will receive the shared portion of the offering.

    Maple Village:

    •   We are collecting gently used books and jigsaw puzzles for Maple Village.

    •   All book genres and all puzzle sizes are accepted.

    •   There is a tote outside the children’s classroom for your contributions.

    •   We will make a delivery on the last Sunday of October, the 27th.

  • Financial Support for Missions:

    Call it what you will, for a small church we are involved in many different local ministries, missions or outreach programs.

    Funding for these giving programs come from various places, one of these places is you!

    If you would like to donate additional funds for a specific program, checks can be made to the following ongoing missions of EPC.

    Community Garden

    Gateway to Higher Education Scholarship Crossroads Campus

    Maple Village

    Special Music Ministry events


    Please note on the memo line which mission your check is meant to support.

    Financial Support for EPC:

    If you are not able to attend worship service and still wish show your support for Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, you can contribute in the following ways:

    Online–send an electronic payment, your bank can help you set this up if you have questions.

    By Mail – our mailing address is EPC, 9770 Hwy 96, Nashville, TN 37221

    Through EPC’s website www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org Simply click on the “GIVE” button, then the “donate” button, to donate via PayPal or debit/credit card. This can be a one-time donation or can be set up as a monthly donation.

    • Join us for fellowship, snacks and fresh cup of coffee around the kitchen window after service!

    • There is a sign-up sheet by the front door if you wish to help.

    • It looks like we don’t have anybody signed up for snacks on the 20th so I will bring something. If you have already signed up and I just have an old picture, please let me (faith frhanchey@gmail.com) know.

    • We could use someone for next week as well.

  • The Covid bug is back. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the front entrance to use as desired. Be aware of your health and consider others in all you do.

    Next month is Pastor Appreciation Month.... Just sayin!

  •   Please remember to check the “Events”, “Missions” and “Stewardship” bulletin boards in the hallway for ongoing information about these areas of activity at EPC.

      The kids board, underneath the “Missions” section, shares the kids’ lessons with you. It’s sometime messy but that’s what kids do -- Enjoy it!

    This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-


    •   Communion every 1st Sunday

    •   Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (10/13)

    •   Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (10/20)

    •   Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (10/31)

    •   2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug Hookers meet

      10am–2pm. Upcoming:

    •   October 6: Blessing of the Animals (outside service) and Feast of St Francis of Assisi

    •   October 27: Deliver books and puzzles to Maple Village

    •   October12th and 19th 9am – 12 noon -- Spit and Shine Building and Grounds Clean up days ( see


    •   November 3: Feast of All Saints and Communion of All Saints

    •   November 17: Thanksgiving pot luck dinner, bring sides.

    •   November 30: Christmas Cookie Bake and activities. Details to come

    •   November 30: Hanging of the Greens

    •   December 1: First day of Advent, Sunday and Wednesday events. Details to come.

  • Ongoing:

      Communion every 1st Sunday

      Building Improvement Committee every first Sunday

      Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (this Sunday)

      Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (10/20)

      Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (10/31)

      2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug Hookers meet



      October 19th 9am – 12 noon -- Spit and Shine Building and

    Grounds Clean up day ( see below) part 2

      October 27: Deliver books and puzzles to Maple Village

      November 3: Feast of All Saints and Communion of All Saints

      November 17: Thanksgiving pot luck dinner, bring sides.

      November 30: Christmas Cookie Bake and activities. Details to come

      November 30: Hanging of the Greens

      December 1: First day of Advent, Sunday and Wednesday

    events. Details to come.

  • Coming up soon, take part in conversation about uniting the Bodies of Christ:

    As a follow up to a previous meeting, there will be a conversation with Adam Buzard, who is part of the Operation Andrew Group. This will be hosted by the 2nd Presbyterian Church on April 18th from 9-11 am. as he works to fulfill the mission of uniting the bodies of Christ as they partner with local churches. 2nd Pres is located at 3511 Belmont Blvd and the conversation will center around “The State of Nashville”. It is open to anyone (pastors, elders, church volunteers) interested in knowing what others think of our church. The event is this scheduled for tomorrow.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NaCoMe Camp Opportunity:

    Reach out to Jane if you have questions about this. It is coming up soon. I’m sorry I don’t have any more details at this time.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

    • *During service last week we had a special presentation for the youth who went to Montreat last summer.

      • * Pictures from their week at camp were lovingly placed into book form.

        * Teddy, Jefferson and Annalease received their own copy, as did Scott and Barb.

        One copy has also been placed in the EPC library. Well done. Thank you.

    • There is one more “Spit and Shine” work day on the calendar, Saturday October 19, from 9am–12noon.

    •   We had a fantastic work crew last Saturday and A HUGE THANKS goes out to all who were there.

    •   We would like someone to fix a brunch and serve the food. If this is something you can do please let me know so we don’t have duplicate efforts.

    •   There are jobs both inside and out. Much has been done but there is still something in every room that needs cleaning.

       All of us have something to contribute, come share your talents and let’s show ownership of the EPC church building and the ground it lies on. Bring any cleaning supplies that you have to help with the process.

       Check the list shown and see where you can help

       Save the date, find a place to help, whether it is carrying supplies, scrubbing the sign, vacuuming, cleaning light fixtures and windows, providing refreshments, or entertaining the workers.

       There is a list in the adult classroom where you can see what still needs to be done. Please initial what area you are working on. It seems helpful to work in pairs.

    The Grounds –

    * The round garden by the front doors is getting a face-lift. Everything that is in it is coming out and a whole new set up will be put in place over the next few weeks.

    * If anybody wants any of the plants that are there, they can be yours. Just bring what you need to take them home with you.

    * The sign by Hwy 96 has also gotten a face-lift. The side that was so sun-burned at the top has been replaced.

    * The butterflies and flowers are still showing their full beauty.

    * The veggie plots are getting cleaned up and prepped for the winter season.

    *Those able or interested in helping are urged to contact Faith or Val.

  • Class of 2024

    Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission

    John Denton, Building and Grounds

    Class of 2025

    Greg Burlison, Personnel

    John Sevier, Director of Music

    Class of 2026

    Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure

    Jan Russell

Read More
Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian

October 9th, 2024 | Newsletter

  • Welcome Visitors!

    We are excited to call your attention to, and encourage you, to visit our upgraded website! Go to www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org for all your questions. Cut and paste one of these sites in your browser. If you can’t find your answers there, try the options below:

    janemherring@gmail.com – Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615- 818-9727 or at her email about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized), to join

    the church or for answers to any other questions you might have.

    epcnashville@gmail.com - General EPC email can be sent to this site (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account).

    epcbusiness9770@gmail.com - If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances or other business topics, email your question or request here.

    janemherring@gmail.com - Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin here.
    frhanchey@gmail.com - Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter here.

    frhanchey@gmail.com – Send questions about the outdoor gardens or children’s education/programming here.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

  • Readings For The Week

    PROPER 23 (28) OCT 13, 2024

    First reading and Psalm
    Job 23:1-9, 16-17 Psalm 22:1- 15
    Alternate First reading and Psalm
    Amos 5:6-7, 10-15 Psalm 90:12- 17
    Second reading
    Hebrews 4:12-16
    Mark 10:17-31

  • Litergical readers and schedule notes

    Date | Pulpit | Liturgist | Notes |

    10.13.24 | Herring | Karen R.

    10.20.24 | Herring | Darrell H.

    10.27.24 | Herring | Jan R.

    11.3.24 | Herring | Ginia W. | Communion

    11.10.24 | Herring | Barbara H.

    Thank you to those of you who serve as liturgists. If you wish to volunteer as liturgist, send an email to epcbusiness9770@gmail.com or call 615-473-3510.

  • Psalm 107:1

    Give thanks to the Lord for He is good: His love endures forever.

    Quotes about prayer:

    God is looking for people to use, and if you can get usable, he will wear you out. The most dangerous [and rewarding] prayer you can pray is this: “Use me”- Rick Warren

    A question about this week’s quote

    Since both sides usually claim that God is on their side (meaning God agrees with their position), does that mean that one is correct and the other mistaken or does it mean that God is with the people on both sides and each of their positions is beside the point?

    Invitation to Prayer Group

    Have you ever had a relationship strained to the point where you didn’t speak to a loved one?

    The GIFT of prayer is a miracle in itself – a direct relationship with our Creator, infused with LOVE.

    Give yourself permission to take one moment each day

    to nurture that relationship.

    If you wish to experience what prayer group is like – please join us any Thursday evening from 6:00 – 7:00 pm(ish) when we gather as a small group to talk to God, lift our community prayers and experience the PEACE of God’s presence - together.

    Wednesday night Prayer Group is now meeting on Thursdays from 6-7pm. All are invited. Please join us.

  • Peace and Global Witness:

    •   Thank you everyone for your Peace and Global Witness gifts ($385 so far).

    •   Since Barb is traveling, and can’t make the deposit this week , if you meant to donate but have not, you still have time!

    Maple Village:

    •   We are collecting gently used books and jigsaw puzzles for Maple Village.

    •   All book genres and all puzzle sizes are accepted.

    •   There is a tote outside the children’s classroom for your contributions.

    •   We will make a delivery on the last Sunday of October, the 27th.

  • Financial Support for Missions:

    Call it what you will, for a small church we are involved in many different local ministries, missions or outreach programs.

    Funding for these giving programs come from various places, one of these places is you!

    If you would like to donate additional funds for a specific program, checks can be made to the following ongoing missions of EPC.

    Community Garden

    Gateway to Higher Education Scholarship Crossroads Campus

    Maple Village

    Special Music Ministry events


    Please note on the memo line which mission your check is meant to support.

    Financial Support for EPC:

    If you are not able to attend worship service and still wish show your support for Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, you can contribute in the following ways:

    Online–send an electronic payment, your bank can help you set this up if you have questions.

    By Mail – our mailing address is EPC, 9770 Hwy 96, Nashville, TN 37221

    Through EPC’s website www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org Simply click on the “GIVE” button, then the “donate” button, to donate via PayPal or debit/credit card. This can be a one-time donation or can be set up as a monthly donation.

    • Join us for fellowship, snacks and fresh cup of coffee around the kitchen window after service!

    •   There is a sign-up sheet by the front door if you wish to help.

    We will have donuts, juice and coffee for the work day on Saturday the 12th. Will someone volunteer to provide breakfast/snacks for the work day on Saturday the 19th ?

  • The Covid bug is back. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the front entrance to use as desired. Be aware of your health and consider others in all you do.

    Next month is Pastor Appreciation Month.... Just sayin!

  •   Please remember to check the “Events”, “Missions” and “Stewardship” bulletin boards in the hallway for ongoing information about these areas of activity at EPC.

      The kids board, underneath the “Missions” section, shares the kids’ lessons with you. It’s sometime messy but that’s what kids do -- Enjoy it!

    This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-


    •   Communion every 1st Sunday

    •   Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (10/13)

    •   Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (10/20)

    •   Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (10/31)

    •   2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug Hookers meet

      10am–2pm. Upcoming:

    •   October 6: Blessing of the Animals (outside service) and Feast of St Francis of Assisi

    •   October 27: Deliver books and puzzles to Maple Village

    •   October12th and 19th 9am – 12 noon -- Spit and Shine Building and Grounds Clean up days ( see


    •   November 3: Feast of All Saints and Communion of All Saints

    •   November 17: Thanksgiving pot luck dinner, bring sides.

    •   November 30: Christmas Cookie Bake and activities. Details to come

    •   November 30: Hanging of the Greens

    •   December 1: First day of Advent, Sunday and Wednesday events. Details to come.

  • Ongoing:

    •   Communion every 1st Sunday

    •   Building Improvement Committee every first Sunday after communion

    •   Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (10/13)

    •   Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (10/20)

    •   Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (10/31)

    •   2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug Hookers meet 10am–2pm.


    •   October12th and 19th 9am – 12 noon -- Spit and Shine Building and

      Grounds Clean up days ( see below)

    •   October 27: Deliver books and puzzles to Maple Village

    •   November 3: Feast of All Saints and Communion of All Saints

    •   November 17: Thanksgiving pot luck dinner, bring sides.

    •   November 30: Christmas Cookie Bake and activities. Details to come

    •   November 30: Hanging of the Greens

    •   December 1: First day of Advent, Sunday and Wednesday events. Details to come.

