January 22nd, 2025 | Newsletter
Welcome Visitors!
We are excited to call your attention to, and encourage you, to visit our upgraded website! Go to www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org for all your questions. Cut and paste one of these sites in your browser, or if you can’t find your answers there, try the options below: janemherring@gmail.com – Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615-818-9727 or at this email about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized), to join the church or any other questions you might have. epcnashville@gmail.com - general EPC email can be sent to this site (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account). epcbusiness9770@gmail.com - If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances or other business topics, email your question or request here. janemherring@gmail.com - Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin here. frhanchey@gmail.com - Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter here. frhanchey@gmail.com – Send questions about the outdoor gardens or children’s education/programming here.
Inquirers of all ages:
Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church
(if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.
First reading
Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10
Psalm 19
Second reading
1 Corinthians 12:12-31a
Luke 4:14-21
We are now scheduling liturgists for Jan. 1st through the Lenten season! It helps the worship committee
to have several months scheduled at a time – so please help us fill in the blanks! We still need 1 more
liturgist for January!
Date | Pulpit | Liturgist | Notes |
1.26.25 | Herring | Barb H.
2.16.25 | Karen R.
2.23.25 | Communion
3.23.25 | Barbara H. |
4.6.25 | | Communion
4.13.25 | | Karen R.
4.20.25 | | |
4.27.25 | | |
Can this be your New Year’s Resolution?
I will step out of my comfort zone and volunteer to be liturgist at least on one Sunday in 2025.
Call or email Barb when you are ready at 615-473-3510 or epcbusiness9770@gmail.com
Last Sunday was a busy day in the life of our church as new elders were recognized, installed, and prayed over.
Jane leads and Terry assists in the ordination of the newly elected elders, Fred R, Val F. and John D.
Invitation to Prayer Group services:
Prayer is the life blood of our relationship with God.
Prayer is the mechanism by which we grow and mature as followers of Christ.
Prayer is the place of solace in grief, celebration in joy and sharing without fear.
Prayer is often solitary and there is great joy in that “alone time” with God.
* is also communal, building our relationships
with each other and God simultaneously.
Please come pray with us – 6:00 PM each Thursday night for an hour (or so).
Submit your prayer requests to: EPCprayers97@gmail.com by 5:00 PM each Thursday
Psalm 90:14 (Life Application Study Bible)
O satisfy us in the morning with Your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our lives.
In the morning, prayer is the key that opens to us the treasures of God's mercies and blessings; in the
evening, it is the key that shuts us up under his protection and safeguard. - Billy Graham
About the Oasis Center:
The Oasis Center, one of Nashville’s leading youth-serving organizations, provides a wide range of services that reflect the diverse needs of youth and their families. From crisis intervention and youth leadership to community engagement and college and career access, their 20+ programs are based on the foundation of four areas for youth success: Safety, Belonging, Empowerment and Generosity. The Oasis Center began in 1969 as a drop-in center for young people in crisis, offering safety and intervention to Nashville’s most vulnerable youth. It now provides hope, healing and support to over 4,000 youth and their families per year. For more information about the Oasis Center, please visit https://oasiscenter.org/. This Sunday is the last collection day for any requested cold weather items you have gathered up. The requested items are hand warmers, hats, gloves, blankets, and other weather-appropriate gear… Bring donated items to EPC by Jan 12 and they will get delivered to the Oasis Center building.There is a collection box for donated items outside the children’s classroom door. You are making a difference.
Mission funding:
Call it what you will, for a small church we are involved in many different local ministries, missions or outreach programs. If you would like to donate additional funds for a specific program, checks can be made to the following ongoing missions of EPC.
Community Garden
Gateway to Higher Education Scholarship
Maple Village
Special Music Ministry events
Please note on the memo line which mission your check is meant to support.
Church funding:
If you are not able to attend worship service and still wish show your support for Emmanuel
Presbyterian Church, you can contribute in the following ways:
Online–send an electronic payment, your bank can help you set this up if you have questions.
By Mail – our mailing address is EPC, 9770 Hwy 96, Nashville, TN 37221
Through EPC’s website www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org Simply click on the “GIVE” button, then the “donate” button, to donate via PayPal or debit/credit card. This can be a one-time donation or can be set up as a monthly donation.
Art Sale:
The sale of John D’s artwork netted $690.00 for EPC
Thank you John, for such a generous use of your artistic gifts!
And thanks to all who contributed to the success of this fundraising effort.
The 2025 snack sign-up sheet has been posted on the table to the right as you enter the sanctuary. Slots are already being filled in….
Please sign up.
Our shirts have arrived! If you placed an order with Susie, they can be
picked up at church this Sunday! Thank you Sue for heading up this awesome project!
The Covid bug is back, the flu bug, the cold virus…. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the front entrance to use as desired. Be aware of your health and consider others in all you do. We urge everyone to remain vigilant in washing hands and wearing masks as you feel is appropriate. -
Blood Drive:
It is time to start planning and recruiting for EPC's 2025 Blood Drive Team
If you are interested in volunteering, please let Barb know. The team will:
Communicate via email with previous EPC blood drive donors.
create and distribute flyers for the blood drive to be distributed in Fairview,
Bellevue, and Pasquo (especially, when possible with permission, in
businesses in those areas)
Develop and initiate an online advertising scheme to get the word out as
much as possible (this will include recruiting people to send message out
through their personal contact lists, manage postings on social media
connected to Fairview, Bellevue and Pasquo and any other ideas that the
team comes up with)
4. Working staggered shifts of set up, intake of donors, distributing American Red Cross swag, take down and closing up. The need is great, the blood reserves are low and the impact is literally life-saving. for our success.
