October 16th, 2024 | Newsletter

  • Welcome Visitors!

    We are excited to call your attention to, and encourage you, to visit our upgraded website! Go to www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org for all your questions. Cut and paste one of these sites in your browser. If you can’t find your answers there, try the options below:

    janemherring@gmail.com – Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615- 818-9727 or at her email about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized), to join

    the church or for answers to any other questions you might have.

    epcnashville@gmail.com - General EPC email can be sent to this site (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account).

    epcbusiness9770@gmail.com - If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances or other business topics, email your question or request here.

    janemherring@gmail.com - Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin here.
    frhanchey@gmail.com - Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter here.

    frhanchey@gmail.com – Send questions about the outdoor gardens or children’s education/programming here.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

  • Readings For The Week

    PROPER 24 (29) OCT 20,2024

    First reading and Psalm

    Job 38:1-7, (34-41) Psalm 104:1- 9, 24, 35c
    Alternate First reading and Psalm

    Isaiah 53:4-12 Psalm 91:9-16

    Second reading

    Hebrews 5:1-10


    Mark 10:35-45

  • Litergical readers and schedule notes

    Date | Pulpit | Liturgist | Notes |

    10.20.24 | Herring | Darrell H.

    10.27.24 | Herring | Jan R.

    11.3.24 | Herring | Ginia W. | Communion

    11.10.24 | Herring | Barbara H.

    11.17.24 | Herring |

    11.24.24 | Herring | Sandra/Darrell H.

    12.01.24 | Herring | Diana B.

    Thank you to those of you who serve as liturgists. If you wish to volunteer as liturgist, send an email to epcbusiness9770@gmail.com or call 615-473-3510.

  • Psalm 149:4

    For the Lord takes delight in His people; He crowns the humble with salvation.

    Quotes about prayer:

    Any concern too small to be turned into a prayer is too small to be made into a burden. - Corrie Ten Boom

    Invitation to Prayer Group:

    Have you ever had a relationship strained to the point where you didn’t speak to a loved one? The GIFT of prayer is a miracle in itself – a direct relationship with our Creator, infused with LOVE. Give yourself permission to take one moment each day to nurture that relationship.

    If you wish to experience what prayer group is like – please join us any Thursday evening from 6:00 – 7:00 pm(ish) when we gather as a small group to talk to God, lift our community prayers and experience the PEACE of God’s presence - together.

    Wednesday night Prayer Group is now meeting on Thursdays from 6-7pm. All are invited. Please join us.

  • Peace and Global Witness:

    •   Thank you everyone for your Peace and Global Witness gifts.

    •   The fellowship/mission committee meeting is this Sunday morning and we will

      determine what group will receive the shared portion of the offering.

    Maple Village:

    •   We are collecting gently used books and jigsaw puzzles for Maple Village.

    •   All book genres and all puzzle sizes are accepted.

    •   There is a tote outside the children’s classroom for your contributions.

    •   We will make a delivery on the last Sunday of October, the 27th.

  • Financial Support for Missions:

    Call it what you will, for a small church we are involved in many different local ministries, missions or outreach programs.

    Funding for these giving programs come from various places, one of these places is you!

    If you would like to donate additional funds for a specific program, checks can be made to the following ongoing missions of EPC.

    Community Garden

    Gateway to Higher Education Scholarship Crossroads Campus

    Maple Village

    Special Music Ministry events


    Please note on the memo line which mission your check is meant to support.

    Financial Support for EPC:

    If you are not able to attend worship service and still wish show your support for Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, you can contribute in the following ways:

    Online–send an electronic payment, your bank can help you set this up if you have questions.

    By Mail – our mailing address is EPC, 9770 Hwy 96, Nashville, TN 37221

    Through EPC’s website www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org Simply click on the “GIVE” button, then the “donate” button, to donate via PayPal or debit/credit card. This can be a one-time donation or can be set up as a monthly donation.

    • Join us for fellowship, snacks and fresh cup of coffee around the kitchen window after service!

    • There is a sign-up sheet by the front door if you wish to help.

    • It looks like we don’t have anybody signed up for snacks on the 20th so I will bring something. If you have already signed up and I just have an old picture, please let me (faith frhanchey@gmail.com) know.

    • We could use someone for next week as well.

  • The Covid bug is back. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the front entrance to use as desired. Be aware of your health and consider others in all you do.

    Next month is Pastor Appreciation Month.... Just sayin!