  • Coming up soon, take part in conversation about uniting the Bodies of Christ:

    As a follow up to a previous meeting, there will be a conversation with Adam Buzard, who is part of the Operation Andrew Group. This will be hosted by the 2nd Presbyterian Church on April 18th from 9-11 am. as he works to fulfill the mission of uniting the bodies of Christ as they partner with local churches. 2nd Pres is located at 3511 Belmont Blvd and the conversation will center around “The State of Nashville”. It is open to anyone (pastors, elders, church volunteers) interested in knowing what others think of our church. The event is this scheduled for tomorrow.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NaCoMe Camp Opportunity:

    Reach out to Jane if you have questions about this. It is coming up soon. I’m sorry I don’t have any more details at this time.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

    • *During service last week we had a special presentation for the youth who went to Montreat last summer.

      • * Pictures from their week at camp were lovingly placed into book form.

        * Teddy, Jefferson and Annalease received their own copy, as did Scott and Barb.

        One copy has also been placed in the EPC library. Well done. Thank you.

  • Spit & Shine Clean Up Day:

    There are two “Spit and Shine” work days on the calendar, Saturday October 12 and Saturday October 19, both from 9 am - 12noon. We cannot emphasize enough the need for as many hands as we can get to help out. There are many jobs that need doing, maybe we need someone to run to the hardware or grocery store. Or we need someone to cook the brunch casserole and serve the food. There are jobs both inside and out. Every room in the church has things that need cleaning.

    All of us have something to contribute, come share your talents and let’s show ownership of the EPC church building and the ground it lies on. Bring any cleaning supplies that you have to help with the process.

     Check the list shown and see where you can help

    Save the dates, find a place to help, whether it is carrying supplies, scrubbing the sign, vacuuming, cleaning light fixtures and windows, providing refreshments, or entertaining the workers.

     This list is not complete.

    We need all hands on deck for this. There is a way EVERYONE can help.

    The Grounds –

    * The round garden by the front doors is getting a face-lift. Everything that is in it is coming out and a whole new set up will be put in place over the next few weeks.

    * If anybody wants any of the plants that are there, they can be yours. Just bring what you need to take them home with you.

    * The sign by Hwy 96 is also getting a face-lift. The side that is so sun-burned at the top is being replaced either this week or next.

    The veggie plots need to be cleaned up and prepped for the winter season.
    Those able or interested in helping are urged to contact Faith or meet with me Saturday.

  • Class of 2024

    Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission

    John Denton, Building and Grounds

    Class of 2025

    Greg Burlison, Personnel

    John Sevier, Director of Music

    Class of 2026

    Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure

    Jan Russell

Read More
Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian

October 2nd, 2024 | Newsletter

  • Welcome Visitors!

    We celebrated this past Sunday with a special “hands on” way of doing God’s work. Thanks to the herculean efforts of Barb and friends, the sanctuary was set up so that the congregation could all take part in filling up goody bags to be delivered to the Oasis Center. As you can see from the pictures it was an easy way to fill the bags in a short time.

    From set up (upper left) to fill up (upper right) to music (lower left) to delivery (lower right). 158 goody bags delivered to Oasis Center. Thank you EPC!

    Worship (this Sunday):

    •   This coming Sunday we will celebrate communion, the Blessing of the Animals and the Feast of St Francis of Assisi.

    •   Those who wish to bring a pet or a pet’s picture are

      encouraged to do so – on a leash or in a container.

    •   We plan to meet outside in the pavilion.

    We are excited to call your attention to, and encourage you, to visit our upgraded website! Go to www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org for all your questions. Cut and paste one of these sites in your browser. If you can’t find your answers there, try the options below:

    janemherring@gmail.com – Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615- 818-9727 or at her email about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized), to join

    the church or for answers to any other questions you might have.

    epcnashville@gmail.com - General EPC email can be sent to this site (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account).

    epcbusiness9770@gmail.com - If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances or other business topics, email your question or request here.

    janemherring@gmail.com - Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin here.
    frhanchey@gmail.com - Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter here.

    frhanchey@gmail.com – Send questions about the outdoor gardens or children’s education/programming here.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

  • Readings For The Week

    PROPER 22 (27) OCT 06, 2024

    First reading and Psalm

    Job 1:1, 2:1-10 Psalm 26

    Alternate First reading and Psalm

    Genesis 2:18-24 Psalm 8

    Second reading

    Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12


    Mark 10:2-16

  • Litergical readers and schedule notes

    Date | Pulpit | Liturgist | Notes |

    10.6.24 | Herring | Sandra H. | Communion & Blessing of the Animals

    10.13.24 | Herring | Karen R.

    10.20.24 | Herring | Darrell H.

    10.27.24 | Herring | Jan R.

    11.3.24 | Herring | Ginia W. | Communion

    11.10.24 | Herring | Barbara H.

    Thank you to those of you who serve as liturgists. If you wish to volunteer as liturgist, send an email to epcbusiness9770@gmail.com or call 615-473-3510.

  • Psalm 23:4

    “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”

    Quotes about prayer:

    I know that the Lord is always on the side of the right; but it is my constant anxiety and prayer that I and this nation may be on the Lord’s side. – Abraham Lincoln

    A question about this week’s quote

    Since both sides usually claim that God is on their side (meaning God agrees with their position), does that mean that one is correct and the other mistaken or does it mean that God is with the people on both sides and each of their positions is beside the point?

    Invitation to Prayer Group

    Wednesday night Prayer Group is now meeting on Thursdays from 6-7pm. All are invited. Please join us.

    This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

    Think of all the times you have prayed – times of joy, sorrow, celebration, heartache ... the list goes on. Take a moment to think about what your life would be like without the ability and invitation to prayer, without that one-on-one relationship time with God.

    Have you ever had a relationship strained to the point where you didn’t speak to a loved one?

    The GIFT of prayer is a miracle in itself – a direct relationship with our Creator, infused with LOVE.

    Give yourself permission to take one moment each day

    to nurture that relationship.

    If you wish to experience what prayer group is like – please join us any Thursday evening from 6:00 – 7:00 pm(ish) when we gather as a small group to talk to God, lift our community prayers and experience the PEACE of God’s presence - together.

  • Peace and Global Witness:

    •   The Peace & Global Witness Offering, the third special offering of the year, runs from September 8 – October 6.

    •   It is typically collected on the first Sunday of every October

    •   This year’s theme for the offering is “Sowing the Seeds of Peace.

    •   25% of the total offering remains with EPC to fund peacemaking and reconciliation in our community.

    •   The mission committee will decide what organization will receive this money. If you have a suggestion, please let someone on the committee know. (Ginia, Faith, Jan, Val, Marilyn, Mark, Sara, Sue).

    •   Checks can be offered up any time during the collection period. Please indicate “special offering” or “PaGW” on the memo line.

      Maple Village:

      •   We are collecting gently used books and jigsaw puzzles for Maple Village.

      •   All book genres and all puzzle sizes are accepted.

      •   There is a tote outside the children’s classroom for your contributions.

      •   We will make a delivery on the last Sunday of October, the 27th.

  • Financial Support for Missions:

    Call it what you will, for a small church we are involved in many different local ministries, missions or outreach programs.

    Funding for these giving programs come from various places, one of these places is you!

    If you would like to donate additional funds for a specific program, checks can be made to the following ongoing missions of EPC.

    Community Garden

    Gateway to Higher Education Scholarship Crossroads Campus

    Maple Village

    Special Music Ministry events


    Please note on the memo line which mission your check is meant to support.

    Financial Support for EPC:

    If you are not able to attend worship service and still wish show your support for Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, you can contribute in the following ways:

    Online–send an electronic payment, your bank can help you set this up if you have questions.

    By Mail – our mailing address is EPC, 9770 Hwy 96, Nashville, TN 37221

    Through EPC’s website www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org Simply click on the “GIVE” button, then the “donate” button, to donate via PayPal or debit/credit card. This can be a one-time donation or can be set up as a monthly donation.

  • Join us for fellowship, snacks and fresh cup of coffee around the kitchen window after service!

    There is a sign-up sheet by the front door if you wish to help.

  • The Covid bug is back. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the front entrance to use as desired. Be aware of your health and consider others in all you do.

    Next month is Pastor Appreciation Month.... Just sayin!

  •   Please remember to check the “Events”, “Missions” and “Stewardship” bulletin boards in the hallway for ongoing information about these areas of activity at EPC.

      The kids board, underneath the “Missions” section, shares the kids’ lessons with you. It’s sometime messy but that’s what kids do -- Enjoy it!

    This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-


    •   Communion every 1st Sunday

    •   Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (10/13)

    •   Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (10/20)

    •   Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (10/31)

    •   2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug Hookers meet

      10am–2pm. Upcoming:

    •   October 6: Blessing of the Animals (outside service) and Feast of St Francis of Assisi

    •   October 27: Deliver books and puzzles to Maple Village

    •   October12th and 19th 9am – 12 noon -- Spit and Shine Building and Grounds Clean up days ( see


    •   November 3: Feast of All Saints and Communion of All Saints

    •   November 17: Thanksgiving pot luck dinner, bring sides.

    •   November 30: Christmas Cookie Bake and activities. Details to come

    •   November 30: Hanging of the Greens

    •   December 1: First day of Advent, Sunday and Wednesday events. Details to come.

    • Ongoing:

    •   Communion every 1st Sunday

    •   Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (10/13)

    •   Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (10/20)

    •   Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (10/31)

    •   2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug Hookers meet

      10am–2pm. Upcoming:

    •   September 8- October 6: Peace and Global Witness special collection.

    •   September 26 (Th): Wednesday prayer group meetings start on Thursday.

    •   September 29: Assemble Goody Bags during service

    •   October 6: Blessing of the Animals (outside service) and Feast of St Francis of Assisi

    •   October 27: Deliver books and puzzles to Maple Village

    •   October12th and 19th 9am – 12 noon -- Spit and Shine Building and Grounds Clean up days ( see


    •   November 3: Feast of All Saints and Communion of All Saints

    •   November 17: Thanksgiving pot luck dinner, bring sides.

    •   November 30: Christmas Cookie Bake and activities. Details to come

    •   November 30: Hanging of the Greens

    •   December 1: First day of Advent, Sunday and Wednesday events. Details to come.

  • Coming up soon, take part in conversation about uniting the Bodies of Christ:

    As a follow up to a previous meeting, there will be a conversation with Adam Buzard, who is part of the Operation Andrew Group. This will be hosted by the 2nd Presbyterian Church on April 18th from 9-11 am. as he works to fulfill the mission of uniting the bodies of Christ as they partner with local churches. 2nd Pres is located at 3511 Belmont Blvd and the conversation will center around “The State of Nashville”. It is open to anyone (pastors, elders, church volunteers) interested in knowing what others think of our church. The event is this scheduled for tomorrow.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NaCoMe Camp Opportunity:

    Reach out to Jane if you have questions about this. It is coming up soon. I’m sorry I don’t have any more details at this time.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

    • *During service last week we had a special presentation for the youth who went to Montreat last summer.

      • * Pictures from their week at camp were lovingly placed into book form.

        * Teddy, Jefferson and Annalease received their own copy, as did Scott and Barb.

        One copy has also been placed in the EPC library. Well done. Thank you.

  • Spit-Shine Clean Up Day:

    •   On October 12th and 19th the Mission / Fellowship Committees will host Spit Shine Clean-up days at the church, 9am - 12pm

    •   We will provide refreshments and other ways make the day enjoyable.

    The Grounds –

     Checkthelist shown and see where you can help

     Save the dates, find a place to help, whether it is carrying supplies, scrubbing the sign, vacuuming, cleaning light fixtures and windows, providing refreshments, or entertaining the workers.

     This list is not complete.

     We need all hands on deck for this. There is a way EVERYONE can help.

    *The garden areas need to be cleaned up and prepped for the winter season.

    * We need to do a few plots at a time, not all at once.

    * It is time to work the soil and add peat moss and decomposing leaves.

    *Those able or interested in helping are urged to contact Faith H. or meet at the garden sites at a prearranged date.

    *Bags of leaves are needed as are volunteer workers and garden “owners”.

  • Class of 2024

    Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission

    John Denton, Building and Grounds

    Class of 2025

    Greg Burlison, Personnel

    John Sevier, Director of Music

    Class of 2026

    Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure

    Jan Russell

Read More
Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian

September 25th, 2024 | Newsletter

  • Welcome Visitors!

    We celebrated this past Sunday with a special guest, Josiah Holland, director of the Williamson County Schools Alternate Learning Center. He presented an extraordinary testimony of God’s influence on his life and on the healing that he is able to transfer to the children who need it most. Many thanks to Sara B for suggesting he share his ministry with us.

