EPC Resources
September 14th, Newsletter
First reading and Psalm
Exodus 12:1-14
Psalm 149
Alternate First reading and Psalm
Ezekiel 33:7-11
Psalm 119:33-40
Second reading
Romans 13:8-14
Matthew 18:15-20
9.10.23… Mark
9.24.23 …Karen
10.1.23 …Barb
10.8.23… Marilyn
We are now seeking liturgists for three (3) dates in October. If you wish to volunteer, please send an email to: epcbusiness9770@gmail.com or call our worship coordinator at 615-473-3510. Thank you to all who volunteer to be Pastor Jane’s liturgy partners for our services each week!
Prov. 25:21
If your enemies are hungry, give them food to eat. If they are thirsty, give them water to drink. You will heap burning coals on their heads, and the Lord will reward you.
Matt 5:44-48
Jesus said “But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and on the unjust, too. If you love only those who love you, what good is that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.”
Where two or more are gathered in Christ's name, amazing things happen; Please join us at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary for an hour or so of prayer and worship together as we practice following Christ's example and love each other as Christ loves us. We begin our prayer service at 6 pm every Wednesday.
Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire? - Corrie ten Boom
Corinthians 3:9 For we are God's servants, working together; you are God's field, God's building.
School Supply Collection
Sara and the other school teachers in the congregation want to express heartfelt gratitude and offer a sincere thank you to those who helped in the school supply donation effort. “It was just what my team needed; they were so excited!”
Requesting pieces of fleece measuring 2.5 ft x 3.5 ft
Requesting worn colorful T-shirts of any size.
Place your t-shirts in box set up in hallway.
These will be cut up to make dog blankets/toys
Deadline Sept 10, this coming Sunday
Maple Village
Requesting Books and Puzzles.
Place in collection box in hallway.
Deadline Sept 10.
Peace and Global Witness Collection
Collected every fall – This Sunday through Oct 1
Supports peace missions
EPC keeps 25% for local giving
Previously supported the “Women Are Safe” non-profit organization in Centerville, TN
You can suggest other financial gift recipients
On Sundays:
Pick flowers from any EPC garden. Arrange and put on front sanctuary table.
Harvest produce from the garden.
Rinse veggies and take flowers and produce to Maple Village. Bring previous glass bottle back.
Ask Faith, Ginia, Barb or Annalease if you have questions.
In the interest of full disclosure and transparency, there are no financial secrets at EPC. If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances, please contact our church treasurer by any of the following methods:
EPC email for business correspondence should go to epcbusiness9770@gmail.com . General EPC email can be sent to epcnashville@gmail.com (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account)
If you need to contact our treasurer about financial business, mail your question or request to epcbusiness9770@gmail.comT
Timeline for Stewardship campaign for 2024
The following is from our treasurer …
Timeline for Stewardship campaign for 2024
September 17th – October 15th , pledge cards will be made available via email and at in-person services.
October 29th - Deadline for submission of pledge cards
Timeline for 2024 Budget Vote
Nov. 3rd – draft of budget sent to session by Treasurer
Nov. 19th – session to vote on budget recommendation to congregation
Dec. 3rd – congregation vote on proposed budget
Financial Support:
If you are not able to attend worship service and still wish show your support for Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, you can contribute in the following ways:
Online–send an electronic payment, your bank can help you set this up if you have questions.
By Mail – our mailing address is EPC, 9770 Hwy 96, Nashville, TN 37221
Through EPC’s website www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org. Simply click on the “GIVE” button, then the “Donate” button, to donate via PayPal or debit/credit card. This can be a one-time donation or can be set up as a monthly donation.
Karen and Fred will be renewing their wedding vows as part of the worship service on Communion Sunday, October 1, 2023. Let us all pray for continuing good health.
Keep in mind that Covid-19 is back on the rise and in the news. We want to encourage everyone to remain vigilant in staying safe and healthy by washing hands frequently, using sanitizer, wearing masks and keeping a distance from others. Our passing of the peace has become a non-contact experience and like always, be sensible about other congregants’ health concerns.
If you develop symptoms of covid, test as soon as possible.
*We will use all we have learned in the past three years to continue to be as safe as possible, as healthy as possible, and to take good care of one another. If you believe you have been exposed to an active case of covid, please use distancing and protective measures until you know you are covid-free to help keep those around you safe from possible infection.