  •   Please remember to check the “Events”, “Missions” and “Stewardship” bulletin boards in the hallway for ongoing information about these areas of activity at EPC.

      The kids board, underneath the “Missions” section, shares the kids’ lessons with you. It’s sometime messy but that’s what kids do -- Enjoy it!

    This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-


    •   Communion every 1st Sunday

    •   Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (10/13)

    •   Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (10/20)

    •   Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (10/31)

    •   2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug Hookers meet

      10am–2pm. Upcoming:

    •   October 6: Blessing of the Animals (outside service) and Feast of St Francis of Assisi

    •   October 27: Deliver books and puzzles to Maple Village

    •   October12th and 19th 9am – 12 noon -- Spit and Shine Building and Grounds Clean up days ( see


    •   November 3: Feast of All Saints and Communion of All Saints

    •   November 17: Thanksgiving pot luck dinner, bring sides.

    •   November 30: Christmas Cookie Bake and activities. Details to come

    •   November 30: Hanging of the Greens

    •   December 1: First day of Advent, Sunday and Wednesday events. Details to come.

  • Ongoing:

      Communion every 1st Sunday

      Building Improvement Committee every first Sunday

      Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (this Sunday)

      Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (10/20)

      Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (10/31)

      2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug Hookers meet



      October 19th 9am – 12 noon -- Spit and Shine Building and

    Grounds Clean up day ( see below) part 2

      October 27: Deliver books and puzzles to Maple Village

      November 3: Feast of All Saints and Communion of All Saints

      November 17: Thanksgiving pot luck dinner, bring sides.

      November 30: Christmas Cookie Bake and activities. Details to come

      November 30: Hanging of the Greens

      December 1: First day of Advent, Sunday and Wednesday

    events. Details to come.

  • Coming up soon, take part in conversation about uniting the Bodies of Christ:

    As a follow up to a previous meeting, there will be a conversation with Adam Buzard, who is part of the Operation Andrew Group. This will be hosted by the 2nd Presbyterian Church on April 18th from 9-11 am. as he works to fulfill the mission of uniting the bodies of Christ as they partner with local churches. 2nd Pres is located at 3511 Belmont Blvd and the conversation will center around “The State of Nashville”. It is open to anyone (pastors, elders, church volunteers) interested in knowing what others think of our church. The event is this scheduled for tomorrow.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NaCoMe Camp Opportunity:

    Reach out to Jane if you have questions about this. It is coming up soon. I’m sorry I don’t have any more details at this time.

    Inquirers of all ages:

     Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.

    • *During service last week we had a special presentation for the youth who went to Montreat last summer.

      • * Pictures from their week at camp were lovingly placed into book form.

        * Teddy, Jefferson and Annalease received their own copy, as did Scott and Barb.

        One copy has also been placed in the EPC library. Well done. Thank you.

    • There is one more “Spit and Shine” work day on the calendar, Saturday October 19, from 9am–12noon.

    •   We had a fantastic work crew last Saturday and A HUGE THANKS goes out to all who were there.

    •   We would like someone to fix a brunch and serve the food. If this is something you can do please let me know so we don’t have duplicate efforts.

    •   There are jobs both inside and out. Much has been done but there is still something in every room that needs cleaning.

       All of us have something to contribute, come share your talents and let’s show ownership of the EPC church building and the ground it lies on. Bring any cleaning supplies that you have to help with the process.

       Check the list shown and see where you can help

       Save the date, find a place to help, whether it is carrying supplies, scrubbing the sign, vacuuming, cleaning light fixtures and windows, providing refreshments, or entertaining the workers.

       There is a list in the adult classroom where you can see what still needs to be done. Please initial what area you are working on. It seems helpful to work in pairs.

    The Grounds –

    * The round garden by the front doors is getting a face-lift. Everything that is in it is coming out and a whole new set up will be put in place over the next few weeks.

    * If anybody wants any of the plants that are there, they can be yours. Just bring what you need to take them home with you.

    * The sign by Hwy 96 has also gotten a face-lift. The side that was so sun-burned at the top has been replaced.

    * The butterflies and flowers are still showing their full beauty.

    * The veggie plots are getting cleaned up and prepped for the winter season.

    *Those able or interested in helping are urged to contact Faith or Val.

  • Class of 2024

    Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission

    John Denton, Building and Grounds

    Class of 2025

    Greg Burlison, Personnel

    John Sevier, Director of Music

    Class of 2026

    Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure

    Jan Russell




October 9th, 2024 | Newsletter