September 18th, 2024 | Newsletter
Welcome Visitors!
We are excited to call your attention to, and encourage you, to visit our upgraded website! Go to or for all your questions. Cut and paste one of these sites in your browser. If you can’t find your answers there, try the options below: – Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615- 818-9727 or at her email about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized), to join
the church or for answers to any other questions you might have. - General EPC email can be sent to this site (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account). - If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances or other business topics, email your question or request here. - Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin here. - Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter here. – Send questions about the outdoor gardens or children’s education/programming here.
Inquirers of all ages:
Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.
Readings For The Week
PROPER 20 (25) SEP 22, 2024
First reading and Psalm
Proverbs 31:10-31 Psalm 1Alternate First reading and Psalm Wisdom of Solomon 1:16-2:1, 12- 22 or Jeremiah 11:18-20 Psalm 54
Second reading
James 3:13 – 4:3, 7-8aGospel
Mark 9:30-37 -
Litergical readers and schedule notes
Date | Pulpit | Liturgist | Notes |
9.22.24 | Herring | Barbara
9.29.24 | Herring | Mark S. | Goody Bags
10.6.24 | Herring | Sandra H. | Communion
10.13.24 | Herring | Karen R.
10.20.24 | Herring | Darrell H.
10.27.24 | Herring | Jan R.
Thank you to those of you who serve as liturgists. If you wish to volunteer as liturgist, send an email to or call 615-473-3510.
1 Peter 4:8
“And above all things have fervent love for one another, for love will cover a multitude of sins.”Corinthians 13:13
“And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is Love.”
Quotes about prayer:
The reality is, my prayers don’t change God. But, I am convinced prayer changes me. Praying boldly boots me out of that stale place of religious habit into authentic connection with God Himself. - Lysa TerKeurs
Invitation to Prayer Group
The prayer group gatherings will change to Thursday evenings beginning on September 26th; 6:00 pm – 7:00(ish) pm
Think of all the times you have prayed – times of joy, sorrow, celebration, heartache ... the list goes on.
Take a moment to think about what your life would be like without the ability and invitation to
prayer, without that one-on-one relationship time with God.
Have you ever had a relationship strained to the point where you didn’t speak to a loved one?
The GIFT of prayer is a miracle in itself – a direct relationship with our Creator, infused with LOVE.
Give yourself permission to take one moment each day to nurture that relationship.
If you wish to experience what prayer group is like – please join us any Wednesday evening from 6:00 – 7:00 pm(ish) when we gather as a small group to talk to God, lift our community prayers and experience the PEACE of God’s presence - together.
Peace and Global Witness:
The Peace & Global Witness Offering, the third special offering of the year, runs from September 8 – October 6.
It is typically collected on the first Sunday of every October
This year’s theme for the offering is “Sowing the Seeds of Peace.
25% of the total offering remains with EPC to fund peacemaking and reconciliation in our community.
The mission committee will decide what organization will receive this money. If you have a suggestion, please let someone on the committee know. (Ginia, Faith, Jan, Val, Marilyn, Mark, Sara, Sue).
Checks can be offered up any time during the collection period. Please indicate “special offering” or “PaGW” on the memo line.
Maple Village:
The kale and the beets that were planted have sprouted.
Spinach and lettuce seedlings are in the ground.
Radishes are going in the ground this week.
Chloe’s tomatoes are still producing....
In addition to all that, there is a tote outside the children’s classroom for books and puzzles that will be taken to Maple Village in late October.
What Oasis is About...and how we can help
As always, this summer at Oasis Center was action-packed! Between summer camps, internships, workshops, service projects, and field trips, we provided a combined 3,265 hours of programming to young people from across Nashville - all at no cost to youth or their families!
Check out some of the exciting things the young people participated in this summer.
In June, the Art Studio held their fourth and final installment of the Graphic Novel Design workshop series! After youth completed their digital artwork depicting socially impactful issues, their creations were professionally bound into a collaborative graphic novel. The youth also participated in the art exhibit at the Coop Gallery, which gave them an opportunity to display their artwork, share more about the social issues they chose, and sell prints of their work!
How EPC helps:
Sunday September 29th is our next “goody bag assembly” during service.
We pack bags full of healthy snacks to be distributed to homeless teens.
Delivery to the center will be on October 2nd
If you wish to specifically support this ministry, please submit your donations soon. Put “Oasis” in the memo line of your check.