*Please talk to your pharmacist or doctor about the currently available bivalent vaccine and the monovalent vaccine expected to come out in October. Find out what is best for you. Flu vaccines are also available now.
Welcome Visitors!
Visits with Pastor Jane Herring must be by appointment.
Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615-818-9727 or email at janemherring@gmail.com
Reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.
Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin to janemherring@gmail.com
Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter to frhanchey@gmail.com
Wednesday nights Prayer group 6 pm
Sundays after service: Maple Village delivery
Wed Aug 23 – Sept 10: Collecting T-shirts, fleece, books and puzzles
Sept 4 – Oct 2: Peace and Global Witness Collection
2nd Sunday, Sept 10: after service: Worship committee meeting
3rd Sunday, September 17: Mission/Fellowship meeting 9:30 am.
Monday, September 18 : Session meeting, 6:30 pm
October 1 –Fred and Karen review vows
Inquirers of all ages: Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.
The children’s message this past Sunday was about Moses being placed in the Nile River to be saved by the Pharoah’s daughter. It was a twist of fate that only God could envision for all the players to be in the right place at the right time. The take away lesson from that story for the children’s church was that you CAN make a difference. It does not matter if you are a child or an adult. In this story both a child (Jacobed’s daughter, Miriam) and a young adult (the Pharoah’s daughter) made a difference; Moses survived and grew to be a strong righteous man.
Looking for help with the round flower bed in front of church. Is it you?
Growing produce, yes, sure, that’s what we intended. But tadpoles too??? Apparently yes, those too. After 3 Sundays worth of scooping, the water bucket residents have all been rehomed to either the Harpeth River or Bradford Creek.
Class of 2023
Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure
Class of 2024
Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission
John Denton, Building and Grounds
Class of 2025
Greg Burlison, Personnel
Jan Russell
John Sevier, Director of Music
August 30th, Newsletter
Proper 17 (22) (September 3, 2023)
First reading and Psalm
Exodus 3:1-15
Psalm 105:1-6, 23-26, 45b
Alternate First reading and Psalm
Jeremiah 15:15-21
Psalm 26:1-8
Second reading
Romans 12:9-21
Matthew 16:21-28
9.03.23…. Ginia
9.10.23… Mark
9.17.23 …Terry D.
9.24.23 …Karen
10.1.23 …Barb
10.8.23… Marilyn
We are now seeking liturgists for three (3) dates in October. If you wish to volunteer, please send an email to: epcbusiness9770@gmail.com or call our worship coordinator at 615-473-3510. Thank you to all who volunteer to be Pastor Jane’s liturgy partners for our services each week!
Prayer lays hold of God’s plan and becomes the link between his will and its accomplishment on earth. Amazing things happen, and we are given theprivilege of being the channels of the Holy Spirit and prayer. - Elisabeth Elliot
Romans 8:28
“God promises to make something good out of the storms that bring devastation to your life.”
Where two or more are gathered in Christ's name, amazing things happen; Please join us at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary for an hour or so of prayer and worship together as we practice following Christ's example and love each other as Christ loves us.
Psalm 149:4
“For the Lord takes delight in His people; He crowns the humble with salvation.”
Corinthians 3:9 For we are God's servants, working together; you are God's field, God's building.
Requesting worn colorful T-shirts of any size.
Place your t-shirts in box set up in hallway.
Deadline Sept 10.
2 Maple Village
Requesting Books and Puzzles.
Place in collection box in hallway.
Deadline Sept 10.
On Sundays:
Pick flowers from any EPC garden. Arrange and put on front sanctuary table.
Harvest produce from the garden.
Rinse veggies and take flowers and produce to Maple Village. Bring previous glass bottle back.
Ask Faith, Ginia, Barb or Annalease if you have questions.
In the interest of full disclosure and transparency, there are no financial secrets at EPC. If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances, please contact our church treasurer by any of the following methods:
EPC email for business correspondence should go to epcbusiness9770@gmail.com . General EPC email can be sent to epcnashville@gmail.com (be aware that multiple people have access to this email account)
If you need to contact our treasurer about financial business, mail your question or request to epcbusiness9770@gmail.comT
Timeline for Stewardship campaign for 2024
The following is from our treasurer …
Timeline for Stewardship campaign for 2024
September 17th – October 15th , pledge cards will be made available via email and at in-person services.