    We are excited to call your attention to, and encourage you, to visit our upgraded website! Go to www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org for all your questions. Cut and paste one of these sites in your browser. If you can’t find your answers there, try the options below:

    janemherring@gmail.com – Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615- 818-9727 or at her email about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized), to join

    the church or for answers to any other questions you might have.

    epcnashville@gmail.com - General EPC email can be sent to this site (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account).

    epcbusiness9770@gmail.com - If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances or other business topics, email your question or request here.

    janemherring@gmail.com - Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin here.
    frhanchey@gmail.com - Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter here.

    frhanchey@gmail.com – Send questions about the outdoor gardens or children’s education/programming here.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

  • Readings For The Week

    PROPER 21 (26) SEP 29, 2024

     First reading and Psalm

    Esther 7:1-6, 9-10; 9:20-22 Psalm 124

    Alternate First reading and Psalm

    Numbers 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29 Psalm 19:7-14

     Second reading

    James 5:13-20

     Gospel

    Mark 9:38-50

  • Litergical readers and schedule notes

    Date | Pulpit | Liturgist | Notes |

    9.29.24 | Herring | Mark S. | Goody Bags

    10.6.24 | Herring | Sandra H. | Communion

    10.13.24 | Herring | Karen R.

    10.20.24 | Herring | Darrell H.

    10.27.24 | Herring | Jan R.

    11.3.24 | Herring | Ginia W. | Communion

    11.10.24 | Herring | Barbara H.

    Thank you to those of you who serve as liturgists. If you wish to volunteer as liturgist, send an email to epcbusiness9770@gmail.com or call 615-473-3510.

  • Jeremiah 29:11

    “For I know the plans I have for you ... plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

    Quotes about prayer:

    To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing. - Martin Luther


    Invitation to Prayer Group

    The Wednesday night prayer group has changed it’s meeting time. Starting this week on the 26th, the Thursday night prayer group we will meet on Thursday nights from 6-7pm. We hope you can join us.

    Think of all the times you have prayed – times of joy, sorrow, celebration, heartache ... the list goes on.

    Take a moment to think about what your life would be like without the ability and invitation to prayer, without that one-on-one relationship time with God.

    Have you ever had a relationship strained to the point where you didn’t speak to a loved one?

    The GIFT of prayer is a miracle in itself – a direct relationship with our Creator, infused with LOVE.

    Give yourself permission to take one moment each day to

    nurture that relationship.

    If you wish to experience what prayer group is like – please join us any Thursday evening from 6:00 – 7:00 pm(ish) when we gather as a small group to talk to God, lift our community prayers and experience the PEACE of God’s presence - together.

  • Peace and Global Witness:

    •   The Peace & Global Witness Offering, the third special offering of the year, runs from September 8 – October 6.

    •   It is typically collected on the first Sunday of every October

    •   This year’s theme for the offering is “Sowing the Seeds of Peace.

    •   25% of the total offering remains with EPC to fund peacemaking and reconciliation in our community.

    •   The mission committee will decide what organization will receive this money. If you have a suggestion, please let someone on the committee know. (Ginia, Faith, Jan, Val, Marilyn, Mark, Sara, Sue).

    •   Checks can be offered up any time during the collection period. Please indicate “special offering” or “PaGW” on the memo line.

      Maple Village:

    •   The kale and the beets that were planted have sprouted.

    •   Spinach and lettuce seedlings are in the ground.

    •   Radishes are going in the ground this week.

    •   Chloe’s tomatoes are still producing....

    •   In addition to all that, there is a tote outside the children’s classroom for books and puzzles that will be taken to Maple Village in late October.


      What Oasis is About...and how we can help

      As always, this summer at Oasis Center was action-packed! Between summer camps, internships, workshops, service projects, and field trips, we provided a combined 3,265 hours of programming to young people from across Nashville - all at no cost to youth or their families!

      Check out some of the exciting things the young people participated in this summer.

    Youth in our ITOP (International Teen Outreach Program) participated in some cool activities through our Your Story Continues camp! They went kayaking, completed challenge courses, cooled off at a water park, met animals at the Nashville Zoo, visited the Goo Goo Clusters factory, and much more. The teens also put in 133 hours on a beautification service project painting rain barrels for the Mill Ridge Community Garden - and had a blast doing it!

    How EPC helps:

    •   Sunday September 29th is our next “goody bag assembly” during service.

    •   We pack bags full of healthy snacks to be distributed to homeless teens.

    •   Delivery to the center will be on October 2nd

    •   If you wish to specifically support this ministry, please submit your donations soon. Put “Oasis” in the memo line of your check.

    •   Donations will be used to purchase the items that go into the bags.

  • Financial Support for Missions:

    Call it what you will, for a small church we are involved in many different local ministries, missions or outreach programs.

    Funding for these giving programs come from various places, one of these places is you!

    If you would like to donate additional funds for a specific program, checks can be made to the following ongoing missions of EPC.

    Community Garden

    Gateway to Higher Education Scholarship Crossroads Campus

    Maple Village

    Special Music Ministry events


    Please note on the memo line which mission your check is meant to support.

    Financial Support for EPC:

    If you are not able to attend worship service and still wish show your support for Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, you can contribute in the following ways:

    Online–send an electronic payment, your bank can help you set this up if you have questions.

    By Mail – our mailing address is EPC, 9770 Hwy 96, Nashville, TN 37221

    Through EPC’s website www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org Simply click on the “GIVE” button, then the “donate” button, to donate via PayPal or debit/credit card. This can be a one-time donation or can be set up as a monthly donation.

  • Join us for fellowship, snacks and fresh cup of coffee around the kitchen window after service!

    There is a sign-up sheet by the front door if you wish to help.

  • The Covid bug is back. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the front entrance to use as desired. Be aware of your health and consider others in all you do.

    Next month is Pastor Appreciation Month.... Just sayin!

  • Please remember to check the “Events”, “Missions” and “Stewardship” bulletin boards in the hallway for ongoing information about these areas of activity at EPC.

      The next Mission/Fellowship meeting has been changed to the second Sunday of September (8th).

    • Ongoing:

    •   Communion every 1st Sunday

    •   Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (10/13)

    •   Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (10/20)

    •   Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (10/31)

    •   2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug Hookers meet

      10am–2pm. Upcoming:

    •   September 8- October 6: Peace and Global Witness special collection.

    •   September 26 (Th): Wednesday prayer group meetings start on Thursday.

    •   September 29: Assemble Goody Bags during service

    •   October 6: Blessing of the Animals (outside service) and Feast of St Francis of Assisi

    •   October 27: Deliver books and puzzles to Maple Village

    •   October12th and 19th 9am – 12 noon -- Spit and Shine Building and Grounds Clean up days ( see


    •   November 3: Feast of All Saints and Communion of All Saints

    •   November 17: Thanksgiving pot luck dinner, bring sides.

    •   November 30: Christmas Cookie Bake and activities. Details to come

    •   November 30: Hanging of the Greens

    •   December 1: First day of Advent, Sunday and Wednesday events. Details to come.

  • Coming up soon, take part in conversation about uniting the Bodies of Christ:

    As a follow up to a previous meeting, there will be a conversation with Adam Buzard, who is part of the Operation Andrew Group. This will be hosted by the 2nd Presbyterian Church on April 18th from 9-11 am. as he works to fulfill the mission of uniting the bodies of Christ as they partner with local churches. 2nd Pres is located at 3511 Belmont Blvd and the conversation will center around “The State of Nashville”. It is open to anyone (pastors, elders, church volunteers) interested in knowing what others think of our church. The event is this scheduled for tomorrow.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NaCoMe Camp Opportunity:

    Reach out to Jane if you have questions about this. It is coming up soon. I’m sorry I don’t have any more details at this time.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

      • Special thanks to the big kids who helped me with the kid’s message last Sunday.

      • The children bring such joy to my life and I hope they do to you as well!

  • Spit-Shine Clean Up Day:

    •   On October 12th and 19th the Mission / Fellowship Committees will host Spit Shine Clean-up days at the church, 9am - 12pm

    •   We will provide refreshments and other ways make the day enjoyable.

    •   Check the list shown and see where you can help

    •   Save the dates, find a place to help, whether it is carrying supplies, scrubbing the sign,

      vacuuming, cleaning light fixtures and windows, providing refreshments, or entertaining

      the workers!

    •   We need all hands on deck for this. There is a way EVERYONE can help.

    The Garden:

    The garden areas will be cleaned up and shut down over the next bunch of Sundays depending on the success of the currently planted crops (lettuce, spinach, kale, beets, radishes). It is time to work the soil, add decomposing leaves and prep the beds for a cozy winter. Those able or interested in helping are urged to contact Faith H and be able to work after church over the next few Sundays. Bags of leaves are needed as are volunteer workers.

  • Class of 2024

    Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission

    John Denton, Building and Grounds

    Class of 2025

    Greg Burlison, Personnel

    John Sevier, Director of Music

    Class of 2026

    Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure

    Jan Russell

Read More
Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian

September 18th, 2024 | Newsletter

  • Welcome Visitors!

    We are excited to call your attention to, and encourage you, to visit our upgraded website! Go to www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org for all your questions. Cut and paste one of these sites in your browser. If you can’t find your answers there, try the options below:

    janemherring@gmail.com – Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615- 818-9727 or at her email about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized), to join

    the church or for answers to any other questions you might have.

    epcnashville@gmail.com - General EPC email can be sent to this site (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account).

    epcbusiness9770@gmail.com - If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances or other business topics, email your question or request here.

    janemherring@gmail.com - Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin here.
    frhanchey@gmail.com - Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter here.

    frhanchey@gmail.com – Send questions about the outdoor gardens or children’s education/programming here.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

  • Readings For The Week

    PROPER 20 (25) SEP 22, 2024

    First reading and Psalm
    Proverbs 31:10-31 Psalm 1

    Alternate First reading and Psalm Wisdom of Solomon 1:16-2:1, 12- 22 or Jeremiah 11:18-20 Psalm 54

    Second reading
    James 3:13 – 4:3, 7-8a

    Mark 9:30-37

  • Litergical readers and schedule notes

    Date | Pulpit | Liturgist | Notes |

    9.22.24 | Herring | Barbara

    9.29.24 | Herring | Mark S. | Goody Bags

    10.6.24 | Herring | Sandra H. | Communion

    10.13.24 | Herring | Karen R.

    10.20.24 | Herring | Darrell H.

    10.27.24 | Herring | Jan R.

    Thank you to those of you who serve as liturgists. If you wish to volunteer as liturgist, send an email to epcbusiness9770@gmail.com or call 615-473-3510.

  • Scripture
    1 Peter 4:8
    “And above all things have fervent love for one another, for love will cover a multitude of sins.”

    Corinthians 13:13

    “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is Love.”

    Quotes about prayer:

    The reality is, my prayers don’t change God. But, I am convinced prayer changes me. Praying boldly boots me out of that stale place of religious habit into authentic connection with God Himself. - Lysa TerKeurs


    Invitation to Prayer Group

    The prayer group gatherings will change to Thursday evenings beginning on September 26th; 6:00 pm – 7:00(ish) pm

    Think of all the times you have prayed – times of joy, sorrow, celebration, heartache ... the list goes on.

    Take a moment to think about what your life would be like without the ability and invitation to

    prayer, without that one-on-one relationship time with God.

    Have you ever had a relationship strained to the point where you didn’t speak to a loved one?

    The GIFT of prayer is a miracle in itself – a direct relationship with our Creator, infused with LOVE.

    Give yourself permission to take one moment each day to nurture that relationship.

    If you wish to experience what prayer group is like – please join us any Wednesday evening from 6:00 – 7:00 pm(ish) when we gather as a small group to talk to God, lift our community prayers and experience the PEACE of God’s presence - together.

  • Peace and Global Witness:

    •   The Peace & Global Witness Offering, the third special offering of the year, runs from September 8 – October 6.

    •   It is typically collected on the first Sunday of every October

    •   This year’s theme for the offering is “Sowing the Seeds of Peace.

    •   25% of the total offering remains with EPC to fund peacemaking and reconciliation in our community.

    •   The mission committee will decide what organization will receive this money. If you have a suggestion, please let someone on the committee know. (Ginia, Faith, Jan, Val, Marilyn, Mark, Sara, Sue).