Donations will be used to purchase the items that go into the bags.
Financial Support for Missions:
Call it what you will, for a small church we are involved in many different local ministries, missions or outreach programs.
Funding for these giving programs come from various places, one of these places is you!
If you would like to donate additional funds for a specific program, checks can be made to the following ongoing missions of EPC.
Community Garden
Gateway to Higher Education Scholarship Crossroads Campus
Maple Village
Special Music Ministry events
Please note on the memo line which mission your check is meant to support.
Financial Support for EPC:
If you are not able to attend worship service and still wish show your support for Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, you can contribute in the following ways:
Online–send an electronic payment, your bank can help you set this up if you have questions.
By Mail – our mailing address is EPC, 9770 Hwy 96, Nashville, TN 37221
Through EPC’s website or Simply click on the “GIVE” button, then the “donate” button, to donate via PayPal or debit/credit card. This can be a one-time donation or can be set up as a monthly donation.
Join us for fellowship, snacks and fresh cup of coffee around the kitchen window after service!
There is a sign-up sheet by the front door if you wish to help.
The Covid bug is back. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the front entrance to use as desired. Be aware of your health and consider others in all you do.
There is a casserole pan and a cake stand on table in hallway.
We have limited space to store extra dishes, pans, etcIf they are yours, please claim them! If not claimed by the end of August, they will be donated to Goodwill.
Please remember to check the “Events”, “Missions” and “Stewardship” bulletin boards in the hallway for ongoing information about these areas of activity at EPC.
The next Mission/Fellowship meeting has been changed to the second Sunday of September (8th).
Communion every 1st Sunday
Worship Committee Mtg every 2nd Sunday after service (10/13)
Mission/Fellowship Committee Mtg every 3rd Sunday 9:30 am (10/20)
Session Mtg every 3rd Monday (10/31)
2nd Thursday of each month (except for December) - Rug Hookers meet 10am–2pm.
September 8- October 6: Peace and Global Witness special collection.
September 18: Last prayer group meeting on Wed. Changes to Thursdays next week.
September 26: Wednesday prayer group meetings start on Thursday.
September 29: Assemble Goody Bags during service
October 27: Deliver books and puzzles to Maple Village
October12th and 19th: Spit and Shine Building and Grounds Clean up days
November 17: Thanksgiving pot luck dinner
November 30: Christmas Cookie Bake and activities during “setting up the greens”, decorating
for Advent and possibly hanging ornaments on tree.
November 30: ‘Hanging of the Greens’
December 1: First day of Advent
Coming up soon, take part in conversation about uniting the Bodies of Christ:
As a follow up to a previous meeting, there will be a conversation with Adam Buzard, who is part of the Operation Andrew Group. This will be hosted by the 2nd Presbyterian Church on April 18th from 9-11 am. as he works to fulfill the mission of uniting the bodies of Christ as they partner with local churches. 2nd Pres is located at 3511 Belmont Blvd and the conversation will center around “The State of Nashville”. It is open to anyone (pastors, elders, church volunteers) interested in knowing what others think of our church. The event is this scheduled for tomorrow.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NaCoMe Camp Opportunity:
Reach out to Jane if you have questions about this. It is coming up soon. I’m sorry I don’t have any more details at this time.
Inquirers of all ages:
Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.
Special thanks to the big kids who helped me with the kid’s message last Sunday.
The children bring such joy to my life and I hope they do to you as well!
Spit-Shine Clean Up Day:
On October 12th and 19th the Mission / Fellowship Committees will host several Spit Shine Clean- up days at the church.
We will provide refreshments and other ways make the day enjoyable.
There is a long list on the board in the adult classroom of things that need addressing.
There are people working to set up communications, schedules, task pairings, future clean-up
days and plans for long-term care for our building and grounds.
For now, please mark your calendar and save the dates.
We need all hands on deck for this.
The Sign:
It was pointed out that the sign out by Hwy 96 is in sore need of some aesthetic improvements.
There are conversations happening to address this need.
The ideas being presented will be written on one of the new forms and will go to the committee for review.
If you have thoughts or ideas about sign improvement, please fill out one of the new forms that are in the hallway.
The committee will meet after worship on the first Sunday in October.
Class of 2024
Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission
John Denton, Building and Grounds
Class of 2025
Greg Burlison, Personnel
John Sevier, Director of Music
Class of 2026
Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure
Jan Russell