October 29th - Deadline for submission of pledge cards
Timeline for 2024 Budget Vote
Nov. 3rd – draft of budget sent to session by Treasurer
Nov. 19th – session to vote on budget recommendation to congregation
Dec. 3rd – congregation vote on proposed budget
Financial Support:
If you are not able to attend worship service and still wish show your support for Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, you can contribute in the following ways:
Online–send an electronic payment, your bank can help you set this up if you have questions.
By Mail – our mailing address is EPC, 9770 Hwy 96, Nashville, TN 37221
Through EPC’s website www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org. Simply click on the “GIVE” button, then the “Donate” button, to donate via PayPal or debit/credit card. This can be a one-time donation or can be set up as a monthly donation.
Karen and Fred will be POSTPONED DUE TO COVID renewing their wedding vows as part of the worship service,
Snack sign up:
Sept 3: Ginia & Terry
Sept 10:
Sept 17:
Welcome Visitors!
Visits with Pastor Jane Herring must be by appointment.
Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615-818-9727 or email at janemherring@gmail.com
Reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.
Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin to janemherring@gmail.com
Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter to frhanchey@gmail.com
Wednesday nights Prayer group 6 pm
Sundays after service: Maple Village delivery
Wed Aug 23 – Sept 10: Collecting T-shirts, books and puzzles
Sept 3: Communion Sunday
Sept 4 – Oct 2: Peace and Global Witness Collection
2nd Sunday, Sept 10: after service: Worship committee meeting
3rd Sunday, September 17: Mission/Fellowship meeting 9:30 am.
Monday, September 18 : Session meeting, 6:30 pm
Inquirers of all ages: Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.
The children’s message this past Sunday was about Moses being placed in the Nile River to be saved by the Pharoah’s daughter. It was a twist of fate that only God could envision for all the players to be in the right place at the right time. The take away lesson from that story for the children’s church was that you CAN make a difference. It does not matter if you are a child or an adult. In this story both a child (Jacobed’s daughter, Miriam) and a young adult (the Pharoah’s daughter) made a difference; Moses survived and grew to be a strong righteous man.
I Need Help.
Anyone who is able and has a willingness to pull weeds, dig small trees, and give the round bed a facelift on a cool Friday morning is invited to join me this Friday between 7:30 am -11:30 ish working on both the gravel bed along the sidewalk in front of the church and the circle garden with all its “I refuse to be beautiful” issues.
Class of 2023
Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure
Class of 2024
Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission
John Denton, Building and Grounds
Class of 2025
Greg Burlison, Personnel
Jan Russell
John Sevier, Director of Music
August 16th, Newsletter
Proper 16 (21) (August 27, 2023)
First reading and Psalm
Exodus 1:8-2:10
Psalm 124
Alternate First reading and Psalm
Isaiah 51:1-6
Psalm 138
Second reading
Romans 12:1-8
Matthew 16:13-20
8.27.23 : Greg
9.03.23 : Ginia
9.10.23 : Mark
9.24.23 : Karen
10.1.23 :
10.8.23 : Marilyn
We are now scheduling liturgists for September17th and October. If you wish to volunteer, please call Barb or send an email to: epcbusiness9770@gmail.com Thank you to all who volunteer to be Pastor Jane’s liturgy partners for our services each week.
She (my mother) became a warrior far superior to any epic hero. She became a giant on her knees. With a sword in one hand, she battled the enemies of death and disease, and with her other hand stretched toward heaven she kept beseeching God’s help and His mercy.
- Bishop T.D. Jakes
Where two or more are gathered in Christ's name, amazing things happen; Please join us at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary for an hour or so of prayer and worship together as we practice following Christ's example and love each other as Christ loves us.
Psalm 107:1
“Give thanks to the Lord for He is good: His love endures forever”.
Psalm 23:4
“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me”.
Corinthians 3:9 For we are God's servants, working together; you are God's field, God's building.
A new opportunity, a new project!
A request has come in for worn colorful T-shirts of any size.
They are also collecting fleece pieces size 2.5 ft x 3.5 ft
They will be used for an upcoming Nashville Humane Society Dog Toy/Blanket Service Project. We will need your help with this also.