    •   Checks can be offered up any time during the collection period. Please indicate “special offering” or “PaGW” on the memo line.

      Maple Village:

    •   The kale and the beets that were planted have sprouted.

    •   Spinach and lettuce seedlings are in the ground.

    •   Radishes are going in the ground this week.

    •   Chloe’s tomatoes are still producing....

    •   In addition to all that, there is a tote outside the children’s classroom for books and puzzles that will be taken to Maple Village in late October.


      What Oasis is About...and how we can help

      As always, this summer at Oasis Center was action-packed! Between summer camps, internships, workshops, service projects, and field trips, we provided a combined 3,265 hours of programming to young people from across Nashville - all at no cost to youth or their families!

      Check out some of the exciting things the young people participated in this summer.


    In June, the Art Studio held their fourth and final installment of the Graphic Novel Design workshop series! After youth completed their digital artwork depicting socially impactful issues, their creations were professionally bound into a collaborative graphic novel. The youth also participated in the art exhibit at the Coop Gallery, which gave them an opportunity to display their artwork, share more about the social issues they chose, and sell prints of their work!

    How EPC helps:

    •   Sunday September 29th is our next “goody bag assembly” during service.

    •   We pack bags full of healthy snacks to be distributed to homeless teens.

    •   Delivery to the center will be on October 2nd

    •   If you wish to specifically support this ministry, please submit your donations soon. Put “Oasis” in the memo line of your check.

    •   Donations will be used to purchase the items that go into the bags.

  • Financial Support for Missions:

    Call it what you will, for a small church we are involved in many different local ministries, missions or outreach programs.

    Funding for these giving programs come from various places, one of these places is you!

    If you would like to donate additional funds for a specific program, checks can be made to the following ongoing missions of EPC.

    Community Garden

    Gateway to Higher Education Scholarship Crossroads Campus

    Maple Village

    Special Music Ministry events


    Please note on the memo line which mission your check is meant to support.

    Financial Support for EPC:

    If you are not able to attend worship service and still wish show your support for Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, you can contribute in the following ways:

    Online–send an electronic payment, your bank can help you set this up if you have questions.

    By Mail – our mailing address is EPC, 9770 Hwy 96, Nashville, TN 37221

    Through EPC’s website www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org Simply click on the “GIVE” button, then the “donate” button, to donate via PayPal or debit/credit card. This can be a one-time donation or can be set up as a monthly donation.

  • Join us for fellowship, snacks and fresh cup of coffee around the kitchen window after service!

    There is a sign-up sheet by the front door if you wish to help.

  • The Covid bug is back. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the front entrance to use as desired. Be aware of your health and consider others in all you do.

    There is a casserole pan and a cake stand on table in hallway.
    We have limited space to store extra dishes, pans, etc

    If they are yours, please claim them! If not claimed by the end of August, they will be donated to Goodwill.

  • Please remember to check the “Events”, “Missions” and “Stewardship” bulletin boards in the hallway for ongoing information about these areas of activity at EPC.

      The next Mission/Fellowship meeting has been changed to the second Sunday of September (8th).

  • Ongoing:

    •   Communion every 1st Sunday

    •   Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (10/13)

    •   Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (10/20)

    •   Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (10/31)

    •   2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug Hookers meet 10am–2pm.


    •   September 8- October 6: Peace and Global Witness special collection.

    •   September 18: Last prayer group meeting on Wed. Changes to Thursdays next week.

    •   September 26: Wednesday prayer group meetings start on Thursday.

    •   September 29: Assemble Goody Bags during service

    •   October 27: Deliver books and puzzles to Maple Village

    •   October12th and 19th: Spit and Shine Building and Grounds Clean up days

    •   November 17: Thanksgiving pot luck dinner

    •   November 30: Christmas Cookie Bake and activities during “setting up the greens”, decorating

      for Advent and possibly hanging ornaments on tree.

    •   November 30: ‘Hanging of the Greens’

    •   December 1: First day of Advent

  • Coming up soon, take part in conversation about uniting the Bodies of Christ:

    As a follow up to a previous meeting, there will be a conversation with Adam Buzard, who is part of the Operation Andrew Group. This will be hosted by the 2nd Presbyterian Church on April 18th from 9-11 am. as he works to fulfill the mission of uniting the bodies of Christ as they partner with local churches. 2nd Pres is located at 3511 Belmont Blvd and the conversation will center around “The State of Nashville”. It is open to anyone (pastors, elders, church volunteers) interested in knowing what others think of our church. The event is this scheduled for tomorrow.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NaCoMe Camp Opportunity:

    Reach out to Jane if you have questions about this. It is coming up soon. I’m sorry I don’t have any more details at this time.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

      • Special thanks to the big kids who helped me with the kid’s message last Sunday.

      • The children bring such joy to my life and I hope they do to you as well!

  • Spit-Shine Clean Up Day:

    •   On October 12th and 19th the Mission / Fellowship Committees will host several Spit Shine Clean- up days at the church.

    •   We will provide refreshments and other ways make the day enjoyable.

    •   There is a long list on the board in the adult classroom of things that need addressing.

    •   There are people working to set up communications, schedules, task pairings, future clean-up

      days and plans for long-term care for our building and grounds.

    •   For now, please mark your calendar and save the dates.

    •   We need all hands on deck for this.

    The Sign:

    •   It was pointed out that the sign out by Hwy 96 is in sore need of some aesthetic improvements.

    •   There are conversations happening to address this need.

    •   The ideas being presented will be written on one of the new forms and will go to the committee for review.

    •   If you have thoughts or ideas about sign improvement, please fill out one of the new forms that are in the hallway.

    •   The committee will meet after worship on the first Sunday in October.

  • Class of 2024

    Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission

    John Denton, Building and Grounds

    Class of 2025

    Greg Burlison, Personnel

    John Sevier, Director of Music

    Class of 2026

    Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure

    Jan Russell

Read More
Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian

September 11th, 2024 | Newsletter

  • Welcome Visitors!

    We are excited to call your attention to, and encourage you, to visit our upgraded website! Go to www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org for all your questions. Cut and paste one of these sites in your browser. If you can’t find your answers there, try the options below:

    •   janemherring@gmail.com – Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615-818-9727 or at this email about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized), to join the church or any other questions you might have.

    •   epcnashville@gmail.com - General EPC email can be sent to this site (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account).

    •   epcbusiness9770@gmail.com - If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances or other business topics, email your question or request here.

    •   janemherring@gmail.com - Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin here.

    •   frhanchey@gmail.com - Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter here.

    •   frhanchey@gmail.com – Send questions about the outdoor gardens or children’s

      education/programming here.

  • Readings For The Week

    •   Proverbs 1:20-33

    •   Isaiah 50:4-9a

    •   Psalm 19

    •   Wisdom of Solomon 7:26 – 8:1

    •   James 3:1-12

    •   Mark 8:27-38

    •   Psalm 116:1-9

  • Litergical readers and schedule notes

    Date | Pulpit | Liturgist | Notes |

    9.15.24 | Herring | Karen

    9.22.24 | Herring | Barbara

    9.29.24 | Herring |

    10.6.24 | Herring | Sandra H. | Communion

    10.13.24 | Herring |

    10/20.24 | Herring | Darrell H.

    Thank you to those of you who serve as liturgists. If you wish to volunteer as liturgist, send an email to epcbusiness9770@gmail.com or call 615-473-3510.

  • Scripture
    Matthew 11:28
    ‘Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

    Quotes about prayer:

    Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference.

    ~~ Max Lucado

    Invitation to Prayer Group services

    Think of all the times you have prayed – times of joy, sorrow, celebration, heartache ... the list goes on.

    Take a moment to think about what your life would be like without the ability and invitation to prayer, without that one-on-one relationship time with God.

    Have you ever had a relationship strained to the point where you didn’t speak to a loved one?

    The GIFT of prayer is a miracle in itself – a direct relationship with our Creator, infused with LOVE.

    Give yourself permission to take one moment each day to nurture that relationship.

    If you wish to experience what prayer group is like – please join us any Wednesday evening from 6:00 – 7:00 pm(ish) when we gather as a small group to talk to God, lift our community prayers and experience the PEACE of God’s presence - together.

  • Teacher Support:

    Teacher Support:

    We did it! Thank you to all for your contributions!

    This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

    Peace and Global Witness:

    •   The Peace & Global Witness Offering, the third special offering of the year, runs from September 8 – October 6.

    •   This year’s theme for the offering is “Sowing the Seeds of Peace.

    •   25% of the total offering remains with EPC to fund peacemaking and reconciliation in our


    •   The mission committee will decide what organization will receive this money. If you have

      a suggestion, please let someone on the committee know. (Ginia, Faith, Jan, Val, Marilyn,

      Mark, Sara, Sue, Karen).

    •   Checks can be offered up any time during the collection period. Please indicate what your

      check is for on the memo line.

      Maple Village:

    •   Experimenting with a fall garden for the first time this year

    •   Peas and watermelon, (Yes! You read that right!) are doing really well.

    •   The kale and the beets that were planted have sprouted as well.


    What Oasis is About...and how we can help

    As always, this summer at Oasis Center was action- packed! Between summer camps, internships, workshops, service projects, and field trips, we provided a combined 3,265 hours of programming to young people from across Nashville - all at no cost to youth or their families!

    Check out some of the exciting things our young people participated in this summer.


    During the month of June, young people from our Becoming Us program for LGBTQ+ middle schoolers attended our Just Camp! summer program. The group went on a field trip to Cheekwood to explore the TROLLS exhibit, toured the North American Museum of African American Music, participated in a community-building workshop at the Nashville Children's Theatre, took a class in cake decorating, received gender-affirming haircuts from stylists with the Hideout Salon, and more!

    In addition, Just Us coordinated the Youth Area at the Nashville Pride Festival. Five members of our Students of Stonewall program, along with Oasis staff and volunteers, helped facilitate activities at the youth tents, including the button-making, bracelet-making, manicure stations, and games. During the month, our Just Us/Action & Advocacy Program Director also led several trainings on open and affirming services for those who work with LGBTQ+ populations.


    How EPC helps:

    • Sunday September 29th is our next “goody bag assembly” during service.

    •   We pack bags full of healthy snacks to be distributed to homeless teens.

    •   Delivery to the center will be on October 2nd

    •   If you wish to specifically support this ministry, please submit your donations soon. Put “Oasis” in the memo line of your check.

    •   Donations will be used to purchase the items that go into the bags.

    If you wish to specifically support this ministry, please submit your donations soon. Put “Oasis” in the memo line of your check.

  • Financial Support for Missions:

    Call it what you will, for a small church we are involved in many different local ministries, missions or outreach programs.

    Funding for these giving programs come from various places, one of these places is you!

    If you would like to donate additional funds for a specific program, checks can be made to the following ongoing missions of EPC.

    Community Garden

    Gateway to Higher Education Scholarship Crossroads Campus

    Maple Village

    Special Music Ministry events


    Please note on the memo line which mission your check is meant to support.

    Financial Support for EPC:

    If you are not able to attend worship service and still wish show your support for Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, you can contribute in the following ways:

    Online–send an electronic payment, your bank can help you set this up if you have questions.

    By Mail – our mailing address is EPC, 9770 Hwy 96, Nashville, TN 37221

    Through EPC’s website www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org Simply click on the “GIVE” button, then the “donate” button, to donate via PayPal or debit/credit card. This can be a one-time donation or can be set up as a monthly donation.

  • Join us for fellowship, snacks and fresh cup of coffee around the kitchen window after service!

    There is a a sign-up sheet by the front door if you wish to help.

  • The Covid bug is back. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the front entrance to use as desired. Be aware of your health and consider others in all you do.

    There is a casserole pan and a cake stand on table in hallway.
    We have limited space to store extra dishes, pans, etc

    If they are yours, please claim them! If not claimed by the end of August, they will be donated to Goodwill.

  • Please remember to check the “Events”, “Missions” and “Stewardship” bulletin boards in the hallway for ongoing information about these areas of activity at EPC.

      The next Mission/Fellowship meeting has been changed to the second Sunday of September (8th).

  • Ongoing:

    •   Communion every 1st Sunday

    •   Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service


    •   Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30

      am (9/15)

    •   Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (9/16)

    •   2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug

     Join us for fellowship, snacks and fresh cup of coffee around the kitchen window after service!

    Hookers meet 10 am – 2 pm.