Your help is critical
Tax workshops:
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) created the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) free tax prep
program to provide free tax preparation for low- to moderate-income taxpayers using community
partners and volunteers. Each year, United Way volunteers help thousands of individuals and families
prepare their taxes. Like in years past, United Way is using our sanctuary and church space to provide free income tax
preparation for those qualifying based on income.
You can schedule an appointment starting January 22, 2025, either online or by calling
a) https://www.unitedwaygreaternashville.org/vita-tax-sites/ (scroll down to EPC site)
b) Phone number to schedule appointments is 615-206-7560
Appointments can be made on Wednesdays 1/29/2025 through 4/9/2025 between 1:00 pm and
6:15 pm.
Help is also available on Saturdays in March, 03/01, 03/15 and 03/29, between 9:00 am and 12:45
Food Pantry:
Second Harvest and Graceworks offered a
Mobile Food Pantry this past Saturday.
The next one will be Feb 15th at Fairview
Middle School.
Thanks to Trent B, flyers advertising the
availability of the community garden were
handed out to the first 30 people who
expressed an interest in taking part.
Community Garden:
Gardening information is available as a separate attachment with this email. It contains a list of cold
weather plants and also a list of seeds that are currently available. I will be working in the gardens this
Sunday planting Maple Village crops. It’s fun to have company if anyone wants to work on theirs as well.
(weather permitting – as in no rain).
If you ever thought about growing your own fresh vegetables, now’s the time.
Emmanuel Presbyterian Church (9770 Hwy 96, Nashville) is offering you TOTALLY FREE gardening
Text Faith at 6158124859 if you are ready to get started or want more information. I am happy to
Communion every 1st Sunday
Building Improvement Committee every first Sunday (2/2)
Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (2/10)
Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (1/19)
Session Mtg every 3rd Monday after service (1/20)
The deadline to bring winter items for Oasis has been extended to January 19
VITA/United Way tax assistance appointments start Wed Jan 29th. Spread the word.
Please remember to check the “Events”, “Missions” and “Stewardship” bulletin boards in the hallway for ongoing information about these areas of activity at EPC.
Also, don’t forget about the file system in the hallway for each committee where you can make suggestions to be considered by session for changes and improvement.
*Dec 16 – Dec 21(for Sunday School Dec 22) Reading: Part 2, Chapters 1-6 (approx. 30 pages) Theme: Joy in Simplicity
*Dec 23 – Dec 28 (for Sunday School Dec 29) Reading: Part 2, Chapters 7-12 (approx. 30 pages) Theme: Love Made Manifest
Thursdays in December at 6 pm – We gather for contemplative silence, reading, and prayer every Thursday at 6pm by ZOOM. Link to come by email.
The Advent Daily Devotional Readings were sent out by email on Nov. 29. Pastor Jane will print a copy for you, if you like.
At Emmanuel we offer a “kid’s message” during the early part of the worship service, followed by a “children’s church” in the kid’s classroom for those up to 10 years old or still in elementary school. The message is a short story that usually has some sort of lesson related to it and in children’s church we usually discuss the story in more depth and follow it with a craft or activity that helps the story (and the lesson!) sink in.
Infant care is available for those under 3.
We offer a “chat time ” in the classroom after service (11ish – noonish) for those over 10 who want some time to privately share what is on their mind.
We have two adults with the children and their safety and education is our top priority.
Hi everyone,
This is time for planning. If you want a garden plot this year, now is the time to plan it. You need to:
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Choose what you want to grow
Pick and prep your plot
Order, buy or let me know what seeds to get for you.
Prepare to plant cold weather crops now or very soon.
Read the info below for winter/early spring gardens.
The https://seedtime.us website has a boatload of good free information about what, when and
how to do anything gardening related. I highly recommend you check it out.
Onion seeds will be the first crop started, plant indoors between Jan 29-Feb 4.
Parsley seeds are next with recommended planting indoors between Feb 12-18.
Cabbage, brussels sprouts, and kale are next start seeding indoors in late Feb (26th).
Other cold weather crop possibilities are mustard greens, collard greens, arugula, spinach,
lettuce, carrots, radishes, beets, turnips, potatoes, sweet potatoes, sorrel, cilantro, or cress.
If you already know you want a plot, please let me know (6158124859) so I can get any necessary seeds
or garden items gathered for you. Thanks so much, Faith
Dates to remember:
last frost of 2023-24 winter was April 30th, 2024
Oct 16, 2024 was first frost and Nov 29, 2024 first hard freeze of 2024-25 winter
Future gardening information and updates will be sent out with the newsletter as a
separate attachment.
Class of 2024
Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission
John Denton, Building and Grounds
Class of 2025
Greg Burlison, Personnel
John Sevier, Director of Music
Class of 2026
Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure
Jan Russell