Deadline for collection is Sept 10.
Place your t-shirts in box set up in hallway.
Oasis: Why Oasis Matters…
Do you ever wonder what exactly we are supporting when we ask for donations or help make goody bags or ask for meals?
Oasis provides shelter, meals and guidance to many homeless teens and young adults in the Nashville area. It is a year-round commitment but summertime provides some time for extra interactions. Our lunch delivery on Monday went really well. Thank you to those who contributed time and food.
2Maple Village:
We are collecting books for the Maple Village residents.
They have asked for reading materials to add to their library.
Place any donated books in the “Book Box” in the hallway.
This will be a fall delivery which coincides with the Fairview Public Library Book Sale on Aug 24 – 26.
Can you pick flowers and harvest from the garden? We need someone who can deliver goodies to Maple Village. There is a sign-up sheet on the table in back of the sanctuary. Ask Faith, Ginia or Annalease if you have questions.
In the interest of full disclosure and transparency, there are no financial secrets at EPC. If you ever have any questions about anything dealing with EPC’s finances, please contact our church treasurer by any of the following methods:
EPC email for business correspondence should go to epcbusiness9770@gmail.com . General EPC email can be sent to epcnashville@gmail.com (be aware that multiple people have access to this xemail account)
If you need to contact our treasurer about financial business email your question or request to epcbusiness9770@gmail.comT
The following is from our treasurer …
Timeline for Stewardship campaign for 2024
September 17th – October 15 th , pledge cards will be made available via email and at in-person services.
October 29th - Deadline for submission of pledge cards
Timeline for 2024 Budget Vote
Nov. 3rd – draft of budget sent to session by Treasurer
Nov. 19th – session to vote on budget recommendation to congregation
Dec. 3rd – congregation vote on proposed budget
Financial Support:
If you are not able to attend worship service and still wish show your support for Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, you can contribute in the following ways:
Online–send an electronic payment, your bank can help you set this up if you have questions.
By Mail – our mailing address is EPC, 9770 Hwy 96, Nashville, TN 37221
Through EPC’s website www.epcnashville.com or www.epcnashville.org. Simply click on the “GIVE” button, then the “Donate” button, to donate via PayPal or debit/credit card. This can be a one-time donation or can be set up as a monthly donation.
August 27 is going to be a day to remember.
Karen and Fred will be POSTPONED DUE TO COVID renewing their wedding vows as part of the worship service,
Fred, 1/2 of our dear Fred and Karen couple, who were to renew their wedding vows this Sunday, tested positive for covid yesterday (Tues).
The vow renewal and celebration with be rescheduled for another Sunday Worship Service once Fred recovers.
This Sunday, August 27, we will have our regular worship service and fellowship.
Let’s all lift each other in prayer for good health, for strong, healthy bodies and minds. We pray especially that Karen stays healthy as she cares for Fred, and that Fred’s recovery is quick and complete.
We will use all we have learned in the past three years to continue to be as safe as possible, as healthy as possible, and to take good care of one another:
*Please talk to your pharmacist or doctor about the currently available bivalent vaccine and the monovalent vaccine expected to come out in October. Find out what is best for you. Flu vaccines are also available now.
*If you believe you have been exposed to an active case of covid, please use distancing and protective measures until you know you are covid-free to help keep those around you safe from possible infection.
*If you develop symptoms of covid, test as soon as possible.
Snack sign up:
Aug 27: cake?
Sept 3: Ginia & Terry
Sept 10:
Sept 17:
Wednesday nights Prayer group 6 pm
Sundays after service: Maple Village delivery
Sunday Aug 27: vow renewal postponed
Wed Aug 23 – Sept 10: Collecting T-shirts
Sept 3: Communion Sunday
Sept 4 – Oct 2: Peace and Global Witness Collection
2nd Sunday, Sept 10: after service: Worship committee meeting
3rd Sunday, September 17: Mission/Fellowship meeting 9:30 am.
Monday, September 18 : Session meeting, 6:30 pm
November 12: Thanksgiving Dinner and Fellowship
Christian Education:
Inquirers of all ages: Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.
For more than a year we have included in this newsletter information about how Presbyterians “do” church. This is the final installment in this series.