    •   September 8- October 6: Peace and Global Witness special collection. September 29: Assemble Goody Bags during service

    •   November 17: Thanksgiving pot luck dinner

    •   October Date to be determined: Spit and Shine Building and Grounds Clean up day

    •   November 30: Christmas Cookie Bake and activities during “setting up the greens”,

      decorating for Advent and possibly hanging ornaments on tree.

    •   November 30: ‘Hanging of the Greens’

    •   December 1: First day of Advent

  • Coming up soon, take part in conversation about uniting the Bodies of Christ:

    As a follow up to a previous meeting, there will be a conversation with Adam Buzard, who is part of the Operation Andrew Group. This will be hosted by the 2nd Presbyterian Church on April 18th from 9-11 am. as he works to fulfill the mission of uniting the bodies of Christ as they partner with local churches. 2nd Pres is located at 3511 Belmont Blvd and the conversation will center around “The State of Nashville”. It is open to anyone (pastors, elders, church volunteers) interested in knowing what others think of our church. The event is this scheduled for tomorrow.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NaCoMe Camp Opportunity:

    Reach out to Jane if you have questions about this. It is coming up soon. I’m sorry I don’t have any more details at this time.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

      • Special thanks to the big kids who helped me with the kid’s message last Sunday.

      • The children bring such joy to my life and I hope they do to you as well!

  • Spit-Shine Clean Up Day!

      On October 19th (?) the Mission / Fellowship Committees will host one of several Spit Shine Clean-up days at the church. (date not yet verified)

      We will provide refreshments and other ways make the day enjoyable.

      There is a long list on the board in the adult classroom of things that need addressing.

      There are people working to set up communications, schedules, task pairings, future clean-up days and plans for long-term care for our building and grounds.

      For now, please mark your calendar and save the date.

      We need all hands on deck for this.

  • Class of 2024

    Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission

    John Denton, Building and Grounds

    Class of 2025

    Greg Burlison, Personnel

    John Sevier, Director of Music

    Class of 2026

    Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure

    Jan Russell

Read More
Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian

September 4th, 2024 | Newsletter

  • Welcome Visitors!

    We are excited to call your attention to, and encourage you, to visit our upgraded website! Go to www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org for all your questions. Cut and paste one of these sites in your browser. If you can’t find your answers there, try the options below:

    •   janemherring@gmail.com – Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615-818-9727 or at this email about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized), to join the church or any other questions you might have.

    •   epcnashville@gmail.com - General EPC email can be sent to this site (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account).

    •   epcbusiness9770@gmail.com - If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances or other business topics, email your question or request here.

    •   janemherring@gmail.com - Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin here.

    •   frhanchey@gmail.com - Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter here.

    •   frhanchey@gmail.com – Send questions about the outdoor gardens or children’s

      education/programming here.

  • Readings For The Week

    • PROPER 18 (23) SEP 08, 2024

    • First reading and Psalm  Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23 & Psalm 125

    • Second reading James 2:1-10, (11-13), 14-17

    • Gospel Mark 7:24-37

  • Litergical readers and schedule notes

    Date | Pulpit | Liturgist | Notes |

    9.8.24 | Herring | Terry D

    9.15.24 | Herring | Karen

    9.22.24 | Herring | Barbara

    9.29.24 | Herring |

    10.6.24 | Herring | Sandra H.

    Thank you to those of you who serve as liturgists. If you wish to volunteer as liturgist, send an email to epcbusiness9770@gmail.com or call 615-473-3510.

  • Scripture

    Isaiah 40:29

    He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.

    1 Peter 5:7

    Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

    Quotes about prayer:
    If the heart wanders or is distracted, bring it back to the point quite gently and replace it tenderly in its Master’s presence. And even if you did nothing during the whole of your hour but bring your heart back and place it again in our Lord’s presence, though it went away every time you brought it back, your hour will be very well employed. ~~ St. Francis de Sales

    Invitation to Prayer Group services

    Think of all the times you have prayed – times of joy, sorrow,

    celebration, heartache ... the list goes on.

    Take a moment to think about what your life would be like without the ability and invitation to prayer, without that one-on-one relationship time with God.

    Have you ever had a relationship strained to the point where you didn’t speak to a loved one?

    The GIFT of prayer is a miracle in itself – a direct relationship with our Creator, infused with LOVE.

    Give yourself permission to take one moment each day to nurture that relationship.

    If you wish to experience what prayer group is like – please join us any Wednesday evening from 6:00 – 7:00 pm(ish) when we gather as a small group to talk to God, lift our community prayers and experience the PEACE of God’s presence - together.

  • Teacher Support:

    Teacher Support:

    We did it! Thank you to all for your contributions!

    This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

    Peace and Global Witness:

    •   The Peace & Global Witness Offering, the third special offering of the year, runs from September 8 – October 6.

    •   This year’s theme for the offering is “Sowing the Seeds of Peace.

    •   25% of the total offering remains with EPC to fund peacemaking and reconciliation in our


    •   The mission committee will decide what organization will receive this money. If you have

      a suggestion, please let someone on the committee know. (Ginia, Faith, Jan, Val, Marilyn,

      Mark, Sara, Sue, Karen).

    •   Checks can be offered up any time during the collection period. Please indicate what your

      check is for on the memo line.

      Maple Village:

    •   Experimenting with a fall garden for the first time this year

    •   Peas and watermelon, (Yes! You read that right!) are doing really well.

    •   The kale and the beets that were planted have sprouted as well.


    What Oasis is About...and how we can help

    As always, this summer at Oasis Center was action- packed! Between summer camps, internships, workshops, service projects, and field trips, we provided a combined 3,265 hours of programming to young people from across Nashville - all at no cost to youth or their families!

    Check out some of the exciting things our young people participated in this summer.


    During the month of June, young people from our Becoming Us program for LGBTQ+ middle schoolers attended our Just Camp! summer program. The group went on a field trip to Cheekwood to explore the TROLLS exhibit, toured the North American Museum of African American Music, participated in a community-building workshop at the Nashville Children's Theatre, took a class in cake decorating, received gender-affirming haircuts from stylists with the Hideout Salon, and more!

    In addition, Just Us coordinated the Youth Area at the Nashville Pride Festival. Five members of our Students of Stonewall program, along with Oasis staff and volunteers, helped facilitate activities at the youth tents, including the button-making, bracelet-making, manicure stations, and games. During the month, our Just Us/Action & Advocacy Program Director also led several trainings on open and affirming services for those who work with LGBTQ+ populations.


    How EPC helps:

      

    Sunday September 29th is our next “goody bag assembly” during service. Delivery will be on October 2nd.

    If you wish to specifically support this ministry, please submit your donations soon. Put “Oasis” in the memo line of your check.

  • Financial Support for Missions:

    Call it what you will, for a small church we are involved in many different local ministries, missions or outreach programs.

    Funding for these giving programs come from various places, one of these places is you!

    If you would like to donate additional funds for a specific program, checks can be made to the following ongoing missions of EPC.

    Community Garden

    Gateway to Higher Education Scholarship Crossroads Campus

    Maple Village

    Special Music Ministry events


    Please note on the memo line which mission your check is meant to support.

    Financial Support for EPC:

    If you are not able to attend worship service and still wish show your support for Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, you can contribute in the following ways:

    Online–send an electronic payment, your bank can help you set this up if you have questions.

    By Mail – our mailing address is EPC, 9770 Hwy 96, Nashville, TN 37221

    Through EPC’s website www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org Simply click on the “GIVE” button, then the “donate” button, to donate via PayPal or debit/credit card. This can be a one-time donation or can be set up as a monthly donation.

  • Join us for fellowship, snacks and fresh cup of coffee around the kitchen window after service!

    There is a a sign-up sheet by the front door if you wish to help.

    Come to the bonfire Friday and welcome back (for the evening) Kimberley and Spenser Aden. It will be a great time to catch up with old friends.

    Back to School Cookout/Bonfire

    •   We are having a Back-to-School bonfire and cookout on Friday, Sept 6th starting at 5 pm

    •   We want to celebrate our students, cheer them on and pray over our them.

    •   The fellowship committee will provide drinks, hot dogs and smores.

    •   Please bring sides to share and your own chair!

  • The Covid bug is back. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the front entrance to use as desired. Be aware of your health and consider others in all you do.

    There is a casserole pan and a cake stand on table in hallway.
    We have limited space to store extra dishes, pans, etc

    If they are yours, please claim them! If not claimed by the end of August, they will be donated to Goodwill.

  • Please remember to check the “Events”, “Missions” and “Stewardship” bulletin boards in the hallway for ongoing information about these areas of activity at EPC.

      The next Mission/Fellowship meeting has been changed to the second Sunday of September (8th).

  • Upcoming:

    •   September 6: Back to School bonfire and cookout, 5 pm

    •   September 8- October 6: Peace and Global Witness special collection.

    •   September 29: Assemble Goody Bags during service

    •   November 17: Thanksgiving pot luck dinner

    •   December 15: Children’s

      Christmas Cookie Bake and activities after service.

  • Coming up soon, take part in conversation about uniting the Bodies of Christ:

    As a follow up to a previous meeting, there will be a conversation with Adam Buzard, who is part of the Operation Andrew Group. This will be hosted by the 2nd Presbyterian Church on April 18th from 9-11 am. as he works to fulfill the mission of uniting the bodies of Christ as they partner with local churches. 2nd Pres is located at 3511 Belmont Blvd and the conversation will center around “The State of Nashville”. It is open to anyone (pastors, elders, church volunteers) interested in knowing what others think of our church. The event is this scheduled for tomorrow.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NaCoMe Camp Opportunity:

    Reach out to Jane if you have questions about this. It is coming up soon. I’m sorry I don’t have any more details at this time.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

      • Special thanks to the big kids who helped me with the kid’s message last Sunday.

      • The children bring such joy to my life and I hope they do to you as well!

  • Class of 2024

    Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission

    John Denton, Building and Grounds

    Class of 2025

    Greg Burlison, Personnel

    John Sevier, Director of Music

    Class of 2026

    Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure

    Jan Russell

Read More
Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian

August 28th, 2024 | Newsletter

  • Welcome Visitors!

    We are excited to call your attention to, and encourage you, to visit our upgraded website! Go to www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org for all your questions. Cut and paste one of these sites in your browser. If you can’t find your answers there, try the options below:

    •   janemherring@gmail.com – Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615-818-9727 or at this email about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized), to join the church or any other questions you might have.

    •   epcnashville@gmail.com - General EPC email can be sent to this site (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account).

    •   epcbusiness9770@gmail.com - If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances or other business topics, email your question or request here.

    •   janemherring@gmail.com - Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin here.

    •   frhanchey@gmail.com - Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter here.

    •   frhanchey@gmail.com – Send questions about the outdoor gardens or children’s

      education/programming here.

  • Readings For The Week

    •   Song of Solomon 2:8-13

    •   Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-9

    •   Psalm 45:1-2, 6-9

    •   Psalm 15

    •   James 1:17-27

    •   Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

  • Litergical readers and schedule notes

    Date | Pulpit | Liturgist | Notes |

    9.1.24 | Herring | Diana B | Communion

    9.8.24 | Herring | Terry D

    9.15.24 | Herring | Karen

    9.22.24 | Herring |

    9.29.24 | Herring |

    10.6.24 | Herring | Sandra H.

    Thank you to those of you who serve as liturgists. If you wish to volunteer as liturgist, send an email to epcbusiness9770@gmail.com or call 615-473-3510.

  • Scripture

    Matthew 6:33

    But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

    Quotes about prayer

    When you feel helpless to accomplish anything, that is when prayer is the mightiest tool. ~~Unknown

    [People] may spurn our appeals, reject our message, oppose our arguments, despise our persons, but they are helpless against our prayers.~~ J Sidlow Baxter

    Invitation to Prayer Group services

    Think of all the times you have prayed – times of joy, sorrow, celebration, heartache ... the list goes on.

     Take a moment to think about what your life would be like without the ability and

    invitation to prayer, without that one-on-one relationship time with God.

    •   Have you ever had a relationship strained to the point where you didn’t speak to a loved one?

    •   The GIFT of prayer is a miracle in itself – a direct relationship with our Creator, infused with LOVE.

    •   Give yourself permission to take one moment each day to nurture that relationship.

    If you wish to experience what prayer group is like – please join us any Wednesday evening from 6:00 – 7:00 pm(ish) when we gather as a small group to talk to God, lift our community prayers and experience the PEACE of God’s presence - together.

  • Teacher Support:


    •   This will be the last Sunday to turn in items for our teachers.

    •   There is an updated list below of items that have been requested.

    •   A list is posted on the Events bulletin board as well.

    •   You may donate money for items to be purchased if you prefer.

    •   Collection totes are in the hall outside the children’s classroom.

    Gel Pens

    Regular No.2 Pencils – the ‘good’ ones

    Pencil sharpener -- electric, for teacher desk

    Card Stock paper -- White and bright colors

    Adult size scissors (class set – 25)

    12” rulers (class set -25)
    Spiral Notebooks

    Color pencils

    Crayola markers


    Post-It Notes

    Pencil Pouches

    Sharpies Snacks

    Colored paper Glue Sticks

    2” binders

    Construction paper




    •   Sunday September 29th is our next “goody bag assembly” during service.

    •   Delivery will be on October 2nd

    •   If you wish to specifically support this ministry, please submit your donations soon.

    •   Put “Oasis” in the memo line of your check.

    •   If you have questions about The Oasis Center or the goody bags, please reach out to Barb.

    Peace and Global Witness:

    •   The Peace & Global Witness Offering, the third special offering of the year, runs from September 8 – October 6.

    •   This year’s theme for the offering is “Sowing the Seeds of Peace.

    •   25% of the total offering remains with EPC to fund peacemaking and reconciliation in our community.

    •   The mission committee will decide what organization will receive this money. If you have a suggestion, please let someone on the committee know. (Ginia, Faith, Jan, Val, Marilyn, Mark, Sara, Sue, Karen).

    •   Checks can be offered up any time during the collection period. Please indicate what your check is for on the memo line.

    Maple Village:

    •   It’s time to start saving up any books or jigsaw puzzles that you want to rehome.

    •   We will be collecting them for Maple Village later this fall.

    •   Be on the lookout for more information and a collection date.

  • Financial Support for Missions:

    Call it what you will, for a small church we are involved in many different local ministries, missions or outreach programs.

    Funding for these giving programs come from various places, one of these places is you!

    If you would like to donate additional funds for a specific program, checks can be made to the following ongoing missions of EPC.

    Community Garden

    Gateway to Higher Education Scholarship Crossroads Campus

    Maple Village

    Special Music Ministry events


    Please note on the memo line which mission your check is meant to support.

    Financial Support for EPC:

    If you are not able to attend worship service and still wish show your support for Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, you can contribute in the following ways:

    Online–send an electronic payment, your bank can help you set this up if you have questions.

    By Mail – our mailing address is EPC, 9770 Hwy 96, Nashville, TN 37221

    Through EPC’s website www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org Simply click on the “GIVE” button, then the “donate” button, to donate via PayPal or debit/credit card. This can be a one-time donation or can be set up as a monthly donation.

  • Join us for fellowship, snacks and a fresh cup of coffee around the kitchen window after service!

    There is a sign-up sheet on the table next to the front door if you wish to help.

    Back to School Cookout/Bonfire

    •   We are having a Back-to-School bonfire and cookout on Friday, Sept 6th starting at 5 pm

    •   We want to celebrate our students, cheer them on and pray over our them.

    •   The fellowship committee will provide hot dogs and smores.

    •   Please bring sides to share and your own chair!

  • The Covid bug is back. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the front entrance to use as desired. Be aware of your health and consider others in all you do.

    There is a casserole pan and a cake stand on table in hallway.
    We have limited space to store extra dishes, pans, etc

    If they are yours, please claim them! If not claimed by the end of August, they will be donated to Goodwill.

  • Please remember to check the “Events”, “Missions” and “Stewardship” bulletin boards in the hallway for ongoing information about these areas of activity at EPC.

  • Ongoing:

      Communion every 1st Sunday

      Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (9/8)

      **Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (changed to 9/8 this month

      Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (8/19)

      2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug Hookers meet 10 am – 2 pm.

    **Mission/Fellowship meeting changed to the second Sunday this month (8th).

     There is a casserole pan and a cake stand on table in hallway.
     We have limited space to store extra dishes, pans, etc

     If they are yours, please claim them!  If not claimed by the end of August, they will be donated to Goodwill.


    •   All of August: collecting items for our teachers.

    •   September 6: Back to School bonfire and cookout, 5 pm

    •   September 8 - October 6: Peace and Global Witness special collection.

    •   September 29: Assemble Goody Bags during service

    •   November 17: Thanksgiving pot luck dinner

    •   December 15: Children’s

      Christmas Cookie Bake and activities after service.

  • Coming up soon, take part in conversation about uniting the Bodies of Christ:

    As a follow up to a previous meeting, there will be a conversation with Adam Buzard, who is part of the Operation Andrew Group. This will be hosted by the 2nd Presbyterian Church on April 18th from 9-11 am. as he works to fulfill the mission of uniting the bodies of Christ as they partner with local churches. 2nd Pres is located at 3511 Belmont Blvd and the conversation will center around “The State of Nashville”. It is open to anyone (pastors, elders, church volunteers) interested in knowing what others think of our church. The event is this scheduled for tomorrow.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NaCoMe Camp Opportunity:

    Reach out to Jane if you have questions about this. It is coming up soon. I’m sorry I don’t have any more details at this time.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

      • Special thanks to the big kids who helped me with the kid’s message last Sunday.

      • The children bring such joy to my life and I hope they do to you as well!

  • The garden is still going strong. Erika helped plant the beets and delivered fresh picked veggies to Maple Village.

  • Class of 2024

    Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission

    John Denton, Building and Grounds

    Class of 2025

    Greg Burlison, Personnel

    John Sevier, Director of Music

    Class of 2026

    Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure

    Jan Russell

Read More
Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian

August 21st, 2024 | Newsletter

  • Welcome Visitors!

    We are excited to call your attention to, and encourage you, to visit our upgraded website! Go to www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org for all your questions. Cut and paste one of these sites in your browser. If you can’t find your answers there, try the options below:

    •   janemherring@gmail.com – Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615-818-9727 or at this email about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized), to join the church or any other questions you might have.

    •   epcnashville@gmail.com - General EPC email can be sent to this site (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account).

    •   epcbusiness9770@gmail.com - If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances or other business topics, email your question or request here.

    •   janemherring@gmail.com - Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin here.

    •   frhanchey@gmail.com - Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter here.

    •   frhanchey@gmail.com – Send questions about the outdoor gardens or children’s

      education/programming here.

      Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

  • PROPER 16 (21) AUG 25, 2024

    First reading and Psalm -- 1 Kings 8:(1,6,10-11), 22-30, 41- 43 Psalm 84

    Alternate First reading and Psalm -- Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18 Psalm 34:15-22

    Second reading -- Ephesians 6:10-20

    Gospel -- John 6:56-69

  • Litergical readers and schedule notes

    Date | Pulpit | Liturgist | Notes |

    8.25.24 | Herring | Genia

    9.1.24 | Herring | Diana B | Communion

    9.8.24 | Herring | Terry D

    9.15.24 | Herring | Karen

    9.22.24 | Herring |

    Thank you to those of you who serve as liturgists. If you wish to volunteer as liturgist, send an email to epcbusiness9770@gmail.com or call 615-473-3510.

  • Scripture:

    Deuteronomy 31:6

    Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.

    Invitation to Prayer Group services

    Prayer is a gift from God, like life itself.

    We meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:00 pm -ish We have both individual and group conversations with our Creator.
    *We focus on the prayers of our congregation and our community.

    We also include prayers for the world and the nation. You are welcome any or all Wednesdays; we enjoy visitors. *Please join us!

    In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart. ~~ John Bunyan

  • Teacher Support:

    The mission committee decided to focus on our teachers during the month of August. There is a list below of items that have been requested but if you buy something not on the list I don’t think they will turn it down!

     There is a collection tote in the hall outside the children’s classroom door.

    Gel Pens, gel pens, and more gel pens Regular No.2 Pencils
    Card Stock paper -- White and bright colors Spiral Notebooks


    Color pencils Crayola markers Highlighters

    Post-It Notes Pencil Pouches Snacks

    Colored paper Pencil sharpener Glue Sticks Construction paper Expos


    Let’s get our students and teachers off on the right foot by filling the bins with supplies (see above and on the events bulletin board for a list of the items needed)

    Maple Village:

    Val did a great job of harvesting, delivering and arranging last Sunday but I can’t get the pictures to transfer. I guess we should have been there! Thanks to everyone for making this mission project such a success.


    A once-a-year opportunity to contribute to Oasis Center’s success is coming your way...

  • Financial Support for Missions:

    Call it what you will, for a small church we are involved in many different local ministries, missions or outreach programs.

    Funding for these giving programs come from various places, one of these places is you!

    If you would like to donate additional funds for a specific program, checks can be made to the following ongoing missions of EPC.

    Community Garden

    Gateway to Higher Education Scholarship Crossroads Campus

    Maple Village

    Special Music Ministry events


    Please note on the memo line which mission your check is meant to support.

    Financial Support for EPC:

    If you are not able to attend worship service and still wish show your support for Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, you can contribute in the following ways:

    Online–send an electronic payment, your bank can help you set this up if you have questions.

    By Mail – our mailing address is EPC, 9770 Hwy 96, Nashville, TN 37221

    Through EPC’s website www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org Simply click on the “GIVE” button, then the “donate” button, to donate via PayPal or debit/credit card. This can be a one-time donation or can be set up as a monthly donation.

  • Join us for fellowship, snacks and a fresh cup of coffee around the kitchen window after service!

    Aug 25...Susie & Doug Sept 1...
    Sept 8... Fred & Karen

    There is a sign-up sheet on the table next to the front door if you wish to help.

    This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

    Congregational Care:

    Back to School Cookout/Bonfire

     We are having a Back-to-School bonfire and cookout on Friday, Sept 6th starting at 5 pm
     We want to celebrate our students, cheer them on and pray over our them.

     Thefellowshipcommitteewillprovidehotdogsand smores.
     Please bring sides to share.

  • The Covid bug is back. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the front entrance to use as desired. Be aware of your health and consider others in all you do.

    There is a casserole pan and a cake stand on table in hallway.
    We have limited space to store extra dishes, pans, etc

    If they are yours, please claim them! If not claimed by the end of August, they will be donated to Goodwill.

  • Please remember to check the “Events”, “Missions” and “Stewardship” bulletin boards in the hallway for ongoing information about these areas of activity at EPC.

    Welcome Visitors! We are excited to call your attention to, and encourage you, to visit our upgraded website! Go to www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org for all your questions. Cut and paste one of these sites in your browser. If you can’t find your answers there, try the options below:

    janemherring@gmail.com - Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615- 818-9727 or email at about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized), to join the church or any other questions you might have.

    epcnashville@gmail.com - General EPC email can be sent to this site (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account).

    epcbusiness9770@gmail.com - If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances or other business topics, email your question or request here.

    janemherring@gmail.com - Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin here.

    frhanchey@gmail.com - Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter here.

    frhanchey@gmail.com – Send questions about the outdoor gardens or children’s education/programming here.

  • Ongoing:

    •   Communion every 1st Sunday

    •   Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (9/8)

    •   Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (9/15)

    •   Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (8/19)

    •   2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug Hookers meet 10 am – 2 pm.


    •   All of August: collecting items for our teachers.

    •   August 22-24: Friends of Fairview Library Book Sale

    •   September 6: Back to School bonfire and cookout, 5pm

    •   September 29: Assemble Goody Bags during service

    •   November 17: Thanksgiving pot luck dinner

    •   December 15: Children’s Christmas Cookie Bake after service.

  • Coming up soon, take part in conversation about uniting the Bodies of Christ:

    As a follow up to a previous meeting, there will be a conversation with Adam Buzard, who is part of the Operation Andrew Group. This will be hosted by the 2nd Presbyterian Church on April 18th from 9-11 am. as he works to fulfill the mission of uniting the bodies of Christ as they partner with local churches. 2nd Pres is located at 3511 Belmont Blvd and the conversation will center around “The State of Nashville”. It is open to anyone (pastors, elders, church volunteers) interested in knowing what others think of our church. The event is this scheduled for tomorrow.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NaCoMe Camp Opportunity:

    Reach out to Jane if you have questions about this. It is coming up soon. I’m sorry I don’t have any more details at this time.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

    • ThekidsmessagelastSunday talked about Paul’s instructions for the Ephesians.

    •   In children’s church we wrote each one on a chain to make a chain link necklace.

    •   We also went to the garden and picked produce. Some of it was given to our newest visitors, Dave and Kim.