For more detailed information and videos on the subject or to see previous week’s questions and answers, please see our website at: epcnashville.com/how-presbyterians-do-church or go to: theocademy.com The information on our website and the outtakes that will be included in the newsletter come from the Theocademy material created by the Mid-America Synod and provided by the Presbytery of Louisville, KY. If you have any questions about any of the outtakes or website material, please reach out to Pastor Herring or any member of the Session.
Week 58
Prayer – Jesus taught us not to get all wrapped up in“crafting the perfect prayer”; pray with your heart, not your head; KISS – keep it simple and straightforward; use your everyday language and references that are meaningful to your life.
Matt 6:7-13 (NSRV) – “When you are praying, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. Pray then in this way:
“Our Father in heaven, hallowed [sacred/blessed/holy] be your name. Your
kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day
our daily bread. And forgive us our debts [sins], as we also have forgiven our
debtors [those who have harmed us]. And do not bring us to the time of trial
[judgement] but rescue us from the evil one [satan].”
Q: What are the main six types of prayer?
a. Adoration – pray to express our love and praise to God for who God is.
b. Confession – pray to admit the fact that we have lived in a way that runs counter to God’s plan, both for our own lives and as part of the world at large.
c. Devotion - pray to affirm and celebrate God’s ownership of our lives.
d. Intercession - pray to ask God to step in and take control of a situation we (or others we know) are facing (this is to be done with the mind of Christ – i.e. you may ask for a specific/preferred outcome, but acknowledge that God’s will is preeminent; Christ asked for the cup to pass him by, but that God’s will be done).
e. Supplication - pray to ask God to provide us with what we need.
f. Thanksgiving - pray to praise God for what God has done, both in our own lives and in the world.
Children’s Education:
You never know what will happen during the children’s message. Sometimes they are eager to come sit up front, but ummm, sometimes they are not. We love your little girl, Mollie! The story being read was titled “A Hard Story”, which indeed it was. Workers were beaten, and killed, a story that was hard to hear (and read). The ending of the story was that Jesus forgives us, even those who do bad deeds. In children’s church we painted canvas bags, always fun. These are “treat bags” that the children can put special sayings in to help them remember they are not alone. More on this next week.
Presenting Your Slate of Elders
Class of 2023
Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure
Class of 2024
Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission
John Denton, Building and Grounds
Class of 2025
Greg Burlison, Personnel
Jan Russell
John Sevier, Director of Music
Welcome Visitors!
Visits with Pastor Jane Herring must be by appointment.
Reach out to Pastor Jane on her church phone (call/text) 615-818-9727 or email at janemherring@gmail.com
Reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.
Email announcements for the Sunday bulletin to janemherring@gmail.com
Email Information or corrections for the weekly newsletter to frhanchey@gmail.com
Wednesday nights Prayer group 6 pm
Sundays after service: Maple Village delivery
Sunday Aug 27: vow renewal postponed
Wed Aug 23 – Sept 10: Collecting T-shirts
Sept 3: Communion Sunday
Sept 4 – Oct 2: Peace and Global Witness Collection
2nd Sunday, Sept 10: after service: Worship committee meeting
3rd Sunday, September 17: Mission/Fellowship meeting 9:30 am.
Monday, September 18 : Session meeting, 6:30 pm
November 12: Thanksgiving Dinner and Fellowship
Christian Education:
Inquirers of all ages: Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.
For more than a year we have included in this newsletter information about how Presbyterians “do” church. This is the final installment in this series.
For more detailed information and videos on the subject or to see previous week’s questions and answers, please see our website at: epcnashville.com/how-presbyterians-do-church or go to: theocademy.com The information on our website and the outtakes that will be included in the newsletter come from the Theocademy material created by the Mid-America Synod and provided by the Presbytery of Louisville, KY. If you have any questions about any of the outtakes or website material, please reach out to Pastor Herring or any member of the Session.
Week 58
Prayer – Jesus taught us not to get all wrapped up in“crafting the perfect prayer”; pray with your heart, not your head; KISS – keep it simple and straightforward; use your everyday language and references that are meaningful to your life.
Matt 6:7-13 (NSRV) – “When you are praying, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. Pray then in this way:
“Our Father in heaven, hallowed [sacred/blessed/holy] be your name. Your
kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day
our daily bread. And forgive us our debts [sins], as we also have forgiven our
debtors [those who have harmed us]. And do not bring us to the time of trial
[judgement] but rescue us from the evil one [satan].”