  • It’s time to pull up our fading cucumber and tomato plants
     Carrots and Peas have been planted, beets are next.

     Lettuce, Spinich and Kale are not far behind.

  • Class of 2024

    Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission

    John Denton, Building and Grounds

    Class of 2025

    Greg Burlison, Personnel

    John Sevier, Director of Music

    Class of 2026

    Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure

    Jan Russell

Read More
Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian

August 14th, 2024 | Newsletter

  • First reading and Psalm: 1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14 & Psalm 111

    Alternate First reading and Psalm: Proverbs 9:1-6 & Psalm 34:9-14

    Second reading: Ephesians 5:15-20

    Gospel: John 6:51-58

  • Litergical readers and schedule notes

    Date | Pulpit | Liturgist | Notes |

    8.18.24 | Herring | Barb

    8.25.24 | Herring | Genia

    9.1.24 | Herring | Diana B | Communion

    9.8.24 | Herring | Terry D

    9.15.24 | Herring | Karen

    Thank you to those of you who serve as liturgists. If you wish to volunteer as liturgist, send an email to epcbusiness9770@gmail.com or call 615-473-3510.

  • Scripture:
    Psalm 119:50
    This is my comfort in my affliction, that your promise gives me life.
    Mark 10:27
    Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.
    Quotes about prayer:
    What wings are to a bird and sails to a ship, so is prayer to the soul.

    ~~ Corrie Ten Boom

    Invitation to Prayer Group services:

    Prayer is a gift from God, like life itself.

    We meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:00 pm -ish
    We have both individual and group conversations with our Creator. We focus on the prayers of our congregation and our community. We also include prayers for the world and the nation.
    *You are welcome any or all Wednesdays; we enjoy visitors.

    Please join us

  • Teacher Support:

    The mission committee decided to focus on our teachers during the month of August. There is a list below of items that have been requested but if you buy something not on the list I don’t think they will turn it down!

     There is a collection tote in the hall outside the children’s classroom door.

    Gel Pens, gel pens, and more gel pens Regular No.2 Pencils
    Card Stock paper -- White and bright colors Spiral Notebooks


    Color pencils Crayola markers Highlighters

    Post-It Notes Pencil Pouches Snacks

    Colored paper Pencil sharpener Glue Sticks Construction paper Expos


    Let’s get our students and teachers off on the right foot by filling the bins with supplies (see above and on the events bulletin board for a list of the items needed)

    Maple Village:

    Val did a great job of harvesting, delivering and arranging last Sunday but I can’t get the pictures to transfer. I guess we should have been there! Thanks to everyone for making this mission project such a success.


    A once-a-year opportunity to contribute to Oasis Center’s success is coming your way...

  • Financial Support for Missions:

    Call it what you will, for a small church we are involved in many different local ministries, missions or outreach programs.

    Funding for these giving programs come from various places, one of these places is you!

    If you would like to donate additional funds for a specific program, checks can be made to the following ongoing missions of EPC.

    Community Garden

    Gateway to Higher Education Scholarship Crossroads Campus

    Maple Village

    Special Music Ministry events


    Please note on the memo line which mission your check is meant to support.

    Financial Support for EPC:

    If you are not able to attend worship service and still wish show your support for Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, you can contribute in the following ways:

    Online–send an electronic payment, your bank can help you set this up if you have questions.

    By Mail – our mailing address is EPC, 9770 Hwy 96, Nashville, TN 37221

    Through EPC’s website www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org Simply click on the “GIVE” button, then the “donate” button, to donate via PayPal or debit/credit card. This can be a one-time donation or can be set up as a monthly donation.

  • Join us for fellowship, snacks and a fresh cup of coffee around the kitchen window after service!

    Aug 18...
    Aug 25...Susie & Doug Sept 1...
    Sept 8... Fred & Karen

    There is a sign-up sheet on the table next to the front door if you wish to help.

    This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA


    •   There will be a Back to School bonfire and cookout on Friday, Sept 6th to cheer on and pray over our students.

    •   The fellowship committee will provide hot dogs and smores.

  • The Covid bug is back. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the front entrance to use as desired. Be aware of your health and consider others in all you do.

    We need a liturgist for Aug 25th and refreshment help on Aug 18 and Sept 1. Please check and see if you can help out on any of those dates.

    Lost and Found:

    There is a casserole pan and a cake stand on table in hallway left over from a recent potluck meal. If they are yours please claim them!We need a liturgist for Aug 25th and refreshment help on Aug 18 and Sept 1. Please check and see if you can help out on any of those dates.

    Welcome Visitors! We are excited to call your attention to, and encourage you, to visit our upgraded website! Go to www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org for all your questions. Cut and paste one of these sites in your browser. If you can’t find your answers there, try the options below:

    janemherring@gmail.com - Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615- 818-9727 or email at about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized), to join the church or any other questions you might have.

    epcnashville@gmail.com - General EPC email can be sent to this site (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account).

    epcbusiness9770@gmail.com - If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances or other business topics, email your question or request here.

    janemherring@gmail.com - Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin here.

    frhanchey@gmail.com - Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter here.

    frhanchey@gmail.com – Send questions about the outdoor gardens or children’s education/programming here.

  • Please remember to check the “Events”, “Missions” and “Stewardship” bulletin boards in the hallway for ongoing information about these areas of activity at EPC.


    •   Communion every 1st Sunday

    •   Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (9/8)

    •   Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (9/15)

    •   Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (8/19)

    •   2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug Hookers meet 10 am – 2 pm.


    •   All of August: collecting items for our teachers.

    •   August 22-24: Friends of Fairview Library Book Sale

    •   September 6: Back to School bonfire and cookout, 5 pm

    •   November 17: Thanksgiving pot luck dinner

    •   December 15: Children’s cookie bake activities.

  • Coming up soon, take part in conversation about uniting the Bodies of Christ:

    As a follow up to a previous meeting, there will be a conversation with Adam Buzard, who is part of the Operation Andrew Group. This will be hosted by the 2nd Presbyterian Church on April 18th from 9-11 am. as he works to fulfill the mission of uniting the bodies of Christ as they partner with local churches. 2nd Pres is located at 3511 Belmont Blvd and the conversation will center around “The State of Nashville”. It is open to anyone (pastors, elders, church volunteers) interested in knowing what others think of our church. The event is this scheduled for tomorrow.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NaCoMe Camp Opportunity:

    Reach out to Jane if you have questions about this. It is coming up soon. I’m sorry I don’t have any more details at this time.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

  • We still need help with refreshments this Sunday as well as Sept 1st. Please check and see if you are available.

    •   The kids message focused on going back to school jitters.

    •   The overlying theme was that God is always with you; you have your very best friend with you all the time.

    •   We painted rocks and wrote “feel good” words on them.

    •   The kids placed them where others could find them and feel good when they read the messages.

  • * The Takop garden plot and others are overrun with little squash bugs like this one.

    * The best way to get rid of them is to hand pick and place them in a bucket of soapy water.

    * We need a few folks to volunteer for bug removal duty after church on Sunday. Can you help?

  • Class of 2024

    Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission

    John Denton, Building and Grounds

    Class of 2025

    Greg Burlison, Personnel

    John Sevier, Director of Music

    Class of 2026

    Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure

    Jan Russell

Read More
Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian

August 7th, 2024 | Newsletter

  • Readings For The Week

    PROPER 14 (19) AUG 11, 2024

     First reading and Psalm

    2 Samuel 18:5-9, 15, 31-33 Psalm 130

     Alternate First reading and Psalm

    1 Kings 19:4-8 Psalm 34:1-8

     Second reading

    Ephesians 4:25-5:2

     Gospel

    John 6:35, 41-51

  • Litergical readers and schedule notes

    Date | Pulpit | Liturgist | Notes |

    8.11.24 | Herring | Marilyn

    8.18.24 | Herring | Barb


    9.1.24 | Herring | Diana B | Communion

    9.8.24 | Herring | Terry D

    Thank you to those of you who serve as liturgists. If you wish to volunteer as liturgist, send an email to epcbusiness9770@gmail.com or call 615-473-3510.

  • Scripture:

    Psalm 62:6

    He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken.

    Joshua 1:9

    Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.

    Quotes about prayer:

    Intercessory prayer is exceedingly prevalent. What wonders it has wrought! The Word of God teems with its marvelous deeds. Believer, thou hast a mighty engine in thy hand, use it well, use itconstantly,useitwithfaith,andthoushaltsurelybeabenefactortothybrethren. CHSpurgeon

    Invitation to Prayer Group services:

    Prayer is a gift from God, like life itself.

    We meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:00 pm -ish We have both individual and group conversations with our Creator.
    *We focus on the prayers of our congregation and our community.

    We also include prayers for the world and the nation. You are welcome any or all Wednesdays; we enjoy visitors.

    Please join us

  • Teacher Support:

    The mission committee decided to focus on our teachers during the month of August. There is a list below of items that have been requested but if you buy something not on the list I don’t think they will turn it down!

     There is a collection tote in the hall outside the children’s classroom door.

    Gel Pens, gel pens, and more gel pens Regular No.2 Pencils
    Card Stock paper -- White and bright colors Spiral Notebooks


    Color pencils Crayola markers Highlighters

    Post-It Notes Pencil Pouches Snacks

    Colored paper Pencil sharpener Glue Sticks Construction paper Expos


    Let’s get our students and teachers off on the right foot by filling the bins with supplies (see above and on the events bulletin board for a list of the items needed)

    Maple Village:

    Val did a great job of harvesting, delivering and arranging last Sunday but I can’t get the pictures to transfer. I guess we should have been there! Thanks to everyone for making this mission project such a success.


    A once-a-year opportunity to contribute to Oasis Center’s success is coming your way...

  • Financial Support for Missions:

    Call it what you will, for a small church we are involved in many different local ministries, missions or outreach programs.

    Funding for these giving programs come from various places, one of these places is you!

    If you would like to donate additional funds for a specific program, checks can be made to the following ongoing missions of EPC.

    Community Garden

    Gateway to Higher Education Scholarship Crossroads Campus

    Maple Village

    Special Music Ministry events


    Please note on the memo line which mission your check is meant to support.

    Financial Support for EPC:

    If you are not able to attend worship service and still wish show your support for Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, you can contribute in the following ways:

    Online–send an electronic payment, your bank can help you set this up if you have questions.

    By Mail – our mailing address is EPC, 9770 Hwy 96, Nashville, TN 37221

    Through EPC’s website www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org Simply click on the “GIVE” button, then the “donate” button, to donate via PayPal or debit/credit card. This can be a one-time donation or can be set up as a monthly donation.

  • Join us for fellowship, snacks and a fresh cup of coffee around the kitchen window after service!

    Aug 11... Barb
    Aug 18...
    Aug 25... Susie & Doug Sept 1...
    Sept 8... Fred & Karen

    There is a sign-up sheet on the table next to the front door if you wish to help.

  • The Covid bug is back. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the front entrance to use as desired. Be aware of your health and consider others in all you do.

    We need a liturgist for Aug 25th and refreshment help on Aug 18 and Sept 1. Please check and see if you can help out on any of those dates.

    Lost and Found:

    There is a casserole pan and a cake stand on table in hallway left over from a recent potluck meal. If they are yours please claim them!We need a liturgist for Aug 25th and refreshment help on Aug 18 and Sept 1. Please check and see if you can help out on any of those dates.

    Welcome Visitors! We are excited to call your attention to, and encourage you, to visit our upgraded website! Go to www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org for all your questions. Cut and paste one of these sites in your browser. If you can’t find your answers there, try the options below:

    janemherring@gmail.com - Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615- 818-9727 or email at about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized), to join the church or any other questions you might have.

    epcnashville@gmail.com - General EPC email can be sent to this site (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account).

    epcbusiness9770@gmail.com - If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances or other business topics, email your question or request here.

    janemherring@gmail.com - Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin here.

    frhanchey@gmail.com - Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter here.

    frhanchey@gmail.com – Send questions about the outdoor gardens or children’s education/programming here.

  • Ongoing:

    • Communion every 1st Sunday

    • Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (8/11)

    • Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (8/18)

    • Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (8/19)

    • 2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug Hookers meet 10 am – 2 pm.

  • Coming up soon, take part in conversation about uniting the Bodies of Christ:

    As a follow up to a previous meeting, there will be a conversation with Adam Buzard, who is part of the Operation Andrew Group. This will be hosted by the 2nd Presbyterian Church on April 18th from 9-11 am. as he works to fulfill the mission of uniting the bodies of Christ as they partner with local churches. 2nd Pres is located at 3511 Belmont Blvd and the conversation will center around “The State of Nashville”. It is open to anyone (pastors, elders, church volunteers) interested in knowing what others think of our church. The event is this scheduled for tomorrow.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NaCoMe Camp Opportunity:

    Reach out to Jane if you have questions about this. It is coming up soon. I’m sorry I don’t have any more details at this time.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

  • VBS---Next week... What to know...

      •   The theme of VBS this year is The Living Water

      •   We will meet Wed. July 31st from 1-5 pm at EPC

      •   Eat lunch before you come on the 31st (1-5 pm) and plan to stay for pizza from 5- 6.

        The last two VBS meetings were a little un-traditional but took place despite the many challenges that daily schedules and Mother Nature threw at us. From the nice calm lazy river and the warm welcoming sunshine that was perfect for 6 yr old Jaxon (inside the inner tube)...

    ... to the overcast skies with a faster flowing, and a little bit deeper river suitable for the older girls. The rain filled stream provided a stimulating, (shall we say cold!?) current for these two (next page) who waded and splashed, slipped and slid and managed to get 100% wet as they named undesirable behaviors and let the river wash their sins away!

  • A HUGE thank you goes out to Val. Her retirement is our blessing. Check out the upkeeping that she has done in all the gardens around the building. Read that again...ALL the gardens have been given a little extra care over the past week. Thank her when you see her next.

  • Class of 2024

    Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission

    John Denton, Building and Grounds

    Class of 2025

    Greg Burlison, Personnel

    John Sevier, Director of Music

    Class of 2026

    Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure

    Jan Russell

Read More
Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian Newsletter Emmanuel Presbyterian

July 31st, 2024 | Newsletter

  • Readings For The Week

    PROPER 13 (18) AUG 04, 2024

    •   First reading and Psalm
      2 Samuel 11:26 – 12:13a Psalm 51:1-12

    •   First reading and Psalm
      Exodus 16:2-4, 9-15 Psalm 78:23-29

    •   Second reading Ephesians 4:1-16

    •   Gospel John 6:24-35

  • Litergical readers and schedule notes

    Date | Pulpit | Liturgist | Notes |

    8.4.24 | Herring | Terry D | Communion

    8.11.24 | Herring | Marilyn

    8.18.24 | Herring | Barb


    9.1.24 | Herring | Diana B | Communion

    Thank you to those of you who serve as liturgists. If you wish to volunteer as liturgist, send an email to epcbusiness9770@gmail.com or call 615-473-3510.

  • Quotes about prayer:

    The one concern of the devil is to keep Christians from praying. He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, and prayerless religion. He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray. Samuel Chadwick


    James 5:16 (NIV)

    16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

    Invitation to Prayer Group services:

    Prayer is a gift from God, like life itself.

    We meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:00 pm -ish
    We have both individual and group conversations with our Creator.

    We focus on the prayers of our congregation and our community.
    We also include prayers for the world and the nation. You are welcome any or all Wednesdays; we enjoy visitors.

  • 3rd Annual Gateway to Higher Education Scholarship:

    • Gateway to Higher Education Scholarships were awarded to Shammah and Teddy Takop for 2024 - Congratulations to you both!

      Thank you to the congregation for your contributions that allow us to support our youth as they pursue higher educationMaple Village:

    •   The gardens are a big success this year with many EPC individuals taking part.

    •   After what seemed like a slow start, tomatoes and cucumbers are looking good and being shared with our neighbors.

    •   Thank you to those helping with the gardening successes.

    Teacher Support:

    The mission committee decided to focus on our teachers during the month of August. There is a list below of items that have been requested but if you buy something not on the list I don’t think they will turn it down!

    Karen and Fred are getting us off to a great start.

    There will be a collection tote in the hall outside the children’s classroom door.

    Color pencils Regular No.2 Pencils Scissors Highlighters
    Card Stock paper -- White and bright colors

    Crayola markers Glue Sticks Post-It Notes

    Pencil sharpener Colored paper Construction paper

    A once-a-year opportunity to contribute to Oasis Center’s success is coming your way...


    Join us on Friday, September 13, at Marathon Music Works for the event of the season -



    Tickets and tables are going fast, so snag yours now!

    We'll kick off the night with signature cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, and a silent auction and follow it up with a southern spread from Martin’s Bar-B-Que, an open bar, and a live auction! We'll finish the evening with an intimate songwriters’ round with some of Nashville's biggest hitmakers!
    It will be an unforgettable night with all proceeds supporting youth in Oasis Center's Emergency Shelter and mental health services...Only in Nashville!

    Tickets are available for purchase:

    Seating for 12: $3,600 Seating for 10: $3,000 Per Individual: $325

    For reservations, contact Erica Combs at 615-983-6915 or ecombs@oasiscenter.org

    If that’s not your thing but you still want to help, look these over and see if there is a fit...There are a few roles that you can take to help prepare for the event. Can you help? Please email Felisha.

    •   Auction items - We are seeking donated gift cards, experiences, and memberships for our silent auction. Here is a list of last year's items (no longer available for bids) to help you brainstorm. If you know a store owner or manager, could you ask them to donate? Felisha can send you a template! We need items by the end of August.

    •   Amateur photographer - Are you the person everyone in your friend group asks to take their Instagram photos? We need help staging our silent auction items. Photos are helpful for our virtual and in-person auction. (August and early September)

    •   Sponsorships - Can your business help sponsor our event? We need $20,000 in additional support before the big night! Any gift is appreciated, and sponsorship benefits start at $2,500.

    •   Volunteers on 9/13/24 (day) - We need volunteers to help load items at Oasis and unload items at Marathon Music Works between 1 - 4 p.m.

    •   Volunteers on 9/13/24 (eve) - We need volunteers to help at the event between 5 - 10 p.m. You will get a free dinner from us! We have seated opportunities and opportunities for folks who can stand for long periods (with breaks).

    •   Volunteers on 9/13/24 (eve) - We need load out volunteers. You will help pack up cars between 9 - 10:30 p.m. If you arrive earlier and stay for the program, you will also receive a free dinner.

      Volunteer Recruitment Season!

      We are gearing up to interview and train volunteers for the 2024 - 2025 school year. If you are interested in any of the roles below, please email us! We serve youth from many diverse backgrounds, and we want to make sure our volunteers represent the diversity of the young people we engage. Volunteers must be 18-years or older and out of high school.

      Bike Workshop: You don't have to be an expert cyclist or bike technician to help in our interactive, hands-on workshops. Volunteers will learn the skills with the young people! Workshops are at Metro schools or Oasis during the weekday (morning, mid-day, or afternoon).
      OCC Tutors: We need tutors at our Nashville State campuses (especially Southeast in Antioch and North Davidson in Madison). The most needed subjects include math, basic and health sciences,

    and writing. Tutors serve weekly or at least twice a month for 2 hour shifts between Monday - Thursday.
    Shelter Tutors: We need math tutors for our young people in the Shelter (ages 13 - 17). Shifts would be at least two hours twice per month between 9 a.m. - noon.

    Recurring Lunch Volunteers: Can your friend group or your work team sign-up to deliver a home- made lunch once a month on Monday or Thursday? Volunteers are the only reason we can serve lunch three times a week in the Outreach Center, and we appreciate each person who contributes!

  • Financial Support for Missions:

    Call it what you will, for a small church we are involved in many different local ministries, missions or outreach programs.

    Funding for these giving programs come from various places, one of these places is you!

    If you would like to donate additional funds for a specific program, checks can be made to the following ongoing missions of EPC.

    Community Garden

    Gateway to Higher Education Scholarship Crossroads Campus

    Maple Village

    Special Music Ministry events


    Please note on the memo line which mission your check is meant to support.

    Financial Support for EPC:

    If you are not able to attend worship service and still wish show your support for Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, you can contribute in the following ways:

    Online–send an electronic payment, your bank can help you set this up if you have questions.

    By Mail – our mailing address is EPC, 9770 Hwy 96, Nashville, TN 37221

    Through EPC’s website www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org Simply click on the “GIVE” button, then the “donate” button, to donate via PayPal or debit/credit card. This can be a one-time donation or can be set up as a monthly donation.

  • Fellowship:

    •   The fellowship activity, “Drawing Biblical Water Stories” this month was in the form of an art project that took place at EPC today.

    •   We read about different Bible stories dealing with water and discussed what images came to mind in each story. For example... Jesus turned water into wine, Jesus met the woman at the well, Jesus calmed the storm and Jesus walked on water...

    •   We divided into small groups, each group got new pastel crayons and a long sheet of black paper and had 15 minutes to work their magic.

    •   The results are taped on the hallway wall.

    •   I encourage everyone to check them out and identify which Bible story is depicted.

    Join us for fellowship, snacks and a fresh cup of coffee around the kitchen window after service!

    Aug 4......Fred & Karen Aug 11... Barb
    Aug 18...
    Aug 25...Susie & Doug Sept 1...

    Sept 8... Fred & Karen

    There is a sign-up sheet on the table next to the front door if you wish to help.

  • The Covid bug is back. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the front entrance to use as desired. Be aware of your health and consider others in all you do.

    We need a liturgist for Aug 25th and refreshment help on Aug 18 and Sept 1. Please check and see if you can help out on any of those dates.

    Lost and Found:

    •   An earring (on kitchen counter) was found in the utensil drawer last Sunday

    •   There is a casserole pan and a cake stand on table in hallway left over from a recent potluck meal. If they are yours please claim them!

    Welcome Visitors! We are excited to call your attention to, and encourage you, to visit our upgraded website! Go to www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org for all your questions. Cut and paste one of these sites in your browser. If you can’t find your answers there, try the options below:

    janemherring@gmail.com - Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615- 818-9727 or email at about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized), to join the church or any other questions you might have.

    epcnashville@gmail.com - General EPC email can be sent to this site (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account).

    epcbusiness9770@gmail.com - If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances or other business topics, email your question or request here.

    janemherring@gmail.com - Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin here.

    frhanchey@gmail.com - Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter here.

    frhanchey@gmail.com – Send questions about the outdoor gardens or children’s education/programming here.

  • Ongoing:

    •   Communion every 1st Sunday

    •   Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (8/11)

    •   Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (8/18)

    •   Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (8/19)

    •   2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug Hookers meet 10 am – 2 pm.


    •   Aug 5: First (half) day of WCS schools

    •   Aug 7: Wed night prayer service 6-7 pm

  • Coming up soon, take part in conversation about uniting the Bodies of Christ:

    As a follow up to a previous meeting, there will be a conversation with Adam Buzard, who is part of the Operation Andrew Group. This will be hosted by the 2nd Presbyterian Church on April 18th from 9-11 am. as he works to fulfill the mission of uniting the bodies of Christ as they partner with local churches. 2nd Pres is located at 3511 Belmont Blvd and the conversation will center around “The State of Nashville”. It is open to anyone (pastors, elders, church volunteers) interested in knowing what others think of our church. The event is this scheduled for tomorrow.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NaCoMe Camp Opportunity:

    Reach out to Jane if you have questions about this. It is coming up soon. I’m sorry I don’t have any more details at this time.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

  • VBS---Next week... What to know...

      •   The theme of VBS this year is The Living Water

      •   We will meet Wed. July 31st from 1-5 pm at EPC

      •   Eat lunch before you come on the 31st (1-5 pm) and plan to stay for pizza from 5- 6.

        The last two VBS meetings were a little un-traditional but took place despite the many challenges that daily schedules and Mother Nature threw at us. From the nice calm lazy river and the warm welcoming sunshine that was perfect for 6 yr old Jaxon (inside the inner tube)...

    ... to the overcast skies with a faster flowing, and a little bit deeper river suitable for the older girls. The rain filled stream provided a stimulating, (shall we say cold!?) current for these two (next page) who waded and splashed, slipped and slid and managed to get 100% wet as they named undesirable behaviors and let the river wash their sins away!

  • A HUGE thank you goes out to Val. Her retirement is our blessing. Check out the upkeeping that she has done in all the gardens around the building. Read that again...ALL the gardens have been given a little extra care over the past week. Thank her when you see her next.

  • Class of 2024

    Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission

    John Denton, Building and Grounds

    Class of 2025

    Greg Burlison, Personnel

    John Sevier, Director of Music

    Class of 2026

    Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure

    Jan Russell

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