Q: What are the main six types of prayer?
a. Adoration – pray to express our love and praise to God for who God is.
b. Confession – pray to admit the fact that we have lived in a way that runs counter to God’s plan, both for our own lives and as part of the world at large.
c. Devotion - pray to affirm and celebrate God’s ownership of our lives.
d. Intercession - pray to ask God to step in and take control of a situation we (or others we know) are facing (this is to be done with the mind of Christ – i.e. you may ask for a specific/preferred outcome, but acknowledge that God’s will is preeminent; Christ asked for the cup to pass him by, but that God’s will be done).
e. Supplication - pray to ask God to provide us with what we need.
f. Thanksgiving - pray to praise God for what God has done, both in our own lives and in the world.
Children’s Education:
You never know what will happen during the children’s message. Sometimes they are eager to come sit up front, but ummm, sometimes they are not. We love your little girl, Mollie! The story being read was titled “A Hard Story”, which indeed it was. Workers were beaten, and killed, a story that was hard to hear (and read). The ending of the story was that Jesus forgives us, even those who do bad deeds. In children’s church we painted canvas bags, always fun. These are “treat bags” that the children can put special sayings in to help them remember they are not alone. More on this next week.
Class of 2023
Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure
Class of 2024
Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission
John Denton, Building and Grounds
Class of 2025
Greg Burlison, Personnel
Jan Russell
John Sevier, Director of Music
Christian Education:
Inquirers of all ages: Please reach out to Pastor Jane about what it means to be baptized, to be confirmed in the church (if you have already been baptized) or to join the church.
For more than a year we have included in this newsletter information about how Presbyterians “do” church. This is the final installment in this series.
For more detailed information and videos on the subject or to see previous week’s questions and answers, please see our website at: epcnashville.com/how-presbyterians-do-church or go to: theocademy.com The information on our website and the outtakes that will be included in the newsletter come from the Theocademy material created by the Mid-America Synod and provided by the Presbytery of Louisville, KY. If you have any questions about any of the outtakes or website material, please reach out to Pastor Herring or any member of the Session.
Week 58
Prayer – Jesus taught us not to get all wrapped up in“crafting the perfect prayer”; pray with your heart, not your head; KISS – keep it simple and straightforward; use your everyday language and references that are meaningful to your life.
Matt 6:7-13 (NSRV) – “When you are praying, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. Pray then in this way:
“Our Father in heaven, hallowed [sacred/blessed/holy] be your name. Your
kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day
our daily bread. And forgive us our debts [sins], as we also have forgiven our
debtors [those who have harmed us]. And do not bring us to the time of trial
[judgement] but rescue us from the evil one [satan].”
Q: What are the main six types of prayer?
a. Adoration – pray to express our love and praise to God for who God is.
b. Confession – pray to admit the fact that we have lived in a way that runs counter to God’s plan, both for our own lives and as part of the world at large.
c. Devotion - pray to affirm and celebrate God’s ownership of our lives.
d. Intercession - pray to ask God to step in and take control of a situation we (or others we know) are facing (this is to be done with the mind of Christ – i.e. you may ask for a specific/preferred outcome, but acknowledge that God’s will is preeminent; Christ asked for the cup to pass him by, but that God’s will be done).
e. Supplication - pray to ask God to provide us with what we need.
f. Thanksgiving - pray to praise God for what God has done, both in our own lives and in the world.
Children’s Education:
You never know what will happen during the children’s message. Sometimes they are eager to come sit up front, but ummm, sometimes they are not. We love your little girl, Mollie! The story being read was titled “A Hard Story”, which indeed it was. Workers were beaten, and killed, a story that was hard to hear (and read). The ending of the story was that Jesus forgives us, even those who do bad deeds. In children’s church we painted canvas bags, always fun. These are “treat bags” that the children can put special sayings in to help them remember they are not alone. More on this next week.
Presenting Your Slate of Elders
Class of 2023
Theresa Denton, Worship and Polity & Procedure
Class of 2024
Ginia Wood, Fellowship and Mission
John Denton, Building and Grounds
Class of 2025
Greg Burlison, Personnel
Jan Russell
John Sevier, Director of Music